Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1513 Snow Clothes Are Seriously Ill

Chapter 1513 Snow Clothes Are Seriously Ill (4)

Ming Yuesheng nodded slightly, and Qianjue opened the door. After the door was opened, there was indeed an oil lamp inside. The lamp was very ordinary, almost like the ordinary lamp in the Pingsu Korean clan. exactly the same.

When Qian Absolutely stretched out his hand to pull the wick, Mr. Han looked at Ming Yuesheng and said, "Ming Yuesheng, you'd better not break your promise, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Ming Yuesheng stood firmly in front of him and said, "Don't worry, I mean what I say."

Mr. Han said again: "There are some places in that secret art that are very special. If I don't tell you, even if you get it, you won't know how to use it. This matter is very important and cannot be heard by others. Come here , I’m only telling you.”

Ming Yuesheng saw that his eyes were full of helplessness, and he understood that this is a craftsman like Mr. Han, who holds the most exquisite technology, but has never passed it on to others. Things can be passed on to future generations.

He thought he understood the meaning of Mr. Han, so he put his ear close to him and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Han, I will definitely not let you down, so you can rest assured."

It's just that as soon as he leaned over, old man Han's eyes suddenly changed, no longer as gentle as before, filled with killing intent, he opened his mouth, and directly bit Ming Yuesheng's ear.

He bit it so hard that he directly bit off Ming Yuesheng's ear.

Ming Yuesheng screamed, and Qianjue had already found the box under the wick mechanism. He was opening the box. As soon as the box was opened, there was a sound of mechanism inside. Qianjue was the closest, directly He was shot into the chest by the needle inside, his eyes widened, and he died on the spot.

As soon as Qian Jue's body fell down, it touched another invisible mechanism in the room. Several sharp arrows flew out of that mechanism, and shot directly in the direction of Ming Yuesheng's Mr. Han.

Ming Yuesheng didn't expect Mr. Han to make such an arrangement, he was very angry immediately, rolled his body on the spot, and narrowly avoided the extremely sharp arrow.

When he turned around, he saw the strange smile on the corner of Mr. Han's mouth again. He was startled, knowing that something was going wrong, and sure enough, he heard a loud bang, and the explosives buried in the room exploded immediately. When it opened, the whole room instantly became a sea of ​​flames.

When Rong Xueyi and Mo Yan rushed over, they saw such a scene.

Rong Xueyi was shocked and said: "No!"

After she finished speaking, she jumped off the horse and rushed directly to the fire.

Knowing that she was seriously injured, Mo Yan stretched out his arms to hug her and said, "Xue Yi, the fire is too big, we can't go!"

"But Grandpa Han is still inside!" Rong Xueyi said loudly.

Mo Yan said softly: "I know, but you can't save Mr. Han even if you go in now!"

"I don't care!" Rong Xueyi said loudly, "I'm going in!"

What she said was somewhat capricious, and she no longer had the calmness she used to. She seemed to be crazy and leaned forward desperately.

At this moment, Rong Xueyi thought of the kindness that old man Han had treated her all these years. After careful calculation, she has no blood relationship with old man Han, he is the best person in this world to her.

She may not have realized it before, but in her heart, she already regarded Mr. Han as her grandfather.

(End of this chapter)

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