Chapter 8
Mu Shitian looked at the little girl's dim eyes, put his big hand on her back, and patted her lightly.

"I, Mu Shitian's granddaughter, who dares to dislike you! Don't worry, grandfather will make the decision for you! I will help you find a good husband!"

In the words, it reveals the boldness and majesty of the general.

Mu Shiqi smiled shyly. In his previous life, he only wanted to be the head of the Tang Sect.

She didn't think about Ruyi Langjun at all, even she couldn't imagine it herself.

One day, she will marry and have children, and be with a man for life.

This will be mentioned by Mu Shitian.

Only then did she understand what the unwillingness and loneliness felt when she was forced to die by the 36 disciples.

She lived so lonely before that she was still alone until she died.

If possible, she would like to be like an ordinary woman and meet a man who is willing to treat her well.

I wish to win the heart of one person, and the white head will never be separated!

If it is not a couple for a lifetime, she would rather be alone for the rest of her life.

The grandparents and grandchildren had heart-to-heart talks at night, and they didn't rest until Mu Shitian looked tired.

In the middle of the night, I was woken up by a nagging sound.

Mu Shiqi listened intently, as if he heard a servant shout, "Patriarch!"

The head of the Mu family can only be the second uncle, Mu Qin.

It's just that in the middle of the night, there was such a big commotion, so I think highly of her, Mu Shiqi.

He got up, put on his coat, and went out of the house.

Outside the house, the moon was bright and bright, and a middle-aged man was striding towards her house.

Mu Shiqi laughed lightly, and went up to meet him, "Second Uncle is really in a good mood, and he even went to the other courtyard to enjoy the flowers in the middle of the night!"

Mu Qin fixed his eyes on the little girl who was much shorter than him in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"I really didn't expect that you girl still has this ability! You can sneak out of Mu's house without my eyeliner!"

Mu Shiqi rested his fingers on his lips, "Shh, don't wake up grandfather!"

"Press me with him! You're still a little tender!"

Mu Qin rushed over as soon as he heard the report from his subordinates, he was afraid that the girl would talk nonsense in front of the old man.

Once the old man got angry, his position as the head of the Mu family became uneasy.

Don't look at his current prosperity, in fact, the old man still has a hand in his hand.

The token that symbolizes the Patriarch of the Mu family is still in the hands of the old man.

What do you think, he followed the old man's wishes these past few years and enshrined him like a Buddha?
It is nothing more than for the token "Mu's Heavenly Heart Judgment" that symbolizes the position of the head of the Mu family.

I heard that "Mu's Tianxinjue" is a rare method of inner strength in martial arts.

The reason why the Patriarchs of the past dynasties have achieved great success in military power is because they practiced this mental method.

But since Mu Yin's death, this book has been hidden by the old man.

He searched every place in Mu's mansion, but he couldn't find this "Mu's Tianxin Jue".

Now that he has spent so much time trying to make the old man happy, seeing the old man is about to let go.

This damned Mu Shiqi suddenly appeared, ruining his good deeds!

Can he be in a hurry?

"Hmph, Mao is such a good-looking girl, she wants to fight with me! Do you really think I dare not touch you?"

Mu Qin got angry and grabbed Mu Shiqi's slender neck with his big hands.

As long as less than [-]% of the internal force is used, she will definitely die on the spot.

Ke Mu Shi Qi firstly does not beg for mercy, and secondly does not accept softness.

A soft cough escaped from her petite lips, "Ahem, Second Uncle is so angry!

You also said that I am overestimated, how can I fight with you!I just missed my grandfather, so I came to see it.

Uncle Er is making a big deal out of a molehill. "

Mu Qin didn't have much contact with Mu Shiqi, but he had seen through this girl's timid and cowardly temperament since she was a child.

Now this look is clearly smiling.

"What kind of tricks are you playing!"

trick!She doesn't like to play tricks, if you want to come, you will never stand up again!

"Second Uncle, you only need to exert some force, and I will die!

It's just that my grandfather won't be able to see me when he wakes up tomorrow, so if you ask me, it's not easy for you to explain.

If you continue to investigate this, you will be the one to suffer. "

Mu Qin pushed down a little more with his fingers, which made her face flushed, but she didn't show any weakness in her eyes.

"You know, I can kill you anytime!

I will save your cheap life today, if you dare to talk nonsense in front of the old man!

I will cut off your tongue first, and then kill you! "

ruthless!Sure enough, they are father and daughter with Namuyao, and their mouths are also unforgiving.

Fortunately, he still has some scruples.

Otherwise, with his ruthlessness just now, it is really possible for her to confess her little life.

Mu Qin came and left quickly.

Only the row of heavy fingerprints on Mu Shiqi's neck remained.

Mu Shiqi rubbed his neck, Mu Qin's threatening words still echoed in his ears.

Mu Qin also guessed that Mu Shiqi did not complain in front of Mu Shitian.

Otherwise, with the old man's temper, there will be no movement.

I guess he was thinking too much.

Maybe this girl really missed the old stuff, so she sneaked here behind his back.

Mu Shiqi lay on the bed, wrapped in brocade quilt, thinking seriously.

There was such a big commotion just now, but Mu Shitian was not awakened.

This is not normal, how could Mu Qin be so careless.

Perhaps someone had already given Mu Shitian a sleeping pill.

Otherwise, with Mu Shitian's strength in martial arts, even if he was old, he wouldn't be so sleepy.

It seems that I still underestimated Mu Qin's ability.

When I woke up the next day, the fingerprints on my neck hadn't faded.

If the old man asked, how would she answer?
The old man is old, but he is not confused. Someone touched him before his eyes.

How could he act like nothing happened.

Thinking about the first fight with Mu Qin yesterday, Mu Shiqi didn't think it would be wise to start a war between him and the old man.

This will not only fail to bring down the wolf Mu Qin, but also implicate Mu Shitian.

Touching the bruise on his neck, he scratched a few times with his own hands.

I can only evade it, saying that I was bitten by a mosquito after falling asleep last night and scratched myself.

Looking at the bronze mirror again, there was nothing wrong before getting up and going out.

The old man looked in a good mood, and he saw something gesticulating in the yard from a distance.

Mu Shiqi watched carefully, remembering every move in his heart.

No way, she has no other hobbies.

I'm only interested in things like martial arts, medicine and poison.

Mu Shitian's forehead was covered with sweat after playing with a set of sword skills.

Mu Shiqi clapped his hands applaudingly, "Grandfather's skill is still so good, Shiqi can be regarded as an eye-opener."

She said this very seriously, and the old man listened to it very well.

"Little girl also wants to learn?"

"Seventeen's comprehension is low, but I think this trick is very interesting. If I can learn a few tricks, I will be happy."

Her current body is not suitable for cultivating internal strength, but she can play tricks and moves.

The old man was interested, so he took her as a guide.

The grandparents and grandchildren were gesticulating in the yard, but they forgot the time.

Mu Shiqi didn't intend to mention the matter of borrowing a horse when he came here.

Only then did I know it from Mu Shitian's mouth.

It turned out that what I saw that day was the man in white who had been planted with Gu poison.

It was Zong Zhengyu's eldest brother, Zongzheng Jin, the eldest son of the Zongzheng family.

 Dear friends, Sanzhi is really hard at coding, if you like it, give it a try, let's use your little hands!
(End of this chapter)

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