Chapter 1158
Ding Fei asked: "Brother Ye, how is the girl?"

"Excessively sad." Ye Jinchu sighed softly: "Fortunately, I have been giving her some pills to protect her heart, otherwise she will not be able to survive just now."

Ding Fei wiped away his tears and said: "Miss...Miss, her affection for Xin Wang is really deep to the extreme. I never knew that loving someone can go so far."

Ye Jinchu let out a long sigh and said, "Ask what love is in the world, it's just a promise between life and death."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Your girl's life was saved this time, I'm afraid she will suffer from heart palpitations from now on, if she can't get out of Xinwang's affairs as soon as possible, I'm afraid... "

Ding Fei looked up at him and said, "I'm afraid what?"

Ye Jin gave him a blank stare and said, "Love is too deep to last!"

After he finished speaking, there were too many emotions in his heart, so he couldn't help but sighed again.

Xie Yuhua has been standing by the side since Rong Xueyi ran out, and he didn't persuade Rong Xueyi, nor stopped him. He was as cute as him, and he could feel the despair and enthusiasm emanating from Rong Rong Xueyi at this moment. helpless.

He has never had a deep understanding of the feelings in the human world. He followed Rong Xueyi back then because someone made him a promise, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that people have such deep feelings.

He walked over quietly, pushed Ding Fei and Ye Jinchu away, and then hugged Rong Xueyi.

Ye Jin glanced at him for the first time, and he said softly, "I will take care of her from now on."

Ye Jin was stunned for a moment, and asked, "With your stupid appearance, can you take care of her?"

The corners of Xie Yuhua's eyes moved, and she said slowly, "She was the one who took care of me before, and I will take care of her in the future."

Ye Jinchu suddenly understood that he would misunderstand Yuhua's meaning again, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm afraid she may not need your care, but it's good if you are with her, at least she will know how to take care of her." In this world, there is still you idiot who needs her care, she can't die yet."

If it was in the past, Xie Yuhua would not have understood the meaning of Ye Jinchu's words, but this time he did. He glanced at Ye Jinchu and didn't speak anymore, but just hugged Rong Xueyi back.

Lan Xuege has been standing on the sidelines watching the movement here, she is not very sophisticated, nor is she too understanding of feelings, but after seeing Rong Xueyi's appearance, she feels that she seems to understand a little bit.

Rong Xueyi had a serious illness, very, very serious, she had a persistent high fever, and her body was extremely weak. Ye Jinchu, the world's most famous medical fairy, was by her side, and her body was about to recover. After three months, it gradually got better.

In the past few months, she has never believed the fact that Mo Yan has been buried in the ground, always looking forward to the day when he will open the door, walk to her side, reach out and touch her forehead and say: "Fool. "

She thought that Mo Yan's temperament was cold, arrogant and poisonous, and sometimes it really hurt people's self-esteem, but at this time, she hoped that he could speak harshly in front of her again, even if he scolded her or beat her violently. She has a good meal.

And after she waited foolishly for three months, when she saw the willow tree outside twitching again, she stretched out her hand to scoop up a handful of cold water, and the cool feeling diffused from her fingertips to the tip of her heart After that, she finally knew that her Mo Yan would never come back.

(End of this chapter)

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