Rebirth of the first crazy concubine

Chapter 833 Whose Little Pig

Chapter 833 Whose Little Pig
Dugu Chen blew the chicken soup cold in mouthfuls before feeding it to her spoonfuls. Mu Shiqi drank a small bowl of warm chicken soup, the smile on his little face was wide open, and there was still a smudge on his little mouth. Crumbs of jujube cake.

When they were full, they nestled in his arms and looked at the sky, which was a short rest for them.

The deep sky is like black silk, with stars embedded in the black silk, and the moon is as round as a big disc dropped by someone.The scenery along the way is also extremely beautiful, but they don't have the leisure to stop and take a look at the beautiful scenery.

It's okay for Mu Shiqi to have a good sleep in Dugu Chen's arms, but Dugu Chen needs to keep a clear mind from the beginning to the end.Because he couldn't let her make a mistake.

Even though he has five senses that are different from ordinary people, he still has to be extra careful at all times to ensure that she is safe and sound.

Mu Shiqi knew that he never regarded his own body as his body, and she never felt tired and needed to take a break before, but since she had a baby, she felt that human energy is so limited. If you don't sleep well for a day, you will feel dizzy. It turns out that she has been holding on all the time.

And now Dugu Chen has been struggling all the way, and she doesn't know how many **** he has. He didn't sleep well every night, and during the day, his whole body and heart were nervous about her, as if he only needed to move a little. If you don't pay attention, she will suffer some harm.

His eyes fell on his slightly tired handsome face, his heart trembled, and his small hands immediately touched his face, covering his brows and eyes, and said softly: "Dugu Chen, close your eyes and rest for a while. , I have everything!"

She used to think about marrying him to solve his problems, but she didn't think about it for a long time. Not only his joy and anger came from her, but also his worries and difficulties were all because of her.

The big hand held her small hand and pulled it down, tenderness flashed in the black eyes: "I'm not tired, do you want to sleep for a while when you're full?"

Mu Shiqi pursed his lips and said with a coquettish smile, "The one who sleeps after eating is a pig! Tell me, do you want to raise me like a pig?"

Duguchen said with a smile: "Have you ever seen a little pig eating like a bird." With a slight sigh, he said: "Seventeen, when will you gain weight?" Everyone in the world says that women are pregnant It will become rounder, but why can't his family's Seventeen not get fat?

Mu Shiqi was really much better than when he just came back from the ice city. She was not as exaggerated as he said. She was slender at most, but her stomach was clearly bulging, and she held him with her little hand. Putting his big hand on his stomach, he smiled sweetly and said, "Whoever said you haven't gained weight, you've gained weight here."

Dugu Chen shook his head slightly, and stared at her tenderly, as if he couldn't get enough of her.

As if thinking of something again, her sexy thin lips curled up, leaned over, and leaned into her ear and said, "There is another place that is a bit fatter, let me touch it to see if it has gained weight again in the past few days."

Mu Shiqi called his name in a low voice, sat up in his arms, and gave him a sideways look with her charming eyebrows: "No one is serious!"

Fortunately, Duguchen just leaned close to her ear to talk, and only she could hear the low voice, otherwise, if those Taoist people knew that their cold-faced sect master was so unscrupulous, they would definitely think it was I have hallucinated myself.

The crowd had enough to eat and drink, and they continued on their way under the moonlight. No one in this group had the experience of not sleeping for days and nights, and driving in the dark was naturally not a big deal.

They were all riding horses, and they didn't do anything hard except to kill a chicken for their wife. Therefore, even though it was night, everyone in the Taoist sect was full of energy. Yiyi's.

After rushing through two villages in a row, the big guy was in high spirits. The wife of the sect master swept across the two villages in Miaojiang, and they felt that the whole Xuanmen was shining brightly in Miaojiang.

He rode his horse and galloped in the woods, humming a song when he got excited, as if the mysterious Miao Jiang didn't look so scary now.

A group of people relaxed their vigilance a little, and rode their horses towards the depths of the forest. Mu Shiqi was nestled in Duguchen's arms drowsily, with thick black and long eyelashes drooping slightly, and a smile on his small face. Sweeping sleepiness.

Dugu Chen pulled his lips, he didn't know who it was just now, he said that it belonged to the little pig after eating and sleeping, but now this little pig is just dozing off again?
Mu Shiqi's problem of eating too much and getting sleepy is also caused by his single-handed pampering. Whoever is fed to his full will nestle in his warm and peaceful embrace, and his big hands are stroking your back with just the right amount of strength. , anyone will want to sleep.

But Mu Shiqi's sleepiness didn't last long, when he heard a loud scream in the woods mixed with shouts and the roar of horses.

The whole person bounced up from Dugu Chen's arms, and instantly woke up.After all, she hasn't lived a stable life for so many years, and her vigilance can't be changed.

"Go and have a look." The small hand held Dugu Chen's big hand, and said with a frown.

This forest is the forest of Miaojiang, there are all kinds of strange things, some things ordinary people can't even think of.

She just drooped her eyelids for a while, and those Taoist people ran wildly in the woods and got into trouble. Just the yelling and shouting are enough to conclude that they are There's trouble again.

Holding the horse's belly, Dugu Chen pulled the reins and galloped over with her in his arms, while the group of people who were behind them also hurriedly rode their horses and rushed over.

Everyone approached the scene of the incident back and forth, and looked at the bright moonlight cast by the bright moon.

The people and horses were in a mess, there were some other people in that mess, those individuals didn't know what kind of evil skills they practiced, their arms were stretched out straight, no matter what they caught, they opened their mouths and bit it .

Mu Shiqi frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice, "We still met a corpse chaser!" Their luck was really good!

Supporting the horse's back with her little hands, she took a deep breath. If she didn't go down, those Taoist people would be killed by those ferocious corpses sooner or later.

"Duguchen, carry me down." Behind her, Duguchen was close to her. If she wanted to get off the horse, she had to ask his permission.

This time, she didn't act like a baby, but her whole body fell silent, and her voice was slightly chilly.

Duguchen knew her, and only when she became serious would she become calm.

He didn't argue with her, but followed her wishes, jumped off the horse with her in his arms and stood firmly on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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