Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 558 Shaking Like This

Chapter 558 Shaking Like This
Furthermore, is Yun Xian'er really blind?The girl standing next to Duguchen is worse than her Yun Xian'er, I don't know how much more beautiful, as long as Duguchen is not blind, he will not think that Yun Xian'er is beautiful , As expected, the big man stretched out his hand, there was a click, and his eyebrows didn't move, pity?Pull it down!

Mu Shiqi withdrew his coquettish and slightly angry eyes from Dugu Chen, and fell on the Guzhu Yun who was shaking like a sieve, and said calmly: "Speak well, Guzhu Yun, what do you mean? Shaking like this, is it cold?"

"No, it's not cold. I said, I said, it's the Shenmen sect. Everything is the plan of the Shenmen sect. We, Yaowanggu, are just attached to the Shenmen sect. We are forced to have no choice. In Chu The country provoked that Tang Shiqi of the Tang Sect, and he couldn't stay any longer, so he could only obey the orders of the Shenmen Sect. The Sect Master said that he wanted to use Fuyunsan to control these people in the Wulin. I recommended it, and he also gave me the Blood Demon Fruit, he gave me the blueprint of this mechanism, and he gave me the poison in the hall!"

Mu Shiqi snorted coldly, and said: "Is this what you want to recruit? I remember these things. I said it myself in this hall a few days ago! Why don't we talk about what is going on here? Poisoned, right?"

"Why? That poison..." Yunpeng swallowed, and his body trembled again.

Mu Shiqi lazily picked a high platform that he felt, looked at his legs, threw a dagger and glanced at him, and said, "You can think about how to make up this story, anyway, after three days, you will definitely be detoxified and wake up. Everyone will know what the truth is, won't they?" Yunpeng rolled his eyes a few times, and she could guess what he was thinking.

Hmph, does he really think she can't cure that poison?She won't detoxify now, it's just because of her hand injury.

Yunpeng's eyes shrank, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "Yes, it was Yun Xian'er who poisoned him, she tricked He Qi into poisoning him, she said that Master He knew too much about our Medicine King Valley Gu Xiangshan, the king of medicine, is persuading us every day. She has been annoying him for a long time, so she poisoned him. This is really not my fault. The medicine was also given by Shenmenzong. The poison is the same, and it is said that no one can cure it. According to the logic, it should be fatal, but I don’t know how it lasted so long.”

In fact, he and Yun Xian'er discussed and ordered the medicine together, but there is no evidence for this, since she is dead, it's no big deal to take the blame for him.

Even if He Qi woke up at that time, he hugged the little dwarf's body and said that he didn't know that it was enough for a poisonous woman like Yun Xian'er to come out of Yaowanggu, and then brought out the dead old valley owner to cry a few words .

Back then, Yaowanggu was able to escape the danger of being wiped out by the Tang Sect. It was thanks to him talking nicely from the sidelines. Now, the woman in front of him seemed to care about that little guy, maybe this move was not good for her. It's also useful.

He couldn't figure it out, the little dwarf looked at him in a daze, how could such big men be willing to listen to him.But he didn't know that this was the cause he had planted, and this meeting was just to repay the fruit.

It's like the poison on He Qi's body, he doesn't know why He Qi survived the poison, but Mu Shiqi knows the reason clearly, because she gave Uncle He Qi the detoxification pill, and Uncle He Qi must have found something wrong and swallowed the detoxification pill she gave , so I can continue to breathe.

If Mu Shiqi didn't know Yunpeng's character, he might be able to bypass him in this way, and it would be right to blame the dead Yun Xian'er for all his mistakes. Yunpeng had an innocent appearance.

But he was wrong because he didn't know that in Mu Shiqi's memory, the bad things he did with Yunpeng were definitely more exciting than Yun Xian'er.

Yun Xian'er even sacrificed her body for the position of the valley owner, but in the end it was Yun Peng who took the position, why?
Because she is not as good as Yunpeng, she is ruthless!
What Yun Xian'er didn't know was that the death of the old valley owner on her bed was planned by Yunpeng. The pretense of cleaning up, but in reality it was forcing her to support him to take the position of the owner of the valley.

He is a hungry wolf, but now he pretends to be an innocent lamb, hmph, it's really interesting, she wants to see, she makes those who he thinks are unnoticed When everything is revealed, what kind of expression does he have? Can he still put on such an innocent face?
With a light throw of the dagger, it stabbed fiercely at Yunpeng's finger, raised his delicate brow slightly, and said with a smile: "Really?"

"Thousands, true, ten thousand, ten thousand indeed." Yunpeng was startled by her dagger and said tremblingly.

"When Valley Master Yun said it was absolutely true, he trembled like this, which really made people misunderstand, and misunderstood that your lie was not sincere enough."

Yunpeng's face changed color, and he said in a hoarse voice: "It's true, I didn't lie to you."

Mu Shiqi said: "Can Master Yun speak the truth? I've seen you wear such a hypocritical face for a long time, and you won't be able to tell the truth for a while. It's absolutely true! Then Guzhu Yungu, the old bustard in those flower houses in Chu State, shouldn’t you forget? They are all your long-term partners.”

Standing up, he took a step forward: "The owners of the love medicine business in Yaowang Valley should not have forgotten, have they?"

He took another step: "You shouldn't have forgotten those girls in Houshan who were tortured to death by you, right?"

Facing Shang Yunpeng's hypocritical and distorted face, he continued with his lips raised: "You shouldn't forget those drug dealers who killed hundreds of people under your knife, right? You did all of these things yourself. , If you say you forgot, it would be unreasonable. I really feel sorry for those innocent souls who died under your hands."

She once talked to him about this matter, she said that he Yunpeng is better than that Gongsun's second child, and it would not be a pity to die a million times, but how dare he play monkey games in front of her and pretend to be innocent? !
After finishing speaking, the person also landed in front of Yunpeng, brushed the back of the chair lightly with his fingers, pulled out the dagger stuck in the back of the chair suddenly, swung the dagger into Yunpeng's wrist and picked it fiercely, then The action is called ruthless, but the face is indifferent and harmless.

"Do you remember?"


Mu Shiqi's eyelashes moved slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his clear eyes, aiming at Yunpeng's other wrist, he waved the dagger lightly again, and raised the knife with his hand and dropped it neatly.

"Don't remember yet?"

"I remember, I remember, yes, I did it, I deserve it, I am responsible, I deserve it!" Yunpeng was in so much pain that he had no choice but to beg for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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