Chapter 608
The last thing is that she smells the hidden weapon of the mechanism, a natural talent that can spot the secret passage of the mechanism at a glance.

This kind of escape mechanism and secret passage will definitely not be built at the front, but the farther back, the more concealed the better.

Her gaze fell on the black iron chair that the old monk had just locked in the hall, just like that chair, no one would put a black iron chair in the hall, and black iron is the most commonly used material in secret passages of organs. Because it is the easiest to cast and polish.

In addition, the shape of this chair is too special. Instead of the four legs of a normal chair, there are square iron pillars tightly surrounded by iron sheets. She knocked on the ears with her hand. It is hollow and has a complicated internal structure. Certain organ fasteners.

She pushed it with her hand, but it didn't move.It should weigh no less than a thousand catties. A chair, a dark iron chair in the hall, is so heavy and the interior is so complicated, isn't it too much to do?
It means that there is no 300 taels of silver here, unless there is some ulterior secret underneath.

The only thing in this hall that no one can know is probably the secret passage of the mechanism that can escape.

She couldn't push it, and it was impossible for anyone in the Chu family to push that heavy black iron chair.Human power can't do it, so it can only be controlled by institutions.

And the control point of the mechanism will never be far from the chair, which is exactly the opposite of the mechanism chair at the drug fighting meeting.After all, it is used for escape, who can place a mechanism control at the gate to control this chair?
So, after she concluded all this, the matter was much easier to handle.What terrifying tricks can the people of the Chu family come up with!

She took a closer look at the chair and found the mechanism behind the chair. The ball on the head of the unicorn made of black iron was alive.Press it lightly, and the mechanism under the chair turns, and soon a large bluestone slab behind the chair has a slanted entrance.

Mu Shiqi pursed his lips, looked at the entrance of the black hole, then met Dugu Chen's scrutinizing black eyes and smiled coquettishly: "Fool, let's go out."

Mu Shiqi first pulled the monk over, raised his hand and pushed him down, and then supported Dugu Chen and jumped off at a very fast speed.

After entering the dark secret passage, she reached out and touched Dugu Chen's arms. The coldness of her small hands caused Dugu Chen to let out a sigh of comfort, and called out in a low and deep magnetic voice. Voice: "Seventeen! Don't get angry."

"Who's getting angry? I just want to take out a torch to light up." Mu Shiqi was burned by his hot chest, and his fingers shrank slightly, wanting to shrink back.

But a certain big hand suddenly grabbed her little hand, preventing her from escaping. She struggled a few times but couldn't.

Mu Shiqi's bright eyes suddenly lifted up, and he looked at him full of surprise: "Duguchen, is your poison cured?" Otherwise, how could this man have such strength to trap her.

Duguchen frowned gently, and slightly lowered his head to look at the little girl in his arms, her little face was probably smoky by the fire, but it was red but still very beautiful.Sure enough, this girl, no matter how embarrassing she was, could seduce him, making him want to bend down and bite her to feel at ease.

Grabbing her little hand, she moved it to her mouth, and said, "With you as a genius doctor, I will be fine." He was just momentarily dazed by the poison, and his body was limp and unable to move. He had already started to force the poison in his body, halfway through the force, the girl rushed in like a little beast, he said that he was fine, but the girl insisted on stuffing her with the antidote pill.

She was really willing to give up such precious pills.

Such a clumsy poison, she actually used such a precious antidote pill for him.

Mu Shiqi pursed his lips happily and said, "You idiot, let me go quickly, you have to find the mechanism button to close the entrance, otherwise the fire will burn over immediately."

Dugu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he hummed in a low voice.

Raising his hand, he propped himself on the wall behind Mu Shiqi on the left, and leaned forward slightly. Mu Shiqi was forced to the corner by his big stride. The reason is that I can't see his expression clearly.Seeing that his handsome face was slowly suppressed, he nervously pushed his chest with his small hand: "Dugu Chen, stop making trouble, it's important to find an agency."

Duguchen smiled softly, and suddenly leaned into her ear and said, "I'm just looking for a mechanism, what do you think I want to do? Little thing, what are you thinking about!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Shiqi heard the sound of a mechanism vibrating in his ear, and then, in a daze, someone's long finger poked lightly on his forehead: "Little thing, you have been working hard in your head all day long!" What are you thinking about?"

After the mechanism was closed, Mu Shiqi's eyes were dark and she couldn't see anything. She subconsciously pulled Duguchen's arm, and she was wrapped in his arms, before she could go back to him to tease her As for the words, the lips were crushed up, and after sobbing.

Hearing a deep and pleasant voice beside his ear said: "Why are you so obsessive, you little thing, you just miss me like this, and you can't wait to throw yourself into my arms."

Mu Shiqi felt that his cheeks were getting hot from what he said, and said in a low voice awkwardly: "Let go of me, someone is falling into your arms." It was because she didn't get used to the darkness for a while, so she got used to it The one who was pulling the things around him violently was him who moved in front of her!

Dugu Chen didn't trap her in his arms like before and didn't let go, he really let her go out from his arms.

But Mu Shiqi's eyes were darkened, he couldn't see anything, he could only walk a few steps along the wall, but after a few steps, he fell into another embrace, and he knew who it was without asking.Only he has that breath.

"Dugu Chen, what are you doing!" Mu Shiqi said slightly angrily.

Duguchen pulled the corners of his mouth, and said solemnly: "Oh, why did I catch another little fox who threw himself into his arms, should I kiss it?" It was panting.

In the dark, Mu Shiqi had no defense at all until he approached, only to realize that it was too late, sobbing, he could only endure his stormy enthusiasm.At this moment, she could finally understand how Yu Xi was bullied by Tang Shiyi when she was fine, and there was no way to resist at all.

She was free, and hurriedly pushed her hands against his fiery chest.

"Seventeen, don't move, there seems to be a kind of poison on my body that hasn't been cured, this is very uncomfortable." Dugu Chen pressed his body on her body, blowing into her ear intentionally or unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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