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Chapter 1997 Telling the Heart at Night

Chapter 1997 Telling the Heart at Night (4)

But while she was happy, Empress Shuzhao felt sorry for Rong Xueyi more and more, so she asked: "Xue Yi, how did you live in Ming Mansion when you were young?"

Rong Xueyi smiled slightly and said: "When my father and mother were alive, they loved me very much, but after they passed away, my life was not very good. At that time, the family business was taken over by my uncle, and Feiyang and I had a bad time. It’s a little bit hard, but fortunately, we met the prince at that time, and he helped us through the difficulties.”

Empress Shu Zhao knew almost nothing about Rong Xueyi's childhood, because Rong Xueyi had never mentioned it in front of Zhao Shukuang before, and very few people knew about Rong Xueyi's childhood past.

Empress Shuzhao originally saw that Rong Xueyi had a good conversation, and thought that Rong Xueyi had a good life when she was a child. She should not have suffered much in the Rong Mansion. After hearing Rong Xueyi's words, her heart suddenly became extremely feel bad.

She immediately understood that the strong character that Rong Xueyi has developed now is inseparably related to the suffering when she was a child.

Empress Shuzhao has always felt that it doesn't matter if girls are more delicate. Such a strong Rong Xueyi made her feel very distressed, and she regretted why she left her in the first place. So much suffering?

Rong Xueyi felt her depression, Rong Xueyi smiled lightly, her tone was very indifferent: "It's been many years, now I think about it, and I don't think it's a big deal, it's because of those experiences in Rongfu , let me grow up. Besides, if I don't live in the Rong Mansion, I'm afraid I won't meet the prince, so I think this is an excellent thing."

Empress Shu Zhao didn't expect her to think this way, and she didn't know whether it was joy or sadness for a while.

Lan Xuege interjected: "My queen, what my sister said is that those things have passed, and now the emperor is so kind to my sister, and my sister is living so happily, that's enough."

Empress Shuzhao said softly: "Yes, as long as Xue Yi is living happily now, let him go after those things are over!"

Empress Shu Zhao thought of another thing after saying this: "I heard that Xue Yi's health has not been very good. If her body is not good, she will not be able to stay up all night. You should go back to the palace to rest earlier!"

"Don't!" Rong Xueyi directly refused: "My mother doesn't know, Ah Yan has always been very strict with me, he let me stay alone in the palace every day, and he didn't let me go anywhere. I'm the one who forced him tonight." It took him a long time to take me out, and I finally got out, so I don't want to go back so soon!"

Her words were somewhat childish, and Empress Shu Zhao laughed and said, "You child!"

Lan Xuege knew that Empress Shu Zhao cherished the time she spent with Rong Xueyi very much, and she couldn't bear to part with her at all, so she said this now because she cared about Rong Xueyi, and she didn't want to part with her.

So Lan Xuege said with a smile: "Mother, it doesn't matter at all for my sister to go to bed late every night!"

"That's right! How can I be so delicate!" Rong Xueyi said angrily, "No one of you will drive me away tonight, anyway, I don't want to go back to the palace tonight! I'll just stay here!"

Empress Shuzhao laughed out loud. Her personality was actually much more interesting than what Empress Shuzhao expected. Being together like this made her feel very relaxed, and the boulder in her heart was completely let go.

(End of this chapter)

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