Chapter 917
He didn't even dare to waste the time to breathe, but he was stunned for a moment when his eyes fell on the small sugar bag in the arms of the dark guard.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to put down the herbal medicine he found for Mu Shiqi: "Remember this herbal medicine, it must be handed over to Prince Chen! Remember!" After explaining it, he hurried to chase after Yuxi and the others.

This is what later happened to Mu Shiqi and the others.

Besides, Tang Shiyi chased Yuxi all the way, praying in his heart that nothing would happen to Yuxi, and Tangtang and Dugubo couldn't have any accidents, otherwise, he would make Chu Sa regret it Come to this world once.

Tang Shiyi restrained a lot of tyrannical and murderous aura, and now he was running rampant in his body, new and old hatred gathered together, he wished to crush Chu Thirty to ashes to dissipate the hatred in his heart!
This time, no matter who pleads for Chu Sa, or persuades the common people in this world, Tang Shiyi will make Chu Sa pay what he deserves.

Hmph, the world is a fucking shit!All he wants is the well-being of his wife and children.

Yu Xi is a pure person without any skills, so even if he is anxious, the action will not be too fast.In order to avoid being discovered by Chu Sa's people, he lost his horse halfway and walked on foot in the dark forest.

While taking care of her footsteps, the hidden guards also wanted to find out whether Chu Sa's people were nearby, so that every step was done carefully.

When they were about to approach the barracks, Yuxi could no longer control her strong desire to see Tangtang. If Leng Yu hadn't held back her hand and directly covered her mouth, the girl would probably have died. was found.

"Miss Yuxi, do you know what will happen to you if you rush out? Chu Sa will have your body tonight."

In order to control her, he didn't care whether or not he cared about the girl's thin skin and spoke more reservedly.

Although Yuxi has become a mother, her temperament is still very pure. Being frightened by Leng Yu, she shrank into a ball. She still remembers that Chu Sa used to catch her and did a lot to her. Disgusting thing, she knew that if she really ended up like that, then she would have no face to live in this world at all.

When the child loses his mother, Brother Eleven will be heartbroken because of her departure.Just because he, Chu Sa, wanted to get her!
"As I said, I can ruin my face!" Yu Xi had already made plans to fight Chu Sao to the death. Chu Sa took a fancy to her face, so she ruined it. body, she could take out a dagger and draw scars on her body.

Would he still want such an ugly woman?
Even if she is dead, don't let Chu Sa touch her!
Leng Yu felt that he was simple enough, but this girl was even simpler than him.

How can there be such an easy thing in this world, not to mention whether she can successfully scratch herself with injuries all over her body, even if she did, wouldn't he, Chu Sa, be hated because of love?

He just told her directly: "Even if you are dead, with Chu Sa's temperament, it is not impossible to do disrespectful things to your corpse! I have heard of a demon cultist before." , Because he fell in love with a woman, the woman refused and committed suicide, but the man didn't even spare the corpse, soaked the woman's corpse in water to keep it from decaying, and kept it in his room every day to play with."

Leng Yu made it clear that he wanted to scare Yuxi away, but there is indeed such a thing in the story of the ghost sect. Later, the person of the demon sect was wiped out by the head of the Tang sect, and he did the same thing directly. Turned into a drug corpse, he is still kneeling on the back hill of the Devil's Cult with his knees down.

Leng Yu successfully frightened Yuxi, and Yuxi became timid after hearing the words. She could bear any pain, but she couldn't bear to be insulted like this after death.

Now when she thought of Chu Sa's big hand sliding on her body, her whole body trembled weakly.

Covering her face with her hands, crying in pain, what should her Tangtang do?
Leng Yu's mind is really calm and clear, which is rare, and he said: "Let's find a person with the best lightness kung fu to go to the camp for a night to explore, and when he comes back, he can find out the current situation of Tangtang and Xiaobo before making any plans. .”

Yuxi nodded in a daze, she chose to calm down and trust everyone first.

The hidden guard went back and forth and took more than half an hour before coming back through the night: "Chu Thirty has mobilized a large number of martial arts personnel to guard, and I can't get close, but judging from the current situation, King An and Miss Tang It should still be safe."

If someone had an accident, there was no need for Chu Sa to waste his manpower on guard.

"What do you mean it should be safe!" Yuxi said anxiously, "Tangtang will cry when she is hungry, and she can't sleep without me at night, she is very timid, she must be very scared! "

Yuxi only thinks of the bad in everything, she has no way to convince herself that Tangtang can live well if she falls into the hands of that villain Chu Sa.

But the fact is that the little girl ate and drank well, and she was still giggling at Dugu Bo's teasing at the moment, and when she was tired from playing, she nestled next to Dugu Bo and fell asleep.

Chu Sa was not mad enough to torture the two little babies, and most importantly, he didn't have the guts to bear Dugu Chen's wrath.But Dugubo and Tangtang were not treated as honored guests.

In the tent, there was a simple wooden board thrown on the ground. There was nothing on the dirty wooden board. Dugu Po was afraid that Tangtang would be too hard to sleep, and he was also afraid that the dirty wooden board would stain Tangtang's body. , I had no choice but to take off my clothes and put them on the wooden plank to sleep on Tangtang's bed.

Tangtang's likes to sleep is completely inherited from her father, Tang Shiyi, and because she is a small child, she must sleep for five hours a day before her little face can be energetic.

When the time comes, you will be sleepy, and you will fall asleep when you are sleepy. It is really a carefree little thing.

But Dugubo couldn't sleep at all, those black eyes hid too many emotions, he naturally wouldn't take it seriously and wait for his little uncle to save him, that Chu Sa's temper was too cruel and moody, he didn't dare to bring sugar Sugar takes the risk.

Now that Chu Sao already knew Tangtang's identity, and he kept thinking about Aunt Yuxi, there was no guarantee that after a long time, that mad dog's temper could no longer be controlled, and he would attack Tangtang, the easiest thing to do was to take Tangtang Threatening Aunt Yuxi.

At this moment, Aunt Yuxi must be worried about Tangtang's death. If she sent herself to the door for Tangtang's sake, she would really fall into that villain Chu Sa's way.

He didn't believe that Chu Sa's vicious little heart would keep his promise, so even if he got Aunt Yuxi as he wished, he wouldn't let Tangtang go.

(End of this chapter)

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