Chapter 1662 Spoil you (5)

In Mo Yan's view, an abnormal person like Xiao Weixin actually has the advantages of being abnormal. At least now that something has happened, with his previous arrangements, these things will be done much more smoothly.

Mo Yan also knew that he couldn't face these matters publicly, but with his temperament, how could he watch Rong Xueyi busy there and ignore it?So he is also using his method to deal with some things these days.

In terms of understanding of Southern Chu, Rong Xueyi is actually far inferior to Mo Yan. Because of Xiao Weixin's relationship before, he almost knew everything about the affairs of the Southern Chu court. The ministers of the Southern Chu court There are few things he doesn't know about the relationship between them.

So who can use it, who can't use it, and how those who can use it should be used, he is also very clear.

After Rong Xueyi raised soldiers and horses, he had already laid a big net in Southern Chu, and how this net would work and how to collect it was up to him.

It's just that when they were about to arrive in Liangcheng, they received a piece of news that they didn't want to receive anyway: the news of Xiao Weixin's death.

Rong Xueyi had always felt that the Queen Mother of Nanchu was not dead, so Xiao Weixin had a great chance of surviving, because they were so close.

This idea has been supporting her recently. She wants to do something for Xiao Weixin. In this way, after finding him, he will not have to face the chaos in Southern Chu alone.

But when the news of the death came, Rong Xueyi only felt cold all over her body.

Xiao Weixin's body was retrieved from the river by Moxuan's people. When it was found, the body was soaked beyond recognition. The weather was getting hotter and soaked for too long. The flesh was basically rotten. The only thing that could be identified was His clothes, and the scars on the skin on the side of the waist that haven't completely rotted away.

After soaking for so long, the trace has faded, and it is almost invisible, but the experienced old man can still see some clues, and wrote that one on the autopsy report.

Clothes can be faked and put on other people's bodies, but such scars cannot be faked.

And a wooden hairpin was found on the corpse, with the word Xueyi engraved on it.

Rong Feiyang recognized the wooden hairpin as soon as he saw it: "After Emperor Xiao and I were in danger, he used a knife to carve this wooden hairpin when he was free. It belongs to him, there is no right or wrong."

Rong Xueyi was stunned by these three clues. If she had always had a glimmer of hope for Xiao Weixin's matter before, then her only hope was shattered at this time.

Rong Xueyi closed her eyes slightly, and said softly, "Ashin, were you really the one who came to see me that day?"

She thought of that weird dream. Ever since she woke up that day, she hadn't dared to think too much about what happened that day. After the shattering, an indescribable sadness surged in her heart.

Mo Yan's tone was very light: "He chose this path himself, and he knows the result, so there's no need for you to be sad."

Rong Xueyi said faintly: "I always feel that no matter what happens to a person like him, it is impossible to die, but when the matter develops to this point, I feel that I still think too much about this matter. So naive."

(End of this chapter)

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