Chapter 610
But now, he moved his arms lazily and said, "Let's go! It's time to settle this account with them."

The things on his back were not heavy, but his heart was extremely heavy, holding Wu Yuan in his hands was not tiring, but when he looked at the wound on Master Wu Yuan's body, his heart was extremely painful!
What Mu Shiqi guessed wrong was that he had never been to the secret room of the Chu family, but these things were all handwritten by Taoist Chu Shan when he was young. It was just a glance at the manuscript drawings.

No way, he has a good mind and can remember things he doesn't want to remember.

He quickly took Mu Shiqi to find the nearest exit.

When the two appeared outside the burning hall again, Leng Yu was racking his brains to make up nonsense.

His ability to make up nonsense is all practiced when he lied to his father before. He can lie without blinking, and his expression is sincere and kind.

"I know that you are looking for that god-man, but the reason why the god-man is called a god-man must be because of his unique temperament. Well, I have some fate with him. Let me go back, and I will go and meet him." He said, see if I can get you an antidote."

Chu Yun said: "What is the relationship between you and Namu Shiqi? You call her Master?"

Seeing that the girl's expression suddenly became vicious when she mentioned Master, she hurriedly explained: "What Master, you didn't see how bad she treated me. If it wasn't for my fate, I would have died there It's in the woods. Girl, think again, if I really have an unusual relationship with her, can she leave me as a powerless person to face you group?"

Looking at the series of men in black, Leng Yu counted his skills, well, he still said the same thing just now: You can kill one person if you put your life to the test.

At this moment, his master fell from the sky like a fairy, and landed in front of him, swiped and swiped a few times, and then the knives, swords, and those who were pointing at him fell to the ground.

"Master! Wow..."

"Hold it back! Don't embarrass me!" Mu Shiqi gave him a very disgusted look.

Leng Yu hummed and raised his chin and sucked his nose, and really forced the tears back.

But that mouth kept pouring bitter water on Mu Shiqi: "Master, if you don't come back, I will be stinked to death by this woman!"

After crying, he suddenly turned his face and was very excited: "Hey, master, how did you pop up? Can you still know the teleportation technique? Can you teach me?"

Mu Shiqi saw that he was fine, and he could still talk nonsense so annoyingly, his hanging heart finally fell down.

Leng Yu was curious about this matter, and so were Zong Zhengjin and Chu Yun.

Zong Zhengjin looked at Dugu Chen, his eyes trembled slightly, with deep hatred and an inexplicable and uncontrollable fear.

"You are not dead!"

Duguchen glanced coldly at Zongzheng Jin, and said, "Are you blind?" Can I stand in front of you if I'm dead?

"You..." Zong Zhengjin bit his lip and clenched his fists, but was speechless for a moment.

As for Dugu Chen, he didn't want to talk too much nonsense with him, so he pulled out the soft sword at his waist with a whistling sound, and a white light flashed towards Zong Zheng Jin.

The fight between these two is nothing to watch, because Zong Zhengjin's skill is no match for Mu Shiqi, let alone Dugu Chen who is at his peak.

Mu Shiqi made some calculations, within a hundred moves, Zong Zhengjin would definitely lose!But the fact is that she seems to have overestimated Zongzheng Jin's skill, or underestimated Dugu Chen's skill. Zong Zhengjin was stabbed in the chest by Dugu Chen after only fifty or sixty moves. Kicked to the ground.

Chu Yun's expression changed when she saw that, and her steps started to move. She would not confidently think that Dugu Chen would not turn around and kill her after killing Zong Zhengjin.

But she seemed to have forgotten that Mu Shiqi was still there, and he was quite close to her.

It only needs to move his figure to catch Chu Yun's escaping footsteps, and then he swipes the dagger against Chu Yun's slender and fair neck, drawing a deep bloody gash without hesitation: "Don't go! We haven't settled the matter yet."

It's also thanks to Leng Yu being able to get so close to him, saying that after such a long conversation, he was still able to stand upright, the smell, the first time he got close, even she couldn't help frowning, and she felt a little bit resentful towards Tang Shiyi With so many disgusting and exotic poisons, she would wish that her arms could be more than ten feet long, so that she could stay far away from her, Chu Yun.

Chu Yun swallowed her saliva, moistened her dry throat, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, what's not settled?"

Mu Shiqi sneered, this girl is really shameless, she has been stolen by others, and she can still pretend to be an innocent and pitiful little white flower.

Leng Yu would no longer believe in her good-looking and pure appearance, fearing that his master would be fooled by that smelly little white flower, he immediately shouted: "Master, don't listen to her, just She wanted to kill you, but just now when you rushed into the sea of ​​flames, she appeared, her expression was vicious and vicious."

Mu Shiqi sneered, looked at Chu Yun, and said, "Originally, I really planned to let you live longer, after all, I will be happier if I let you live in pain. But there are some poisonous snakes like you and Zongzhengjin, they really can't be kept, who knows what kind of evil winds and waves will be stirred up next time!"

Cut grass without eradicating its roots, but the spring breeze blows and grows again!
This time, she will cut them clean, not to mention the spring breeze blows and they will regenerate, even if they are watered with fairy dew, they will never be able to regenerate!
Rather than abusing her slowly to make fun of herself, she hopes to get rid of her troubles immediately. If she goes to a distant place to cure Dugu Chen of the blood poison, leaving her in the Chu family will be a disaster.Why don't we take advantage of this opportunity to tidy up together.

With a condensed brow, he said again: "It doesn't matter who the master behind your Chu family is! I will make your Chu family disappear from the land of Liguo immediately, completely! And you, Chu Yun, unless someone comes to take me away today! Mu Shiqi is killed, otherwise, it will be the end of me killing you, and no one can change it!" Hey, it's a pity that the poison she sprinkled on her not long ago was really wasted, she That meeting also gave a lot of pride.

Leng Yu felt that once his master's expression became serious, he would be unparalleled in domineering!Even he couldn't help being overwhelmed by her aura.

And Dugu Chen also quickly destroyed Zong Zhengjin's tendons and hamstrings. If this person became vicious, he would be more vicious than anyone else. Zong Zhengjin just broke Wuyuan's tendons and ankles However, he crushed the phalanges of his left arm and right foot after picking out his tendons and hamstrings.

(End of this chapter)

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