Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 1709 Her brother

Chapter 1709 Her brother (2)

And Mo Yan would stay by Rong Xueyi's clothes most of the time every day, and he would only go to work for a while when she was taking a nap.

And Rong Xueyi didn't like to be guarded by someone when she was sleeping, and Xie Yuhua's whereabouts were still unknown, and there were no other guards in her room at this time.

When Rong Xueyi felt that someone was looking at her, she woke up instantly, but she didn't open her eyes. Now Nanchu is not really peaceful, and this time she sent troops to attack Liangcheng, the people of Nanchu still have feelings for her. It belongs to their guard, and there are many people who want her life.

Her many years as an agent had given her a not-so-bad habit, that is, she liked to keep a short knife under her pillow.

She quietly maintained her extremely steady breathing, her whole body remained unchanged, as if she was still in a deep sleep.

She heard very light footsteps, and those footsteps were slowly walking towards her. Judging from her experience, although the footsteps were very light, they were very steady. He was a practicing family, and how good his other martial arts were. She doesn't know very well, at least the person's light work is not bad.

Judging from the distance between the footsteps of the person coming and the sound of breathing, the distance between the two is very far, which proves that the person coming is tall, and people of this height are usually men.

Rong Xueyi silently calculated the distance in her heart, three meters, two meters, one meter, the footsteps stopped in front of her bed, she felt a bit murderous, just when the man was about to strike, her The stature exploded.

The dagger in his hand drew a silver imprint in the air, dazzling like lightning, directly hitting the person's throat.

This move of hers was a nirvana when she was an agent in her previous life, and basically no one could block her killing intent.

In fact, her current movements are as sharp as her previous life, and she can directly take people's lives, but she screamed inwardly after she took the shot. Her current body is no longer the same as before.

She has been pregnant for more than five months now, and her body is much bulkier than usual, so she is a bit slower to kill in this way than before.

And at this time, it is a bit fatal to slow down by one point. The sharp blade that can advance eight points can only advance seven points, and it is only this point. Let that person escape from her blade up.

That person also didn't expect her to suddenly explode, let alone her skill being so sharp.

He felt the murderous intent coming from her and backed away. His martial arts were also excellent, and it was the first time in so many years that someone could force him into such a situation.

Blood flowed down from his neck, if Rong Xueyi's knife had advanced a little further, Rong Xueyi must have cut his throat by now.

"What a neat skill!" the man praised.

Rong Xueyi said coldly: "You are not bad either."

She was talking, but her hands were not idle, and the knife in her hand attacked the man like lightning.

Rong Xueyi used to pull down the bamboo curtain at the door when she was sleeping, the light in the room was a bit dim, she couldn't see the face of the person coming at this time, she could only tell that the person was a man.

The man couldn't see her appearance clearly, so he had to step back quickly.

Rong Xueyi's move is not complicated, even a little simple, but it is such a simple move, but he is too heavy to fight.

He knew that if she hadn't been pregnant, he might have died in her hands by now.

(End of this chapter)

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