Quick Pass Raiders: Blackened BOSS, please calm down

Chapter 1857 Interstellar: The Last Hope 51

Chapter 1857 Interstellar: The Last Hope 51
Mao Xiaoxiao didn't continue talking with Xiaoliu, the words Mozhi Scepter had already appeared in the collection column, Mao Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and controlled the fighter back to the camp.

At this moment, Jiang Ting was standing in the center of the conference room, explaining the current predicament to the team captains and other high-level officials. Everyone looked very heavy, as if they were being overwhelmed by an invisible mountain.

Today, they no longer have the spirited state that Mao Xiaoxiao had when she first came to this planet.

"Commander, what should we do next? The reproductive ability of cannibal plants is too strong. In less than 20 years at most, our central city will be occupied by cannibal plants, let alone other surrounding cities. Now The number of deaths is still increasing, I am worried about us..." the captain of the golden team said heavily.

"Yes, Commander, the Mother Earth can bring hope to mankind. Otherwise, let's ask her if there is any other way, which is better than we keep dying like this." The captain of another team said his idea.

Although they didn't report much hope, but at this moment, they have nothing to do.

"I'll inquire in person, but don't expect too much, after all, we all know the current situation." Looking at the expectant faces, Jiang Ting couldn't say a word of rejection.

As a soldier, he deeply engraved the mission of defending his family and country.

Now mankind is facing the greatest challenge in history. As the leader, as the father of the earth that everyone loves, he cannot escape or stand by.

Mao Xiaoxiao stood at the door listening to the conversation inside, and sighed inwardly.

This plane has lived with Jiang Ting for more than 100 years. The two are very affectionate and connected with each other, so she understands Jiang Ting's thoughts and fully supports his every decision.

What's more, she has found the traces of Jiang Ting's parents and brother through the system. They have been imprisoned in their lair by cannibal plants for so many years.

The purpose is to let them find the wormhole and take the man-eating plants to occupy other worlds.

Mao Xiaoxiao was wearing a long black ancient dress, and the red and bright flowers on the skirt were lifelike, looking weird and mysterious.

On the outside of the black dress, Mao Xiaoxiao was wearing a thin gauze dress, which moved automatically without wind, and the other shore flowers were looming as if they were about to walk out of the hem of the dress.

I don't know if it's because of the black dress and red gauze, at this moment, Mao Xiaoxiao's skin is better than snow, with flaming red lips, she looks stunning.

The long hair was slightly curled up and fixed at the back of the head, a little hair was hanging down in front of the chest, with hands clasped in front of the chest, he raised his head and chest and walked towards where Jiang Ting was standing without looking sideways.

"..." The entire meeting room was silent.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the stunning beauty who walked step by step from the door, every step seemed to be on the tip of everyone's heart.

But no one dared to have the slightest evil thoughts about this person. Instead, they felt that the beautiful woman in front of him was as unattainable as a god.

"Cat?" Jiang Ting came back to his senses after a long time, and looked at Mao Xiaoxiao with a complicated expression and murmured softly.

For some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart. He felt that he was getting farther and farther away from his lover... farther and farther away...

The corner of Mao Xiaoxiao's mouth curled into a faint smile, her eyes were soft and full of love.

"I found a solution to all the cannibal plants, and I also found my parents and brother." Mao Xiaoxiao came to Jiang Ting's side and said while holding his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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