Quick Pass Raiders: Blackened BOSS, please calm down

Chapter 200 Cyclic Death Girl VS Counseling Doctor 5

Chapter 200 Cyclic Death Girl VS Counseling Doctor 5
Thinking about it, Mao Xiaoxiao unconsciously lay down on the table and fell asleep.

And when Mao Mingle came out of the shower and came to see her sister, she saw her lying on the table, sleeping soundly.

So, Mao Xiaoxiao carefully picked up her sister, put her on the bed, and then left her room with the cake she hadn't finished eating.

In the next few days, Mao Xiaoxiao sat on the bed with nothing to do every day, waiting for Brother Cheap to be fed every day, other than that, she was in a daze.

Don't blame her for not being motivated, but for everything, you have to wait until her birthday is over, right?

Soon, it was the day before Mao Xiaoxiao's birthday.

Mao Xiaoxiao started to prepare early, afraid that she would be stunned by something or something.So Mao Xiaoxiao made some simple tricks in the house.

Things like the beast folder in the previous plane were also installed.Just wait for the twelve o'clock clock to pass to see which neuropathy is going to kill an autistic girl.

But as time got closer, Mao Xiaoxiao felt that her spirit was getting more and more exhausted, and her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. She tried hard to wake herself up, but found that no matter how hard she tried, even if she drank the spiritual spring water , but it can't stop the sleepy attack.
So Mao Xiaoxiao successfully fell asleep
Suddenly, Mao Xiaoxiao was awakened by a sharp pain. She sat up from the bed suddenly, but found a dagger with a cold light, standing upright in front of her chest - where her heart was.

Mao Xiaoxiao knew that she was going to die soon, so she ignored the pain and quickly looked around. She found that all the traps she made were damaged, and the beast clip at the door was also intact on her bedside.

Everything here was told to Mao Xiaoxiao, that person had come in and destroyed all the things she had prepared without anyone noticing.

It seemed to be declaring war with her, with a strong sense of provocation.

"." Mao Xiaoxiao felt depressed, but couldn't find a place to post it.

Because she didn't even know whether the other party was male or female, old or young, so she lost a life.
This made Mao Xiaoxiao very unwilling.
But even if she is not reconciled, it is useless, because she can already feel that her life is gradually being lost, and she can clearly know that the dagger has already penetrated her heart
Slowly, Mao Xiaoxiao closed her eyes helplessly.
When she opened her eyes again, Mao Xiaoxiao found herself lying on the school desk.

Mao Xiaoxiao stood up abruptly, because she knew that today was the day when the original owner's parents died.Therefore, Mao Xiaoxiao didn't have time to ask the teacher for leave, and ran to the security room following the memory of the original owner.At this time, there was no one in the security room, and the school gate was closed all the time. It is estimated that the security guard went to the toilet.

Mao Xiaoxiao took the remote control from the security room, opened the door, closed it again, and threw the remote control on the floor of the security room.

Hurriedly ran to the original owner's house, this time Mao Xiaoxiao crossed over earlier than the original owner, because this time she was having morning class.

Would she be able to see the whole truth if she went back early to lurk at home?And be able to prevent the tragedy from happening?

The original owner's home was not far from the school, because this was originally a private elementary school in the villa area, so it was in the villa area.

Thanks: "Light summer fades when flowers bloom" greatly, for your support for this book.

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(End of this chapter)

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