Chapter 912
Everyone squeezed into the room back and forth, and they caught a glimpse of Mu Shiqi lying on the bed, whose dress was all dirty, and Dugu Chen, who was half kneeling by the bed with a helpless expression on his face.

"He Yu, come here, everyone else get out!" Dugu Chen was annoyed by the sound of footsteps, and said coldly without turning his head.

He Yu took one step at a time and took two steps, and ran to the bed in a few steps. Mu Shiqi, who was staring at the bed, felt a little apprehensive, but he still asked: "Ma'am, what's wrong with her?" ?”

Obviously it was fine just now!Still laughing at him as an old bachelor!Why did it suddenly become like this after only a while?

Dugu Chen stared coldly, took Mu Shiqi's little hand, and said, "I fell!"

He Yu's head is big again, no one in this world will fall, this girl will not fall, let alone the handsome body, this girl even sleeps standing by their master's personal guard, guarding her, How could it fall?
But the fact is that this girl really fell, and it was not easy!

Her dress was dirty, and her face was not normally pale, she bit her lip and closed her eyes slightly, showing the pain she was enduring.

He just looked at it like this and couldn't find any clues. If he fell, he couldn't diagnose it just by taking the pulse.How could he know where she fell through the clothes?Where did he fall again?

He could only rely on asking at this moment: "Ma'am, where do you feel the pain?"

Mu Shiqi let out a muffled snort before responding, "Head, back, and stomach hurt a little at the moment, please help me see if the baby is okay."

He Yu's head buzzed, and his face showed embarrassment. Although he is regarded as a miracle doctor, he has specialties in surgery!It's not easy for him to specialize in this kind of woman's pregnancy, so he can't see if there is anything wrong with the little baby bump in her belly.

He Yu was stunned on this side, while Dugu Chen cast his eyes coldly on him: "Why are you staring blankly?"

He Yu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "I, I have never seen a pregnant woman before, and all I know are medical principles from medical books. child."

It's fine if it's someone else's, but he really can't bear the responsibility for this girl and the one in her stomach!If any accident happened because of his misdiagnosis, then he can only apologize with death!
Dugu Chen's complexion was dark and gloomy, and he yelled towards the outside: "All go find the doctor! Bring me all the doctors in the whole city!"

He Yu didn't dare to raise his head to look at him only after hearing the roar, and lowered his head, he said: "Then I, let me show Madam the injury on my head first."

He always felt that it was not a problem for him to do this standing up. Seeing that Dugu Chen did not object, he dared to put his hand on the back of Mu Shiqi's head, and found a big bulging bag in two or three strokes.

"The hematoma in the back of the brain needs hot compresses to reduce the swelling." He Yu felt that she was sitting on pins and needles at the moment, and there was no need for Dugu Chen to explain, and ran to boil medicine and fetch hot water in no time.

Mu Shiqi's consciousness was more than half awake at this moment, holding Dugu Chen's big hand with his small hand, he could barely force a smile.

"I'm fine, did I scare you again?"

No matter how severe the pain on her body is, she can bear it as long as the child is fine.

As soon as He Yu left the room, she was held back by Bai Yuan, and the little girl's eyes were flushed with anxiety: "Brother He Yu, Madam, is she alright?"

He Yu pulled her aside, and briefly talked to her about the matter.

There was a sudden movement in the eyes of the little girl, and she tugged at his arm and said: "There used to be an old witch doctor in Miaojiang who was very proficient in this way. I'm going to show my wife!"

He Yu frowned and looked at her, and said again and again: "Do you know how important our wife is to our master? There is no room for accidents, are you sure you can do it?"

For this matter, one must be prepared to withstand Dugu Chen's overwhelming anger!He didn't want her to be in danger, and he didn't want his wife to have any accidents because of her fault.

But Bai Yuan nodded her head unusually firmly: "Brother He Yu, I can do it!" She also didn't want to see such a kind wife have any accidents.

He Yu's black eyes sank, and finally led her to push the door in.

Dugu Chen glanced at him coldly, and then at Bai Yuan, already trying his best to control his anger!
"Why did you bring her in? Don't you think it's not messy enough now?"

If Shi Qi really had any accidents, all of them who left their posts without authorization must be prepared to bear his wrath!
"A Yuan said that she understands the symptoms of this woman's pregnancy and childbirth, let her help Madam take a look." He Yu said under pressure.

Bai Yuan met Dugu Chen's cold eyes, although he couldn't keep his figure from shaking, he still bravely followed He Yu's words: "I can do it! Please let me try!"

Duguchen stared coldly, and said with a cold face: "Try it? Do you think she is your little girl's medicine man who practiced casually?"

Bai Yuan bit her lip and said again: "It's not practice! I once took care of a woman in Miaojiang who was pregnant with three children, please believe me!" The little girl's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat by Dugu Chen Come.

Fortunately, at this time, Mu Shiqi responded with trembling lips: "Let her come over!" She just wanted to know that the child was safe and well.

Bai Yuan kept her pace and walked over alone.

But He Yu was still worried, and knelt down to Dugu Chen with a plop: "If Ah Yuan really did something wrong, please forgive her for the sake of my dedication to the Prince Chen's Mansion."

Mu Shiqi took pleasure in his bitterness, and smiled at him: "Don't worry, I fell by myself, and even if something happened, I wouldn't blame it on Ah Yuan, don't you know how your lord is? ?”

He Yu naturally knows their lord's principles of dealing with people, but all of this is nothing in front of your Mu Shiqi's safety!At this moment, he was already full of evil spirits, he was afraid that their master would get angry and hurt Bai Yuan.

With Madam's words, he felt relieved, he didn't dare to raise his head to look at Dugu Chen during the whole process, he lowered his head and escaped out of the room again.

Even Mu Shiqi didn't expect that Bai Yuan really understood the various symptoms that occurred during pregnancy. She put her small hand skillfully on her abdomen and gently tested it. Then she looked at her lower body and asked some questions. Physical discomfort and pain in the waist and abdomen.

Soon he said with a soothing expression: "It's okay, the child is fine, you just felt pain, it should just be pulled to the abdomen when you fell down, the child in the stomach has a sense, try to take a few deep breaths, and then slowly Take it easy, don't be too nervous."

(End of this chapter)

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