Chapter 809 My Fate
"The injury on Shiqi's foot!" Duguchen threw himself on Mu Shiqi at this moment, his eyes were all on her, but his Shiqi was wrapped in a quilt and shrank behind Tang Shishi, Don't even want to look at him again.

Tang Shiyi really wanted to know the ins and outs of the matter, what was the reason why Dugu Chen wanted to kill his own flesh and blood?
No one can experience the joy of being a father better than him. If he doesn't believe it, Dugu Chen will be able to do this!But he'd better take a look at the injury on Shi Qi's foot first, otherwise the girl wouldn't die of pain, and Dugu Chen, who was standing watching, would also be heartbroken to death.

He Yu is best at dealing with these kinds of injuries, so he turned sideways to make room for He Yu, but when Mu Shiqi saw He Yu, he shrank back into the bed and said, "He prescribed the medicine, I don't want it." He showed me that they belonged together."

He Yu was so frightened that he was sweating on his forehead at the moment, he didn't expect how things would turn out like this?

Is he stupid!Why didn't I expect this girl's medical skills to be so good that she wouldn't be able to smell the difference between the miscarriage medicine and the blood-tonifying medicine?It's better now, the matter didn't get done, and it also brought down the reputation of their father as a villain who killed his son himself.

I couldn't help it anymore, and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, sir, if he could, he would never be willing to do it. It's not because you are too weak. If you keep the child, you will be killed by the end of the day." If there is any accident when you are giving birth, let alone the situation of leaving the big and the small, if the situation is more dangerous, your life may not be saved, and the Lord does not want you to have the slightest accident. made this decision!"

Mu Shiqijing calmed down and thought about it, and she could actually understand the reason behind it. For example, Duguchen could kill anyone because of him, and she already had a deep understanding of it.

She just couldn't accept that he personally brought her the abortion medicine for a while, and wanted to get rid of the child behind her back.

She listened to what He Yu said, but she still couldn't accept his decision to give up the child so easily.

Shaking her head in pain, she said, "I don't want to hear it! You all go out!" She is also a doctor, so she naturally knows that giving birth is like going through hell, and too many women have died in this matter superior.

She put her fingers on her abdomen and felt it gently, but she really couldn't do it. She drank the bowl of soup and medicine to prevent him from coming to this world.

After Tang Shiyi figured out the reason, he could only sigh slightly, cursing the injustice of God.Why did Dugu Chen and Shi Qi go through so much pain and suffering!This Dugu Chen's blood demon poison had just been detoxified for a while, and the cold poison appeared on Shi Qi's body again.

Finally got pregnant with a baby!I can't keep it!Why is this world so difficult?
He always thought that Shi Qi had escaped from that ghostly place of Tangmen, and that she would be as happy as she could be if she had a god like Duguchen pampering her, but now, this girl has long since cried to the blissful happiness. I shed a tear.

He felt sorry for her, what a strong, brave and fearless girl she was!But now it has become like a miserable little white flower.

"Seventeen, let me show you the wound, I'll come, I won't hurt you, right?" He winked at Duguchen and He Yu, motioning them to stop talking and let him take her wound Let's deal with it.

At this moment, Mu Shiqi really could only accept that Tang Shiyi would help him look at the wound, nodded, and stretched out his feet from the brocade quilt, revealing that the soles of the feet were covered with blood and dirty mud .

Tang Shiyi looked at Dugu Chen who was standing stupidly beside him and said, "Go and get some wine, her wound needs to be cleaned."

When Dugu Chen saw her wound, his heart shrank suddenly, he clenched his big hands tightly, thinking about what he did to her just now!Pulled out of his depressed thoughts by Tang Shiyi's words, he quickly flew out to fetch a jar of spirits and came back.

Tang Shiyi quickly poured some spirits on Mu Shiqi's little feet to clean her wound. Perhaps the spirit hurt too much when it touched the wound, and Mu Shiqi couldn't help frowning. Xu's subtle movements made Duguchen unable to help comforting her.

As soon as the big hand touched her arm, he felt her deep resistance, and the small body kept hiding aside, with tears in his eyes, shaking his head to look at him, his voice was not as hoarse as before, It was the hoarseness and resistance after being hurt: "Duguchen, let go."

A few simple and flat words could send him into the underworld in an instant, forcing him to let go of his hand immediately.Heart filled with bitterness and pain.

Scratching his hair impatiently, he realized that he was wrong!It was completely wrong. He shouldn't have destroyed the child regardless of her wishes.

But he was also forced to do nothing, all he knew was that he couldn't lose her, whether he was selfish or shameless, he really couldn't lose her!
Seventeen, my life!
Tang Shi's wound treatment techniques were all learned from the time when he was begging for life on the edge of a knife. He couldn't grasp the strength of his hands, so he poured a jar of wine on Mu Shiqi's wound carelessly, and cleaned it up. But it also made Mu Shiqi tremble with pain.

But she knew that at this moment she couldn't act like a baby to Dugu Chen to find comfort as usual, so she could only grit her teeth and endure the pain, hoping that Tang Shiyi would finish the matter cleanly.

After another rough process of applying medicine and bandaging, she was able to retract her feet.

Facing Dugu Chen's eyes full of pain and suffering, she didn't know what to say for a while, but she still said the same sentence: "You all go out, I want to be alone for a while."

During Xu Shi's treatment of the wound, her heart slowly calmed down. Although she didn't think about it too much, she also knew that Dugu Chen's heart should be in more pain than hers right now, so her voice There is no more sorrow and madness in the book, but only bitterness and helplessness.

She knew that everything was just because he loved her so much, and wanted to sacrifice the child to fulfill her, but she really couldn't do it, hugged him and said, Duguchen, I don't blame you.

She still hasn't figured out what to do with this matter?What should her child do?What should she do?
She really wanted to be alone and think about it, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, or half a month later, she thought she would always get the answer and make a choice.

But now, she is really messed up, she can't give him an answer, she can't be as decisive as he is!She couldn't bear it either.

(End of this chapter)

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