Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 724 Is a real man

Chapter 724 Is a real man
It only took Dugu Chen less than half an hour to complete the set of movements of collecting firewood, lighting the fire and roasting the chicken.This person is born with a kind of nobility, even these menial workers can feel like they are discussing state affairs.

The white hair was tied behind her back casually, a few strands of hair floated down disobediently, her nose was high, and when she looked back at her with a faint smile on her thin lips, Mu Shiqi was confused like a deer Luan Zhuang, his eyes were really too hot, as if with affection, she was a little embarrassed to see it.

After Duguchen finished roasting the hazel chicken, he still tore off a thigh, held it in his hand, and then tore off small pieces little by little, the meat was not too big or too small for her small mouth and put it in into her mouth.

It was obviously a rude act of tearing the chicken leg, but he did it very well, pulling the meat with his slender fingers, making people think that this hazel chicken would have no regrets if he could tear the thigh meat in this life.

Mu Shiqi had another full meal, and she didn't even want to look at the cold steamed buns she brought up the mountain in her bag.After drinking and eating, he squinted his small eyes again, looking like a satisfied little beast.

Dugu Chen just loves her so much. She squints her eyes and puffs her cheeks. I don't know how this girl manages to do it. She is ruthless and brave in normal times. She is stronger than a man in a fight. It's scary, but now this little face is soft and innocent like a little beast, making people wish they could immediately hug her and kiss her.

Mu Qiqi was familiar with his dangerous eyes, and his little butt sitting on the boulder moved back, trying to escape from the other side.

But her skill was not as fast as Dugu Chen's in its heyday, not to mention that she was more or less crippled by freezing.He couldn't even jump off the stone, so he fell into the arms of a certain big wild wolf.

Since you can't escape, you can only admit it, and kiss as you want!Anyway, she recognized it, the cannibal's mouth is short, she was kissed by the cannibal's mouth!

There is no danger at all along the way. For Mu Shiqi, the biggest danger right now is Dugu Chen!
Hugging and teasing her without paying attention, fortunately, those people in Chu Lv walked as slowly as tortoises, otherwise judging from the fact that she was kissed and hugged by Dugu Chen all the way here, she would have lost her face a long time ago Empty.

To Dugu Chen, it was a surprise for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and he would always be a little worried about gains and losses, so what should he do to calm his heart down?He felt that the best way was to get close to her, breathe the most familiar breath from her body, and hug her tender body, so that his heart could slowly calm down.

The two of them were not in a hurry, and finally returned to the Snow Mountain School slowly.

After opening the door, the boy Leng Yu was the first to come out to greet them, and then he called everyone over with a loud voice.

The little guy's short legs ran very fast, and flew towards her like a small flying stone, hugging her thigh and crying loudly.

Mu Shiqi was a little stunned, he stroked his little head and coaxed him: "What's wrong? Could it be that Tang Shiyi was taken away by someone again?" If he was really taken away, she would Don't be in a hurry to save him!Let him suffer more and have a longer memory.

"Who caught me, my lord! Who dares to catch me, my lord!" Tang Shiyi came out with Xiao Yuxi in his arms. He was very careful, for fear that if Yuxi was careless, a small stone would put him on his feet.

Mu Shiqi looked at Yuxi's delicate appearance that Tang Shiyi had to support when he walked, twisted his lips and said, "Could it be that something happened to Yuxi?"

Tang Shiyi grinned stupidly in an instant and said, "Come and congratulate me, young master, let's congratulate me, young master, I'm going to be a father!" His expression was arrogant, as if anyone who saw this matter should say it Congratulations.

Mu Shiqi was startled at first, and then smiled with a smile on his lips: "Yuxi is pregnant, that's really great."

But she didn't understand, Yuxi was pregnant, why did the little guy cry so miserably?
I don't know if it's because of her pregnancy, but Yuxi's small face has a soft halo when she smiles, which is a little more beautiful, and her voice is still delicate and soft: "It's not like they are adults, They have nothing to do all day and they just know how to tease Xiao Bo. They lied to him and said that if I have a baby in my arms, he will not be the youngest, and everyone will stop loving him, and they will like smaller babies, so he took it seriously. "

This matter was initiated by Tang Shiyi first, and then with the cooperation of He Yu and Leng Yu, the three of them said it so categorically, the little guy naturally took it seriously, and was depressed for a long time.

Now that Mu Shiqi came back, he found support.

She asked immaturely, "Auntie still likes Xiaobo the most, right?"

Before Mu Shiqi had time to coax him, Tang Shiyi, who didn't think there was too much to do, said in a strange way: "When she has a child, you can stand on the side."

When Tang Xiyi mentioned this matter, he felt that he had completely defeated Dugu Chen, and he showed off in a particularly stinky way: "From now on, my son will be your child's brother. Think about it! So what, when are you going to give my son?" Give birth to a younger brother for fun?"

As soon as the matter of giving birth to a baby was mentioned, Mu Shiqi's smile was slightly bitter, and he glanced at Dugu Chen with a trace of pain in his eyes.

Duguchen immediately accepted her trembling gaze, hugged her tightly in his arms, and glared at Tang Shishi: "Take care of yourself."

He lifted up the little guy on Mu Shiqi's lap: "You also stand up for me and stop your tears, or I will throw you to this mountain to feed the wild wolves."

The little guy was so scared that he stopped crying, but that little hand was still pawing on Mu Shiqi's leg.

Duguchen didn't bother to beat him up anymore, so he let him pull Mu Shiqi's skirt, and followed behind with his short legs waving.

Tang Shiyi was also stopped by his shout and He Yu's look in his eyes, and when Dugu Chen and Mu Shiqi had gone far away, He Yu whispered: "Don't do this in front of the Lord and the others again. mentioned."

Tang Shiyi was a little puzzled, grabbed He Yu's arm and said, "Why can't you say it? I'm surprised, Yuxi and I got married so long after them, and now we're pregnant, but Why didn't they move at all, is it because I am braver than him, Dugu Chen? Or is it because Dugu Chen is really inhumane?"

He swears to God, he never meant to make fun of him.He is a kind of concern for them as the father who has already got the baby first.

He Yu's face darkened in an instant: "Our master is a real man. If he can't say no, it's Mu Shiqi. Her body is as weak as a kitten. The root cause of her previous illness has been taking medicine to take care of her. , it’s still uncertain whether you’re pregnant or not, anyway, don’t mention this matter again, so as not to make the Lord and the others unhappy.”

(End of this chapter)

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