Chapter 883 Poor Bitten

After being reminded by her, everyone finally calmed down, holding a torch and poking at the spider web, no matter how strong the spider web was, it was broken.

After teasing the spider's thread halfway across the room, Bai Ying still couldn't be found, and finally came to a conclusion that the saint was not here either.

Green Snake, Jade Toad, Sky Spider...

Next is the Divine Centipede Hall. It is said that there is a legend about this Divine Centipede Hall. I don’t know which saintess it was. She raised a big centipede. That centipede is a spirit that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It can understand human language and is full of aura. , who could have ascended to immortality, but later died in order to save the saint.

In order to pay homage to it, the saint enshrined its body in the hall of the god centipede.

The ancestors of the Bai family said that in the eyes of Miaojiang people, all things are spiritual, not only spirit snakes and spirit sculptures, but some insects may also be the savior.Therefore, ten people in Miaojiang have nine Gu, because everyone believes that Gu insects can communicate with people, and with the life-and-death fetters of Gu poison, they are more trustworthy than humans.

Mu Shiqi looked at the dried giant centipede mummy in front of her, with a look of surprise on her face, she had never seen such a big centipede before, how could this be a centipede!It was clearly a giant snake with thousands of feet!
Duguchen used his eyesight to detect the dangers around him, and he wrapped her in his arms early on, scanning everything in the hall vigilantly. Others might have to widen their eyes to carefully discern everything in front of them, but he didn't You only need to scan it, and you can remember everything in your mind.

Even if he can't hear any sound, he is still different from ordinary people.Because he is Dugu Chen, the king of ghosts from the country!How could he be defeated by this little setback!
But not being able to hear is still troublesome, especially in such an environment, when some ghosts suddenly hang down from your head, and you don’t have eyes on your head, even the best eyesight is useless.

No matter how careful Dugu Chen was, Mu Shiqi was bitten by a poisonous insect on his slender and tender neck, causing her to frown slightly and snort in pain.

Dugu Chen noticed her strangeness, and followed her movements to look over, and saw that her little hand was pinching a black millipede the length of a pinky finger, it didn't know when it landed on her neck, hidden in the It is really hard to find in the black hair and the darkness.

He was only vigilantly scanning everything in the distance, but forgot to notice the small dangers nearby.

The big hands hurriedly parted her black hair, facing the faint light, and saw that there was already a red, swollen and blackened wound on the white and tender neck. Seeing the frowning of this little thing, it must be very painful.

He was a little annoyed that he didn't protect her well, and let her suffer like this again.

The ancestors of the Bai family also noticed the situation on their side, and immediately moved over nervously, staring at the millipede black insect that was crushed to death by Mu Shiqi, and then at the wound on her neck, the tension on that face was only a little bit Take it easy.

"Insects are poisonous. Fortunately, she took the anti-drug pill before, so the poison would not hurt her." The old ancestor explained a few words, which made them feel at ease.

Duguchen was all on Mu Shiqi's body, his eyes were fixed on her wound, and he didn't have the heart to read what the Bai family ancestor said.

"Excuse me, I'm going to pick out the poisonous thorn in her wound." The ancestor of the Bai family didn't estimate Dugu Chen's feelings as carefully as Mu Shiqi, and treated him as a normal person.

Because along the way, even though Dugu Chen was deaf, his skills were still faster than ordinary people.She had already forgotten the fact that he couldn't hear.

She pushes and pushes like this, but Dugu Chen's body seems to weigh a thousand catties, and he remains motionless.He just stared at Mu Shiqi's red and swollen wound that had started to turn black with pain in his black eyes.

Mu Shiqi tugged at his big hand, and explained to him the words of the ancestor of the Bai family word by word with pink lips: "The ancestor said that my injury is fine, because I have taken the anti-drug pill before, and now I just need to put my neck Just pick out the poisonous thorns on it, don't worry about it."

Dugu Chen read the meaning of her words, and then turned slightly sideways to make room for the old ancestor.The old ancestor carried a complete set of detoxification tools, and the technique was very skilled. In the eyes of her old man, this matter was not a big deal.

The ruler-long lancet lightly stroked Mu Shiqi's wound, and a thick purple-black blood spurted out. After the black blood slowly turned bright red, he took the willow leaf again. The knife picked out a small black poisonous thorn as long as a fingernail from the flesh and blood.

The flesh grows on his own body, and this bug is poisonous, so it is absolutely impossible for him to be stabbed like this without pain or itching.

Mu Shiqi's delicate brows were slightly frowned. When the lancet was scratched on the flesh, she had to bite her lower lip in pain. She clenched her small hands tightly but didn't even groan.

The old ancestor of the Bai family had to once again express how satisfied he was with this girl. Compared with the younger generation in the Bai family who could jump and scream when they saw a bug, her seventeen girl didn't even have a knife to cut flesh and blood. Hum.

Although Mu Shiqi didn't snort, Duguchen understood her forbearance. After the ancestor of the Bai family healed the wound, he took Mu Shiqi's small body into his arms with distress, and gently stroked it. Looking at her back, she blamed herself: "Seventeen, I'm sorry, it hurts, right?"

Hearing this, Mu Shiqi twisted his body and got out of his arms, looking helpless at his black eyes: "It's not you who bit me, why are you blaming yourself. Besides, I was just bitten by insects." Take a sip, it's not as delicate as you think."

The pain now is really incomparable to the injuries and pains she has suffered in the past.

Hastily interrupting Duguchen's self-blame, his nimble eyes flashed, and he smiled with his lips lifted: "The ancestors of our Bai family are masters in detoxification, once the powder is sprinkled, it doesn't hurt at all. .”

The old lady shook her head helplessly, and smiled kindly: "You girl! I can't do without pampering you!"

Such a lovely little girl, who looks so much like Xiao Jin, how could she not spoil her.

She obviously has a soft and weak appearance, but her temperament is brave and strong that she has never seen before.Even Xiao Jin, when this girl was so old, lacked her natural kingship.

Mu Shiqi was bitten, only to find that Bai Miao was wrapped in a black robe and had already put the black robe hat on her head.Therefore, she should have known in advance that there would be bugs suddenly falling from the top of the head in the centipede palace.And they just happened to get into the worm's nest.

(End of this chapter)

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