Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1474 Warmth and Warmth

Chapter 1474 Warmth and Warmth (5)

Rong Xueyi smiled and sent Mo Yan to the door. Although the wind and snow were lower today than yesterday, there were a few yellow clouds in the sky. She stayed in Tokyo for a while, and she knew that there would be a big storm in this weather. blizzard.

Rong Xueyi watched Mo Yan walk into the wind and snow wearing a black cloak. He was tall and straight, and he walked very beautifully. She felt that her vision was really good, and her Mo Yan was the best in the world. , just such a back view is enough to make her fascinated.

It was windy outside, Xia Feng was afraid of blowing her up, so he kept pushing her back to the room: "Princess, you go back first, if the prince still sees you standing in the snow when he turns around, I'm afraid he will skin me .”

Rong Xueyi smiled, but she didn't know why she always felt that this scene was somewhat similar to the scene where she sat in front of the palace and waited for Mo Yan to return five years ago, but she thought that after going through so many things, such a thing is not It may happen again, and her mind now is completely different from that of back then.

She shook her head lightly, thinking that she might be thinking too much.

She smiled and went back to the room, Lan Xuege came in from nowhere, stared at her for a while and said: "Sister, you look different today than in the past."

Rong Xueyi felt a little hairy when she saw it, and asked, "What's the difference?"

Lan Xuege smiled and said, "It's more feminine."

Rong Xueyi understood the meaning of her words, stretched out her hand to pinch her and said, "Little girl, what do you know!"

Lan Xuege hid to the side with a smile and said, "Actually, I'm not young anymore. If I calculate it carefully, I'm afraid I'll be a year or two older than you."

She stayed in the tomb for many years before, and she was relatively indifferent to everything, and her life in the world for the past two years was relatively smooth, so she looked very small, and her eyes were very clean.

Rong Xueyi smiled and said, "Then do you know how old you are?"

Lan Xuege thought for a while and said: "It should be twenty, but there are so many years in the tomb, my parents left early, and no one celebrated my birthday, so I actually don't know how old I am. I studied your calendar here, and then looked at Beiyan's calendar that records the time, and I calculated that it seems that I am really older than you."

Rong Xueyi sighed and said: "In this way, I am really at a loss. You have been called my sister for so long for nothing, and I am old."

Lan Xuege smiled lightly, but her eyes were a little lonely. Seeing that her expression was wrong, Rong Xueyi asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lan Xuege replied: "It's just that the prince asked me to give chicken legs to Huahua to eat yesterday. After Huahua finished eating, he slept all the time. Today he woke up and ignored me. He had a dark face and seemed very angry. .”

After hearing her words, Rong Xueyi finally understood why Mo Yan said that he used a very safe method to make Xie Yuhua eat the drugged chicken legs. It turned out that he did it through Lan Xuege's hands. He really...

Rong Xueyi coughed lightly and said, "Huahua is a child at heart, don't you guys quarrel every day? Does he ignore you after every fight?"

"But this time is different from before." Lan Xuege lowered her head slightly: "I can feel that he is really angry this time."

Rong Xueyi said softly: "Actually, he is angry with me, not with you."

After she finished speaking, she unconsciously let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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