Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1506 The truth of the matter

Chapter 1506 The truth of the matter (7)

"Let's not be traitors!" Someone shouted.

Rong Xueyi also said loudly: "Yes, we are not traitors and traitors, and we don't want to be traitors. If you believe me, then follow me to meet King Xin. I believe that you are all good men with strong bones. He is a good man who can tell right from wrong!"

"Let's go, let's help King Xin!" Someone shouted.

This sound was immediately recognized by everyone, and everyone echoed.

"Let's not be traitors!"

"Xinzi did not rebel, we were deceived!"

"Kill those rebellious officials and thieves, as well as An Ning Xia Tang!"

At this time, when these voices came out, Rong Xueyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She immediately led the soldiers to walk down the mountain. At this time, everyone was on the mountainside, and all the torches had been lit, illuminating the entire imperial mausoleum brightly.

Under the leadership of Rong Xueyi, the soldiers strode forward.

After walking like this for about a quarter of an hour, Rong Xueyi realized that she had just accidentally hit the barracks, and this barracks was obviously just set up, and the soldiers inside were from the Defense Department and Jing Jiwei. , and nine admirals.

When she saw the clothes of these people, she became more and more surprised. If all these people were here, who else would be guarding in Tokyo?
It's just that although she thought of this matter, she was powerless at this moment.

And the soldiers who followed her at this time belonged to the Beijing Central Defense Department.

At this moment, Rong Xueyi heard the sound of fighting in front, and the smell of fresh blood was blowing over with the wind and snow.

At this moment, someone shouted: "What are you doing?"

Rong Xueyi turned her head to look, but saw a man with a long scar on his face walking on the road beside him. The man's fierce spirit and eyes were like a wild wolf that had been hungry for a long time, with extremely strong killing intent.

As soon as Rong Xueyi saw the man, she immediately thought of someone, and she said coldly: "Qi Yutian, you are so courageous, the prince wholeheartedly promotes you, but you will repay your kindness, and at this time you actually lead someone to plot against the Ming clan! Are you still human?"

It was indeed Qi Yutian who met Rong Xueyi face to face. He was taken aback when he heard Rong Xueyi's words. He always thought that his collusion with Ming Yuesheng was done very properly this time, and no outsiders knew about it.

At this point when the matter reached this stage, some people may have already guessed it, but when he heard it from Rong Xueyi's ears, he was still a little surprised, and he said angrily: "Who are you? How dare you talk nonsense here Eight ways!"

After he finished yelling, he immediately came back to his senses, looked at her firmly and said, "You are Rong Xueyi!"

Rong Xueyi praised: "Your eyes are not bad, but you are a thief!"

After she said this, she said angrily: "What kind of benefits did the Ming Dynasty give you? You actually work for the Ming Dynasty like this! Are you a courtier of Xia Tang, or a courtier of the Ming Dynasty?"

The question was really sharp, and Qi Yutian roared angrily: "The person who turned the other way is the king of Xin!"

"Really?" Rong Xueyi said coldly: "You can only coax your cronies when you say this. Except for them, who would believe your words? He didn’t rebel when he swept Xiliang with the black armored cavalry, he didn’t rebel when he fought against Beiyan, he didn’t rebel when he held all the military power of Beiyan, but he rebelled just after he got married, who would believe this?”

(End of this chapter)

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