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Chapter 1981 I love you

Chapter 1981 I love you (4)

Seeing this situation, Rong Xueyi knew that it was because of what happened at Ye Jinchu this time that Mo Yan discovered that such medical treatment would be of great benefit to the common people, so this regulation has been continued.

Because of this, many people in Tokyo have benefited.

Since Mo Yan came to power, he has done a lot of good deeds in Beijing, and he has given a lot of benevolent government to the people, benefiting more than tens of millions of people. Although there are some resistance in the court, everyone knows Mo Yan's methods Ben was a little scared, but those ministers who had promised him clearly but were doing bad things behind their backs were severely dealt with several times by him.

There are those who have ruined their families and died, and there are those who have been transferred from afar.

After doing this several times, no one dared to play tricks in front of Mo Yan again, and everything became orderly.

And although Xia Tang is still at war with Song Qin and Xiliang, it can't stop the vitality. The people of the Seven Kingdoms, after hearing these news, began to flock to Xia Tang from all directions.

Today's Xia Tang, although it has not yet unified the Seven Kingdoms, has already begun to let the people of the Seven Kingdoms return to their hearts.

Rong Xueyi didn't know how she felt when she heard such news in the palace, she was actually a little bit apprehensive, because she felt that her temperament was really not suitable for sitting in the hall and being worshiped by thousands of people.

It's not that she doesn't have enough aura, on the contrary, she is actually a very aura person, just let her sit there wearing a queen's formal dress and wearing a phoenix crown weighing more than ten kilograms, she feels that her butt hurts.

Forget about these, because she is the queen now, so she still has to behave very dignified, but in essence, she has never been such a dignified person, sitting there like that, she is really tired like a dog.

At this time, Rong Xueyi especially admired the kind of woman who can sit with that set of accessories for several hours, that kind of thing is simply not done by anyone, if she had to choose, she would rather bring thousands of people and tear it up immediately. kill.

Mo Yan knew that she didn't like to participate in such occasions, so she was never asked to do similar things except that she was asked to wear a queen's formal attire and a phoenix crown to accept the worship of the ministers on the day of the Queen's Conferment Ceremony.

Even so, the memory of that time left a deep impression on Rong Xueyi.

So Rong Xueyi became the first woman in history who had the idea of ​​not being a queen within a few months after becoming a queen. She found that if Mo Yan hadn't been there, she would have fled far away in the rivers and lakes with Mo Yan in her arms. .

During these few months in the palace, she deeply realized the true meaning of the saying "Life is as lonely as snow".

And at this time, she was already looking forward to everything being settled so that she could leave this damned palace as soon as possible.

At this time, good news also came from the front line. Xiao Weixin defeated the army of Song and Qin by the Tianxian Mountains. With a well-planned camp, Xiao Weixin won the greatest victory with the least amount of troops in this battle.

The results of this battle were also extremely fruitful. Xia and Tang's troops approached the capitals of Song and Qin. The time between Song and Qin was short, and the ministers in the court usually surrendered in fear of his power.

At this time, as soon as Ming Ji showed his failure, they immediately turned against each other, and almost no one helped Ming Ji.

During the escape, Ming Ji was killed by the rebel army, and the once dominant Ming Clan came to an end at this time.

PS: Thank you ╰Deborah for rewarding 99 book coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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