Chapter 1168
"I know." Since Gao Lieyang went to the grave with Rong Xueyi last time, she can be said to have a thorough understanding of Rong Xueyi's methods. She knows that although the woman in front of her looks weak, her fighting power is absolutely outrageous.

The corner of her mouth curled slightly and she said: "Please let Concubine Rou go for my sake, I will ask Brother Huang to give you justice in this matter."

As soon as she said these words, everyone including Concubine Rou froze there. Gao Lieyang's status in Beiyan was extremely high, and he was cunning and arrogant. In Beiyan, few people could catch her eyes .

But what she said to Rong Xueyi at this time can be said to be extremely polite, and most importantly, she seemed to be somewhat afraid of Rong Xueyi.

Rong Xueyi didn't intend to kill Concubine Rou at first, but after hearing Gao Lieyang's words, she took it as soon as she saw it. With a wave of her hand, the knife on Concubine Rou's neck was sheathed, and she said softly: "Of course I will give the princess face, but please also tell the concubines in the Emperor's harem that it is best not to trouble me again, otherwise I may not give it to anyone next time."

What she said made everyone present gasp, but Gao Lieyang knew that what she said was true. She saw with her own eyes that Rong Xueyi wanted to die because of Mo Yan's death. Although she was laughing, she couldn't hide the icy aura on her body no matter what. She knew that after Mo Yan died, Rong Xueyi's heart would also die. Rong Xueyi has nothing to be afraid of now. She doesn't care what people outside think of her, let alone her own life or death.

For such a person, Gao Lieyang thought he would not dare to provoke him.

So Gao Lieyang smiled lightly: "Okay, I will tell them."

Rong Xueyi smiled and said, "It's hard work for the princess."

After she finished speaking, she lifted her foot and let Concubine Rou go.

Gao Lieyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "When the emperor came back, he didn't say that he would bring Master Rong back. I don't know how he persuaded Master Rong?"

Rong Xueyi's tone was indifferent: "Dijun is the king of a country, a rare stalwart man in the world, he loves me, and I happen to have nowhere to go, so I followed him to experience the style of Dadu, so I came here .”

Gao Lieyang didn't expect her words to be so straightforward, so he was taken aback for a moment, then she smiled lightly and said, "Does the Rong family like Brother Huang?"

The corner of Rong Xueyi's mouth raised slightly and said: "I don't know, the emperor said that he can touch my heart, and I also want to see how he can touch my heart, so I also want to try."

The people around looked at Rong Xueyi like a monster, the emperor's favor was always rare, there are countless women in the world who have sharpened their heads just to get the emperor's favor, but she was fine, her tone was so disdainful.

Gao Lieyang smiled faintly, but her eyes were gloomy and cold. She said to Rong Xueyi: "Leader Rong will stay at the inn first, and after Brother Huang finishes handling the affairs of the court, he will definitely settle in Master Rong well."

Rong Xueyi smiled indifferently, turned around and walked towards the station, but she turned around, and the big knife in Concubine Rou's hand slashed at Rong Xueyi's back, fierce and cold.

Gao Lieyang pretended to stop him and said, "Master Rong, be careful."

But when Concubine Rou passed by her side, she secretly gave Concubine Rou more strength, in her heart, she actually hoped that Rong Xueyi would die sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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