Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1628 The Death of Ashin

Chapter 1628 The Death of Ashin (1)

Rong Xueyi regretted more than once, why did she stand here in the first place, watching what happened before her eyes, but she was powerless to stop it.

The incident happened in the second quarter of an hour after she stood there observing. At that time, all the soldiers in Nanchu rushed towards the bottom of Miyun Reservoir like a cloud, and the poisonous insects in the forest rushed forward like crazy.

Standing on the high hill, Rong Xueyi frowned watching all this, a bad premonition filled her heart, at this moment, a person dressed in snow-white clothes appeared on the high dam of Miyun Reservoir .

It's Xiao Weixin!

Rong Xueyi stood up abruptly, seeing Xiao Weixin standing there, her bad premonition became stronger again, her eyes showed a bit of panic, what exactly was he trying to do standing there at this moment?
Rong Xueyi bit her lip lightly, her body couldn't help trembling slightly.

But Xiao Weixin said loudly: "Mother, you have searched for thousands of miles, and the schemes of the upper and the lower are trying to kill me. Now that I give you my chance, don't you want to see me again?"

His tone was still teasing as before, no one knew how he got here.

After Xiao Weixin said that, there was only the sound of bows being drawn in the woods. Some of the soldiers already knew his identity, and the hands holding the arrows were trembling at this moment. There was no room for turning around, and the arrow in his hand was gripped even tighter.

Rong Xueyi's heart also touched her throat, this kind of thing really exceeded her initial expectations.

It's just that this kind of behavior is more in line with Xiao Weixin's temperament. He was originally a madman, so what would he not dare to do?
Her first thought at this moment was: "What exactly does he want to do?"

Her second thought was: "How can he get out of this situation?"

Rong Xueyi's breathing became a little quicker, she analyzed the situation in front of her in her heart, and thought about the information she had obtained in the past few days, but the conclusion she came to still shocked her.

Because she is as smart as she is, she can't think of a better solution at this time, nor can she think of a way out for herself in this desperate situation.

Xiao Weixin saw the silence all around, and said loudly: "Mother, even if you hate me, you gave birth to me after all. Now you have become the Queen Mother of Nanchu because of me. By this time, you still dare not come to see me. But because you have no face to face me?"

He smiled and calmly said to the many soldiers in the forest: "Soldiers, I think you have already guessed my identity. Since I came to the throne, although I am not a good emperor, I am definitely not a good emperor." He will be a bad emperor. I have always wanted He Nanchu's peace and wanted you to live and work in peace and contentment, so I have always stayed away from those wars and calculations. It's just that the queen mother wants to rebel and give the throne to her and her ex-husband's illegitimate son. I don’t know, I don’t blame you, as long as you put down the butcher’s knives in your hands, I won’t blame you for what you did before!”

Although Xiao Weixin has an absurd name, his reputation in Nanchu has always been extremely high. All these years, people with knowledge know that he has contributed a lot to Nanchu's ability to live and work in peace and contentment.

The soldiers around looked at each other with hesitant expressions in their eyes, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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