Quick Pass Raiders: Blackened BOSS, please calm down

Chapter 383 Adding more rewards for "Su Ziying"~

Chapter 383 Adding more rewards for "Su Ziying"~
Thank you "Su Ziying" for your support of this book during the Spring Festival~
I love you so much~
"Daddy works so hard, so he doesn't have to cook for us every day. We just need Brother Junyan to cook for us." Seeing that his younger brother was about to say something, Lin Feng preemptively refused.

". Feng'er is really filial. Daddy is not afraid of hard work. It doesn't take much time to cook a meal. I..." Seeing his son being so sensible, Lin Xuan felt sore in his heart, moved a little on his face, and chattered for a while.

Just when Lin Xuan wanted to say that he would make delicious food for them in the future.
"Daddy, although the food you cook is better than Mommy's, it's much worse than Brother Junyan's. I still want to eat the food made by Brother Junyan." Lin Yu heard that Daddy still wanted to give them Cooking, immediately interrupted what Daddy continued to say.

"." Lin Xuan waited for his eyes, looking at his youngest son with a flushed face.

I don't know whether to be angry or embarrassed.
"Pfft, hahahaha." Zhao Er and the others looked at such cute two children, said such heart-wrenching words softly, and laughed happily at the moment.

All of a sudden, loud laughter came from the living room one after another.

For them, it was the first time to see the boss being so humiliated, and it was a joy to congratulate.

".Don't you all need to recover your powers? If you have nothing to do, go outside to practice your powers and fight each other." Lin Xuan's face turned darker when he heard everyone's gloating laughter.So he said with a gloomy face.

"Boss, I think it's better for me to quickly recover my abilities. No one knows if there will be more powerful mutant plants coming out here." Zhao Er held back a smile and said seriously.

"Don't worry, uncle. The most powerful thing on this mountain is the big flower. There are big flowers here, and they dare not come out of other mutated plants." Lin Yu saw that his father's face was not good, and he knew that he probably said something wrong again. So he quickly stood by Daddy's side and helped Daddy punish these uncles who made fun of Daddy.

"Did you hear that?" Lin Xuan glanced at Lin Yu, and then at Zhao Er and the others, with an obvious meaning of not being changed in his eyes.

". Got it." Zhao Er and the others took a complicated look at Lin Yu, then pursed their lips and said.

I thought to myself, it's that brat who stepped on them after making them laugh, he's just a black-bellied little guy.

But even though they didn't want to practice, they could only reluctantly leave the villa. After all, if they continued to quibble for a while, the boss would probably come and teach him a lesson.

They'd rather fight than the boss to teach him a lesson
In the living room

"Yu'er, who is Brother Junyan you're talking about?" Lin Xuan asked with a hint of cliché.

Lin Xuan didn't miss the elder brother Junyan mentioned by the two children, and for some reason, when he heard this name, he couldn't help but associate it with the Yaner Mao Xiaoxiao yelled.

"Brother Junyan is Brother Junyan. I heard from Mommy that when I was surrounded by zombies, it was Brother Junyan who saved Mommy!" Lin Yu said vaguely with a big mouthful of noodles in his mouth.

In fact, they heard other things, they just don't want to break the status quo
"." Sure enough, is she okay?So why did she abandon the two children?Is it because the two children have the ability to protect themselves and don't want to take care of them?

Lin Xuan frowned and thought in a complicated way.
Fifth update~
You will know the result after 0:00~
So worried, so apprehensive.
Babies, hurry up and vote~
Next, I would like to thank everyone who gave me rewards on weekdays, I will not explain them one by one, thank you for your support~mua~
At the same time, I would also like to thank the babies who insisted on voting for me, book reviews, and checking in on weekdays, I love you~
Next update 0:01
(End of this chapter)

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