Chapter 662
If Dugu Chen knew about the conversation between their senior and junior, he would look at Mu Shiqi with fiery eyes, and then leaned into her ear and said meaningfully: "I have indeed remembered those tricks in my heart. I don’t need to read it, but I need someone to practice with me.”

Dugu Bo looked serious, and said: "Then why don't the villains in the little uncle's cheat book wear clothes? Is that kung fu very good? Is it true that everyone who reads it will be very hot, and Brother Eleven will go after reading it." There's cold water at the well."

Mu Shiqi was really stunned by Dugu Po and the others asking why, and now he was particularly envious of Dugu Chen's ability to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

"I have a lot of green stones that I got on the road. Do you want to play with Xiaobo?" Mu Shiqi's hands were sweating, and he suddenly touched the green stone Dugu Chen dug for her from the wall in the blood demon cave at his waist. , grabbed the cloth bag and poured out those beautiful stones.

After all, Dugu Bo is a child, the green stones that Mu Shiqi took out, Mu Shiqi himself thought they were particularly beautiful, naturally attracted Dugu Bo's attention, and immediately forgot everything before, pouted. The ass is lying there playing with rocks.

Mu Shiqi slowly breathed a sigh of relief, she really broke into a cold sweat just now when asked by this little thing.

The little guy got out of the car with a small stone in his pocket, holding the biggest and most beautiful one in his hand.

He Yu's eyes fell on the green stone that he was playing with, which was the size of half a fist, and he opened his mouth wide, exclaiming, "Where did the stone in your hand come from, King Xiaoan?"

When did the Emperor Chen's mansion have such an extra piece of imperial green in the treasury, but he didn't know it?The key is that the key to the treasury has always been held in his hand.

Dugu Bo smiled triumphantly, patted the bulging waist and said, "My little aunt gave it to me to play with, and I still have a big bag here."

"A big bag? Such a green stone!" A big bag of imperial green emerald stones!He Yu was really frightened by his words, licking his lips and asking.

In order to prove that he really owned it, Dugu Bo handed the cloth bag around his waist to He Yu: "I can borrow it for you to see, um, I can also give you a small piece to play with, Uncle He, but I can only give you a piece." .” He was generous.

He Yu hastily took the heavy cloth bag, opened it, and it was amazing!The emerald stones are all imperial green. Although they are not big, their fineness is extremely rare. If you take out any piece of it, it is priceless!
He is very sure that there is no way that there is such a big bag of treasures in the treasury of Prince Chen's Mansion, and they are still carrying such a rough cloth bag, so this is what their master and princess accidentally got when they went out this trip!
He will never dislike their prince and concubine's way of not treating money as money anymore, because they are rich and self-willed!
"You should hurry up and put it away! I really dare not take this stone, Uncle Crane!" He really didn't have the face to hold it in his hand as it was a city.

As soon as Mu Qiqi saw He Yu's expression that opened his eyes when he saw money, he knew that those green stones were probably worth a lot, but she really didn't have a clear understanding of money.She didn't even have half a tael of silver in her whole body, because she didn't need to bring any silver, and Dugu Chen took good care of her.

Thinking of Dugu Chen, she raised the corners of her lips without even realizing it, with him supporting her, she didn't have to worry about these trivial matters of whether the money was enough or not.

The group of people went to the back hill of the Palace of Hundred Beasts in a mighty way, and He Yu took her to the place where she fetched water last time.

Mu Shiqi hugged Dugubo only as if he was here to visit the mountains and play in the water. The little guy has been bored in the palace for too long, even if he climbs a small mound of dirt that doesn't shit, he can still be happy for a long time. As happy as the little guy, he spent several days as an outsider cold guard in the palace.

Leng Yu has been suppressing his chattering nature in the Prince Chen's mansion, and now it will come out, he feels like the sky is flying high.Chasing behind Mu Shiqi, nagging all the way.

"Master, what are we going to investigate today?" He knew that the beasts in the Hundred Beasts Garden went mad because the mountain water flowed into the garden and caused poisoning.

But the poison has been found out, what's the point of them coming to the back mountain again?

Mu Shiqi glanced at him and said, "Do you think the poison came into the water because you grew your legs?"

Dugu Bo rushed to answer: "Someone put it in the water! Poison doesn't grow legs, it's not a pig or puppy!"

He Yu was particularly emotional at this moment because his mouth was a step slower this time, otherwise he would be the one who would be ridiculed by the big and small serially. In fact, he also wanted to know what they were looking for when they came to this mountain?It's just that before he had time to ask, Leng Yu turned his face sideways and sent him up to seek abuse.

Mu Shiqi patted the little guy's head, and a soft smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Hey, let's play with brother Leng Yu, and I will call you when I leave later."

On the other hand, he put on a very serious expression, and looked all the way along the creek. After a while, he bent his knees and squatted down, measured the footprints by the stream with his hands, and then straightened up and looked at the distant sky.

Leng Yu had just been despised by her, he was a little unconvinced, how could he care about taking care of his children, especially this little guy who had laughed at him.So she left the little guy behind and followed her footsteps to examine the past carefully.

"Let's go!" Leng Yu had just chased after him, when he heard his master say let's go, so he leaned over and said, "Master, should we go now? Did you find nothing, we are in vain Come this trip?"

Leng Yu doesn't believe it, such a long time has passed on such a big mountain, and there will still be traces of the poisonous person.

But Mu Shiqi pursed his lips, and a golden light flashed in his eyes: "The poisoner is a woman, who is half a head taller than me in terms of stature, and she came from the other side of the mountain."

Leng Yu's eyes widened, and He Yu's eyes also widened.

Before the two of them could speak, Mu Shiqi pointed to the footprints by the stream and said, "Women's feet are much smaller than men's. In many cases, you can actually infer a person's height by the size of their shoes. For example, Xiong Moo's feet are naturally bigger than yours, this is a reason. Of course, this is not absolute!"

He raised the piece of oiled paper he picked up in the grass in his hand, and said: "This oiled paper has a strong smell of poisonous powder, and it is also mixed with the smell of powder that women like. Of course, this is not absolute. Because some men might like it too."

(End of this chapter)

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