Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 763 Don't Kill Me

Chapter 763 Don't Kill Me

The worm squirmed with its limp body, like a pile of snot, its whole body was wet and translucent, in short, the same sentence made him feel sick all over.

Mu Shiqi stood beside him and licked his lips, but felt that the red worm was cute and round.

But she also knew clearly that Bai Ying would never raise non-toxic, harmless and useless insects.

Her mother told her that the more beautiful the bug, the more poisonous it is!
It was only when the worm fully exposed its body and crawled out of the bamboo tube that Mu Shiqi recognized it. There was no way, as he saw countless people, but she saw countless worms.

"It's a blood-colored slug. This ghost likes to suck blood. Once it touches a living thing, it will burrow into its body desperately. Its wet mucus is even more poisonous."

Turning to Tang Shishi, who was basking in the sun with his legs up in the carriage, he said, "Tang Shishi, take good care of Yuxi and the little guy."

Mu Shiqi turned his head and looked at the direction of Bai Ying's bamboo tube, cursed secretly, damn it!
"Hurry up and take them out of the carriage, be careful not to startle and hurt people!"

Why is she suddenly in such a hurry?Because the white lingering bamboo tube was like a bottomless pit, one after another climbed up, and there were more than ten blood-colored slugs crawling out one after another.

Sure enough, she is the saint of Miaojiang, and there is no shortage of these rare poisons at all. Mu Shiqi thought, you arrested a nest of people, do you want this bloody slug to kill off its children and grandchildren?

Ordinary slugs move extremely slowly, but this blood-colored slug is a different kind, with an abnormally fast movement speed.The body arched and arched, thinking of Mu Shiqi and the others rushing over.

Duguchen held the sword, stood silently without speaking, he didn't want to speak at all at the moment, he just wanted to kill, kill that Bai Ying.

Soon, Tang Shishi rushed out from the carriage with Yuxi in his arms, while the little guy was lying in Heyu's arms while kicking his calves while looking at Namu Shiqi and the others, and yelled sweetly. Said: "Little aunt."

Mu Shiqi's heart softened, it was very heartwarming.But she didn't have time to respond to him at all.

Turning around and looking at them who were still confused and clueless, they said: "Listen to me, don't let these bugs touch you, those who have a fire bag take out a fire bag, and those who don't have a fire bag go find salt .”

"Salt? What salt?"

"Salt sprinkled on the meat!" Mu Shiqi said coldly.

Tang Shiyi smiled brightly: "Wait, Shiqi, you are both fire and salt, are you trying to roast this bug?"

He Yu didn't think the girl was joking, so regardless of Tang Shiyi's crazy laugh, he responded very seriously.

He directed Leng Yu, who was the only one who was standing empty-handed, to fetch salt from the carriage.

Leng Yu pouted in the carriage for a long time, and suddenly felt that the carriage was shaking violently. Before his body could stand still, he fell hard again.

Mu Shiqi breathed a sigh of relief, left Dugu Chen aside, flew into the carriage, pulled that idiot Leng Yu out, threw it on the ground, and snatched the salt jar from him.

Along the way, they spend a lot of time resting in the wild in the forest, and they can only eat some wild game, but Dugu Chen and the little guy are not the masters of the mouth, so these salt and honey The condiments are all prepared in their carriage.

Mu Shiqi grabbed the salt jar and flew to look for Dugu Chen. Seeing the scene of King Chen also dressed in white and wielding a sword to chop insects, he found it particularly funny.The handsome eyebrows were slightly twisted, with deep disgust and disgust.

Still muttering in his mouth: "Disgusting!"

Mu Shiqi called the seal of the salt jar, grabbed a handful of salt, and sprinkled it towards the blood slug closest to Duguchen. Not to mention, the blood slug did not hide, and instantly turned into a A puddle of sticky blood, dead!

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the girl sprinkled with salt, and had to marvel at the wonder of this girl.

Even Bai Ying's expression turned ugly. She released more than a dozen precious blood slugs, but only one broken horse was scared in the end!The rest were either stabbed to death by Dugu Chen with a sword, or turned into blood by Mu Shiqi with salt.

But Tang Shiyi's unhappy anger was aroused by her, and he said angrily: "Are you sick, woman! If you don't make me feel better, I won't make you feel better either."

What Tang Shiyi cared about was not how poisonous the poisonous insect was, but how scared Yu Xi's frowning little face was in his arms.

"Yuxi, good boy, it's okay, if you're afraid, don't watch it."

Yuxi was also suddenly pulled out of the carriage, and then there was the sound of the horse and the wriggling red bug, so she had a frightened expression on her face, and now she was nestled in Tang Shiyi's arms, Then leaning on his chest, she felt completely at ease.

"I'm fine." She raised her face and gave Tang Shiyi a soft smile.

Contrary to the two of them, here Mu Qiqi asked Dugu Chen: "Are you okay?" Look at his complexion is not very good!
Dugu Chen pursed his thin lips tightly, shook his head, stared at the red slime on the soft sword in his hand, and frowned again: "Dirty!"

It is estimated that only Mu Shiqi can understand what kind of awkwardness he is doing. He pulled his lips and looked at him and shrugged helplessly. He thought to himself, how many things did you stab to death with this sword? Why would you dislike it? Vigorous!
When Bai Ying saw that none of the bloody slugs he had let go left and never returned, his face was not very happy.The Gu poison in the nails is ready to go out again.

What Mu Shiqi once said to Bai Miao and the others will also be given to Bai Ying: "Your poison and your Gu are of no use to me. If I were you, I would never waste my efforts and take back your nails." Gary's poison, do you think that with your skill, that poison can touch me?"

It's not that she looked down on her, she felt Bai Ying's skill clearly in the hall that day, relying solely on the support of the poisonous voodoo witch, fighting alone, within a hundred moves, she will die!
There was a cold light in Bai Ying's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who the hell are you?" Knowing that Mei Die can wipe out all the blood slugs in an instant, she is definitely not a simple daughter of a family, and there is absolutely no such thing as her among the daughters of a family. No. people.

Mu Shiqi glanced at her, and paraphrased the words Tang Shiyi gave her: "Fuck your ass!"

Dugu Chen suddenly raised his cold sword again, aiming at Bai Ying and charged towards him, Bai Ying was startled by his ferocious moves, and retreated steadily.

The red gauze skirt fluttered with the wind, the pretty little face was full of horror, and the white meat dangled in balls!

"Dugu, don't kill me!"

Being forced to a dead end, she had long since abandoned the arrogance and reservedness of the saintess, beautiful tears rolled down, begging Dugu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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