Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1577 Warmth and Warmth

Chapter 1577 Warmth and Warmth (4)

It's just that there are some things that Rong Feiyang knows that he can't do it without hard work. For example, this time, he and Xiao Weixin were plotted against, and they almost died several times. save him.

After what happened this time, he finally knew that no matter how strong a person is in this world, in the midst of countless calculations and in front of the rolling torrent, his strength is ultimately weak, and there are some things that he can't do anything about.

It's just that he feels even more, the more this is the case, the more powerful talents need to be!
He nodded heavily, and said softly, "Sister, I'm so happy to see you again!"

Rong Xueyi stroked his hair like she was a child and said, "Silly boy!"

Rong Feiyang smiled. Although there were tears streaming down his face, his heart was warm. He nestled into her arms like when he was a child. She smiled softly, stroking his back and said: "It's over, don't be afraid."

Rong Feiyang nodded, the two stopped talking, but there was a warm feeling flowing from their sides, it was so warm.

The wooden house was too small, and Rong Xueyi seemed a bit crowded after entering. Neither Mo Yan nor Xiao Weixin went in. The two stood outside and saw the scene of the reunion of the siblings. They looked at each other, and then backed away a little.

At this time, Xiao Weixin no longer had the rascal look he had when he saw Rong Xueyi just now, and the smile on his face had all disappeared. Although he still looked a little downcast, the air of an emperor was no matter what. I can't hide it anymore.

In fact, he has always been changeable. Although he has been using formless behaviors to dilute the aura that belongs to him over the years, when he calms down, those auras will always overflow unconsciously .

He has his willful side, but also has his serious side.

Mo Yan's understanding of him is actually much deeper than that of Rong Xueyi, and Mo Yan has actually seen him like this many times.

And this time, Mo Yan also noticed his changes. He seemed to be deeper than before, and his whole body had a three-dimensional sense of weight.

It was only then that Mo Yan realized that his eye sockets were actually sunken and bloodshot inside. He had lost a lot of weight, and his skin was not as shiny as before, but it added a sense of vicissitude to him.

Mo Yan thinks back on what happened in these years, they have actually lived and died many times. Although they each have their own missions, although their personalities are completely different, the test of God on them is actually very similar.

He remembered the scene when he met Xiao Weixin for the first time. At that time, they were still very young, but because he had experienced too many things since he was young, he was a little bit different from his age at a young age. mature.

At that time, Xiao Weixin was still a bouncing boy, smiling at everyone with his eyes open, but secretly making troubles.

At that time, Mo Yan was actually a little envious of Xiao Weixin, and felt that Xiao Weixin was much happier than him, so Mo Yan at that time always thought that Xiao Weixin must have a pair of father, queen, and queen who doted on him very much.

But when he knew more about Xiao Weixin, he realized how wrong his idea was. Although Xiao Weixin's father loved him more, Xiao Weixin's childhood life would never be worse than Xiao Weixin's. Mo Yan is happy.

The only difference is that the two behave differently, Mo Yan is like a stranger who should not get close to him, while Xiao Weixin is like a game of life.

(End of this chapter)

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