Chapter 656 All Dead
Xiao Qi didn't have the excited face at the beginning, instead he lowered his head for a moment of sentimentality, he was still immersed in the story Mu Shiqi told, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

When he got to Chenwang's mansion and got off the carriage, he still couldn't get out of the sadness. He caught up with Mu Shiqi in a few steps, and asked with great difficulty, "Where are those wolves? And those people?"

Just now, her story was only half told and she didn't continue. He really wanted to know who those people were?What about the family members of those eaten by wild wolves?What about the villains who send people to be eaten by wild wolves?What about those man-eating wolves?
Mu Shiqi glanced at him indifferently and said, "Of course all wolves are dead! As for people, good and evil will be rewarded!"

She didn't need to tell him in detail how horrible the bloody stumps and limbs were everywhere on Yelang Ridge, and she didn't need to tell him how Dugu Chen killed the dog official with a single sword.He just needs to know that he happens to be the cause and effect of that cause and effect.

In fact, she also knew that she was a bit extreme in her view of this matter, and Xiao Qi was actually quite innocent in this matter, maybe how many people cursed her in her heart.

But he was far away in Shengjing and didn't even know that such a thing existed. If she and Dugu Chen hadn't happened to meet this time, no one would have thought that there would be such a thing not far from Shengjing. Xiao Qi did such a cruel thing under the guise of liking.

So, maybe the fundamental problem is not Xiao Qi's preference, but the human nature of Li Guo, an official!
She and Dugu Chen had only gone through a few cities along the way, but they met two dog officials in a row.So how many of these officials in so many cities in Liguo are good officials who are dedicated to serving the people?
And these can only be changed slowly by Xiao Qi, the sage.

Not long after they returned to Prince Chen's Mansion, He Yu also brought back more than a dozen other herbs.

The people under Dugu Chen, what Mu Shiqi has always admired is the speed with which they handle things. Even He Yu, who is usually only talkative, will be extremely serious and fast if he is ordered to do things. of.Even brought back a bucket of spring water from the mountain.

But Mu Shiqi kicked the wooden barrel over in front of everyone: "Is this water coming from the mountain next to the Garden of Beasts behind the palace?"

He Yu replied blankly: "Yes! How do you know? There is the nearest mountain spring." To tell you the truth, because he was lazy, he went around to the mountain and fetched a bucket.

Mu Qining frowned: "This water is poisonous, it is the ghost of the night that causes all the animals in the garden of beasts to go mad. He Yu, go to the pharmacy to buy a large amount of medicinal materials for detoxification. I guess someone wants to make trouble in Shengjing and cause trouble. Trouble! Let someone lead someone to seal that mountain, and don't let people go to that mountain to fetch water again."

Duguchen comforted her suddenly vigilant little body with his big hands and said: "The back mountain also belongs to the imperial palace, no common people can come in and out at will, don't worry."

He Yu was a little confused, what beast garden?What night ghost flower?

Mu Shiqi gave him an order and ignored him, and went to Yaolu with bear bile and more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials that were it.But their prince flew out to fetch water himself.

He Yu could only ask Xiao Qi, who looked at him and ignored him, "Have all the animals in the beast garden gone crazy?"

Xiao Qi nodded slightly, the sadness brought by the story just now has not dissipated, and said with a painful face: "First they are all crazy, but now they are all dead, and there is only one white tiger that is still breathing. .It’s fine if they’re all dead! I shouldn’t have kept them!”

The black eyes hurt slightly, and he looked at He Yu and asked back: "He Yu, do you also think that what I, the sage, has done is quite a failure!"

He Yu thought to himself, it's too bad, why did he have to talk to the Holy Master about the beasts he raised as his own sons.

It's okay to be crazy, but this time he is dead. He hasn't forgotten what happened when his master killed the little emperor Gao, the beast policeman.The little emperor froze and played hunger strike games with them for three days.

He did the math, all of them died this time, and the little emperor would have to eat for a month.

He Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, hehehe smirked, and then bowed to Xiao Qi very respectfully: "Then what, I have to collect medicinal materials. Don't think too much about it!"

Don't laugh at him for being a deserter, he really doesn't have the ability to chat with this little saint about the life and death of his beasts.

Dugu Chen rode out, and soon came back with a bucket of clean mountain spring water.

And Mu Shiqi has already completed the grinding and pressing of all the medicinal materials. When the mountain spring water came, the medicinal materials were mixed into a paste according to the proportion, and the paste was put on a piece of clean white cloth, and sent to Yuxi. past.

Yuxi sat on Tang Shiyi's lap with her little hands nervously clutching, her beautiful little face also had a tense expression, her empty eyes looked at Tang Shiyi, her voice was delicate and trembling: "Brother Shiyi, I'm afraid !"

She was afraid that she would be happy in vain, and that he would also be happy with her in vain.

She also knows some medical skills, and feels that her medical skills are the best in the entire snow mountain. Of course, that was before she met Brother Eleven and the others.

She herself tried every means to treat her eyes.But later, she failed again and again, so that she could no longer summon up any courage.

She thought that her eyes would never be able to see the light again in this life, but this time, she got such ecstatic news, but after the joy, she calmed down. She has been disappointed too many times, and it has become a habit , even this time she didn't know how to face it.

Tang Shiyi hugged her back in his arms with distress, covered her small hands with his big hands, held her small face, lowered his head slightly, and pressed his forehead against hers, because they were too close. The breaths of the two were entangled together.

"Yuxi, don't be afraid, I'm always here, you don't have to be afraid if you hold my hand."

"I want me to be the first person you see when you open your eyes." After being gentle, there is Tang Shiyi's overbearing.

Yu Xi bit her lip, although she knew in her heart that maybe what awaited her this time was a failure, a failure that hurt to the bone.But she is willing to try this time for Eleventh Brother, she doesn't want Eleventh Brother to think that she is a coward who dare not even try.

Tang Shiyi is also a man, and he feels more and more that he is a real man. When he held Yuxi in his arms before, it was at most to make her happy. Touching her little face made her feel secretly refreshed. .

But in the past few days, when he was holding her, he always had an evil thought of throwing her on the bed and stripping her naked!Even when his eyes fell on her smooth and delicate neck, there would be a hot flame burning from his abdomen in his body, clamoring, always wanting to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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