Chapter 997

There was too little water in the shallow bay where their boat was trapped, and there was a large raised reef between the shallow bay and the sea.

If you want to get Xiang's big boat out of the shallow bay, you have to cross that big reef.

If you want to cross that big reef, you have to wait for the water to overflow the reef.

Therefore, Dugu Chen's eyes kept falling on that big rock, observing the rise of the water level, not enough, not enough, not enough...

The storm was still raging and raging, everyone was waiting in the storm, waiting for Duguchen's order.

The rain seemed to be poured down from the sky, drenching everyone thoroughly in an instant.

Duguchen stood on the high mast, lightning flashed across his head, as if he could hit him with a slight deviation, and his white hair stood out in the darkness, his whole person seemed to be crawling in the underworld. The devil that came up.

As the storm raged, the sea water slowly rose, and the big ship slowly floated up.

Just when everyone was concentrating on waiting for Dugu Chen's order, a vision suddenly appeared on the sea.

Standing tall, Dugu Chen could see the most clearly. He saw a column of water shooting out from the sea very close to them, straight into the sky.

Although the sky was getting dark and the storm was obstructing his vision, he could still see the huge monster in the water clearly with his eyesight.

The boatman on board suddenly panicked, stopped what he was doing, and hid in the cabin in a panic.

"It's the Sea Dragon King! The Sea Dragon King is here!"

"The Sea Dragon King has come out to absorb water!"

"Run away! Run away, everyone!"


Seeing that the water level had already overflowed the reef, and the big ship swayed and bumped into the reef several times, at this moment, the group of boatmen suddenly ran away in fright one by one.

Dugu Chen frowned and jumped off the mast, his eyes turned cold, and he looked at Xiangdao Master who was about to bring the boatmen back with an angry face: "You take the helm, I'll pull the anchor!"

This group of people had already shaken into sieves and frightened into fools. Even if they were thrown into the water, they would run for their lives desperately.

He, Duguchen, always only remembers one sentence: it is better to ask for yourself than to ask for others!
The master Xiang's ability to steer the helm is definitely one of the best in this Biluo sea. It is not only because of his Xiang family's blood that he can sit on the island master of Yunwu Island.

It's because his ability to survive at sea is truly unmatched.

The person at the helm is equivalent to the eyes of this sea ship. Now that he has taken over the helm, it doesn't mean that he can go in any direction.

But the premise is that the eight dark iron anchors that have sunk deep into the sea must be dragged aboard, and the few ropes tied to the underwater rocks must be loosened by someone.

Originally, these tasks were done by the skilled boatmen of the Xiang family, but now that the boatmen are fleeing everywhere, there is no one to take the anchor and loose the rope.

These things all fell on Dugu Chen, who was lucky enough to fly over the shaking deck all the way, his slender fingers tightly grasping the dark iron chain on the anchor.

The dark iron anchor, which could only be pulled by five or six strong men, was pulled up by him with all his strength, and he threw it directly on the deck with the water plants and sand entangled in the sea.

one two three four...

The first ones went very smoothly, but when it came to the eighth one, something happened. I don't know what the anchor got stuck on the bottom of the water, and no matter how much he pulled it, it didn't move at all.

If he uses brute force, the result can only be to destroy the hull connecting the iron chain.

And these eight anchors play an important role in fixing the sea ship, so he will not destroy the big anchor unless it is absolutely necessary.

Anyway, it was to go into the water to untie the rope tied to the reef, and he happened to dive to the bottom of the water to see what happened to the big anchor.

Without waiting for a moment, I turned over and entered the water!
The sea water at the shallow bend was not too deep, so there was no danger at all, but now under the attack of the storm, the water level has risen, and the turbulent waves are beating against the rocks, and the huge ship is shaking, so the water will not be peaceful .

At this moment, the big ship seems to be the big fish that has been stranded, and must seize this chance of escape.

Dugu Chen nimbly got under the reef, and really found the anchor that was firmly stuck by two big reefs.

He swam over in one breath, his body was shaken by the rushing undercurrent of the bottom, he had no choice but to grab the black iron chain connected to the anchor and follow the chain all the way down.

In order to get the big anchor out, he changed the direction to pull the iron chain, but he was full of skills, but he was hindered by the undercurrent at the bottom of the water, so he couldn't use his full strength.

Just when he frowned and was about to give up, he raised his eyes and found that not far away in the water, a small familiar figure was swimming towards him.

Seventeen!He knew she wouldn't be obedient.

At the beginning, Mu Shiqi sat obediently in the cave alone waiting for him to come back. He had nothing to do, and even played with branches on the ground for a while.

But the storm outside the cave was so violent that it made her worry inexplicably in her heart.

So, she ran out of the cave, ran to the big rock on the shore, jumped into the boat but couldn't find him, and asked someone anxiously, only then did she know that he had dived into the water .

Then she jumped down.

The strength of two people is naturally stronger than that of one person. Although Mu Shiqi looks like a weak woman on the surface, in fact she is lucky enough to kill a beast with a single punch in the face.

What's more, this girl knows better than anyone about the matter of making black iron utensils.

The structure of the big anchor can be seen at a glance, and it is easy to know where the key point of the problem lies.

He swam to the edge of the hidden reef with the dagger in hand, raised his wrist, and smashed down hard. The surface of the hidden reef has been eroded by sea water for many years, and as long as the method is used correctly, it is easy to break the stone.

After beating for a while, they gestured to Dugu Chen, the two of them pulled the black iron chain, exerted strength together, and finally got the anchor out.

The anchor suddenly lost its strong resistance, and was pulled by the swaying ship again, swinging uncontrollably from side to side, almost hitting Mu Shiqi's body.

Fortunately, Duguchen quickly pulled her into his arms, and led her all the way to swim out of the water, until he breathed the refreshing breath of the water, he was still a little scared in his heart.

Holding her small face, her heart trembled, and she hugged her tightly into her arms, her voice trembling: "The anchor almost hurt you just now, but it's okay, it's okay!"

Mu Shiqi also had some heart palpitations. After all, the sharp iron hook on the anchor passed her eyes just now, and it was really just a stroke of the palm.

(End of this chapter)

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