Chapter 1172
Rong Xueyi smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll pack up and go."

Everything is exactly as she expected. She doesn't know what kind of storms she will stir up in Beiyan when she goes out, and how it will change the history of Beiyan, and even the history of the Seven Kingdoms!
When Rong Xueyi walked out of the gate of the inn, there were already many spectators around outside. It is human nature to gossip. , their hearts are curious.

And when they saw her walking out in a long snow-colored dress, they were all stunned. They really didn't expect that the legendary woman was so beautiful.

They immediately understood why Emperor Beiyan treated her differently. Her appearance was better than any concubine in Beiyan's harem. Most importantly, this woman with outstanding appearance also had extremely neat means. , Killing the arrogant and ruthless Concubine Rou with one move.

Rong Xueyi didn't pay attention to the way they looked at her like a monkey in a zoo. She got into the carriage very calmly, and put down the curtains very calmly, she looked extremely noble.

Beiyan's imperial palace is much simpler than those of Song Qin and Xia Tang.

There are no high walls and bright tiles, and no pavilions. There are only tall palaces and pillars that can only be hugged by several people. The patterns on the pillars are not as exquisite as those of Song and Qin Dynasties, and there are only some rough patterns for decoration.

She crossed the road paved with bluestones and walked forward slowly. Walking in it, she could feel the wind from the grassland blowing from all directions, and then swept over the high wall, passed through the wide wilderness, and stopped at the high wall. side.

The weather is fine today, the sky is blue and the sky is clear.

Seeing such a sky, Rong Xueyi was a little dazed, with an unspeakable sadness in his eyes.

She still remembers when she first arrived in Beiyan, when she saw the blue sky, she took Mo Yan's hand and said: "Ah Yan, I really like the sky here, when your illness is cured, we will settle here, okay? "

At that time, Mo Yan said: "There are few people on the grassland. You like to live so lively, can you get used to it?"

"Yes!" Rong Xueyi smiled and said: "As long as I have you by my side, I will not feel lonely. You are so easy to attract love, so naturally I want to hide you from other women!"

Mo Yan stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, and said with some dissatisfaction: "You still have the nerve to talk about me, the peach blossoms you recruited by yourself seem to be no less than mine, Xiao Weixin, Rong Shisan, and so-and-so, which one is not good?" They hang around you like flies every day. In my opinion, after we live on the grassland, we will move every three times, otherwise, with Xiao Weixin's ability, we will definitely be able to find you."

Rong Xueyi smiled and said, "Ah Yan, are you jealous?"

"How is it possible!" Mo Yan insisted, "How could I be jealous!"

The corners of Rong Xueyi's mouth twitched slightly when she thought of this, her Mo Yansu's venomous tongue made her mouth hard, she always put on airs, rarely said weak words in front of her, even if he loved her deeply, he would rarely show it in front of others There is a point of intimacy with her.

He looked so indifferent, and he was so calm about the things around him.

(End of this chapter)

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