Chapter 961
Xu is that people like him are born with a kind of unyielding energy in their bones.

Even though his own body began to show signs of weakness due to severe lack of water at this moment, he still insisted on moving forward.

He crossed another sand dune, and standing on a high sand dune, there was a sparkling lake as far as he could see.

There is nothing more exciting than this right now.

Dugu Chen raised his breath and flew over directly, wishing he could rush to the lake in one breath.

However, he gradually realized that something was wrong. According to his speed of action, he should have arrived at the lake long ago, but why did he walk for so long, let alone a lake, even without a drop of water.

Fortunately, he is not an impetuous person. After calming down and thinking about it carefully, he has the answer in his mind.

Mirage, a strange phenomenon that will appear in the vast and boundless land, seems to be transformed by a magic barrier in people's hearts. The more you want to get close to the green shade and gurgling stream, the more you will not be able to reach it. Energy exhausted all his physical strength until he died in this desert.

Because it's just an illusion, it doesn't really exist, so how can you possibly reach it?
Dugu Chen just figured it out now, and the hope that was burning in his heart was ruthlessly extinguished again.

For the first time, Prince Chen felt the powerlessness of being in the yellow sand. What he has always pursued is that man can conquer the sky!

But now?He was completely defeated by this damn God!

water!He actually felt cornered because of that little water.

The sky had gradually darkened, Dugu Chen's heart trembled, thinking of the cold night in the desert, and Mu Shiqi shivering under the rock.

When he just left, he thought that he would soon find water to go back, so he didn't think about leaving the fire pocket to her so that she could light a fire to keep warm.

It was all right now, leaving her to face the cold night alone.

The lack of fire and light in such a night may not have any effect on him, but the little girl has no fire and light, and without him by her side, it must be very difficult!
What if there is another danger?
He figured it out in the past two days, those ghost things in this desert are also quite afraid of the heat, they hide in the sand between the rocks during the day, and come out for a stroll at night.

The little girl only had a dagger in her hand to defend herself, and her eyesight was not very good at night, let alone a giant beast, even a few poisonous insects were enough for her small body to suffer.

No, he had to hurry back, the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

Mu Shiqi was really not as miserable as he imagined. He encountered a few poisonous insects, and even took the time to save a camel that had strayed away from a group of camels from under the mouth of a poisonous snake.

What is a camel?That is the BMW in this desert!

No animal is more suitable for living in this desert than the camel.

The camel is resistant to hunger and thirst, has a gentle temperament, is not afraid of wind and sand, and is good at walking in the desert. Therefore, Mu Shiqi must keep this camel.

She jumped up and rode on the hump's back. Fortunately, the hump was docile, so she didn't have to spend her mind and body like taming a wild horse.

She patted the camel beast's back and clamped its abdomen with her legs. Whenever the camel beast wanted to turn its head, she would gently pat its neck with her hands, so that it could control its direction of action.

Mu Shiqi used all the tricks of the imperial horse on the imperial camel beast, not to mention, they all worked quite well.

After playing for a while, the camel beast obediently let her ride away.

She knew that these camels were animals that liked to live in groups. The appearance of this camel here meant that there should be a group of camels nearby.

And the camels like to live by water, if she finds the camels, she may be able to find the water source.

Thinking that those camel herds should be not far from here, so she took out her dagger and left a message to Dugu Chen on the stone, and put the few remaining sips of water and fruit under the crack of the stone.

Then he rode this lone camel beast to find the place where the camels camels and the water source.

When Dugu Chen hurried back, it was already late at night.

There is no one in the crevice of the stone!

"Seventeen! Seventeen!" He shouted several times, but still no one answered him.

The heart was seized in an instant, and there was a corpse of a big snake that was mostly buried by yellow sand on the ground, much bigger than the one they killed last night.

Look at the half-severed head and the gouged out snake gall, it's obviously Shi Qi's usual method.

The snake's blood stained the sand red. Judging by the degree of penetration, it should have died not long ago.

That means that even if Seventeen left, it should have just left not long ago!

But this vast desert is full of yellow sand at a glance, as long as he takes a wrong step, it is very likely that he will miss her.

He couldn't help but began to speculate wildly, did she not wait for him for too long, so she set off to find him?
But he didn't meet her figure on the way back!

Is she lost in this desert?The night in the desert is full of hunger and cold, is she unable to walk anymore?Or was it injured?
Fortunately, although he was very anxious, his eyesight was still there, and he soon discovered the message left by Mu Shiqi on the stone.

The handwriting carved by the dagger might be easily overlooked in the eyes of others, but he did not miss it after blinking his eyes.

"I'm going to find water, wait for my return!"

Dugu Chen stroked the handwriting on the stone with his long fingers, but his heart still couldn't let go.

With her little body that is floating every two steps, what kind of water are you looking for!
He searched his body, eyes and ears for almost a whole day, but he couldn't find a drop of water, and it cost him half his life.She is going to kill her this time!

Does she know how big and desolate this desert is?

Does she know how hard it is to find water here?
Does she know how worried he is about her because he is in a hurry to come back?

Touching the few fruits hidden in the crevice of the stone and the small porcelain bottle filled with water, this girl actually didn't drink a sip of water or eat a single fruit!It's good that she left it all to him!
She didn't obediently obey all the words he gave before leaving.

But he could only grit his teeth, didn't he just love her so much?
Sometimes I am so independent that it hurts, sometimes I am so strong that it hurts, and sometimes I am so brave that it hurts!

She's so bad-mannered that it makes people gnash their teeth but loves her badly!
Wait for her to come back!

Did she think she could find her way back?
Dugu Chen clenched his fists, forcing himself to calm down first. Although this place is a desert, he still has to try to find some clues, to find the direction she left.

(End of this chapter)

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