Chapter 1155
Both Rong Xueyi and Mo Yan knew that if it collapsed again, with their current physical strength, neither of them could escape from here.

At this moment, Rong Xueyi felt that it would be good if both of them died here this time.

Although they cannot live together, they can die together.

Rong Xueyi died once, and she has a much deeper understanding of death than anyone else. If it was before, she must have been a little scared, but at this moment, she is not afraid at all.

Because she knew very clearly at this moment that it was Mo Yan who was holding her back, not that confusing dream.

At this moment, she could feel the temperature from Mo Yan's fingertips, and there were roaring sounds all around, but she felt that she could hear Mo Yan's heartbeat.

It's nice to be alive, but it's not such a terrible thing to die with someone you like.

Mo Yan was already at the end of his strength at this time. When he crossed the ditch of the melting body, his internal energy had already been exhausted, and then he fell ill again. Although he woke up with force, his strength was gone Almost exhausted.

He smiled at Rong Xueyi again, seeing that the last passage was about to be blocked, he said softly to Rong Xueyi: "Xueyi, promise me, live well!"

His voice was not loud, but he believed that Rong Xueyi would be able to hear it.

When Rong Xueyi heard his words, she had a bad premonition in her heart. She froze for a moment, and soon understood what he meant. There was a bit of panic in her eyes, but she hadn't spoken yet. Yan had exhausted the last bit of strength in his body to lift her out of the mountain gap, and threw her towards the last hole that only allowed one person to pass through.

"No!" Rong Xueyi exclaimed, but she couldn't use any strength on her body at this time, even if she wanted to catch Mo Yan, she couldn't catch it, and boundless fear rushed towards her.

She turned her head to look at him, his face was already full of veins at this time, it was the appearance of the disease.

Rong Xueyi felt that her heartbeat was about to stop at this moment, and tears rolled down unexpectedly.

She faintly heard Mo Yan's voice: "Xue Yi, no matter what, you must live well! Forget about me! Xiao Weixin can be entrusted for life."

The moment she jumped into the cave, Mo Yan also fell into the mountain gap.

Despair completely overwhelmed Rong Xueyi at this moment. She had hardly rested in this tomb for the past few days, and when she was awake, she was always thinking about how to break the formation and how to get out, exhausting her mental and physical energy.

When such piercing despair surged over, it was difficult for her to hold on even if she was as strong as she was. At this moment, she heard the voice of her own heart dying, and at the same time heard the voice of despair.

As soon as her eyes closed, she couldn't hold on any longer, and she passed out directly.

Rong Xueyi didn't know how long she had passed out, but she only knew that when she woke up, she was already lying on a simple bed, and the furnishings in the room were also quite simple.

The moment she just woke up, she was actually a little confused. She didn't know exactly what happened in front of her eyes, but she quickly thought of Mo Yan and the tragic scene before she fainted.

She only felt a sharp pain at the tip of her heart, but she told herself that all this might be just a dream, everything before her coma might be just a dream, maybe Mo Yan was outside right now, cooking porridge for her .

(End of this chapter)

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