Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 25 You Seduce Me

Chapter 25 You Seduce Me
Rong Xueyi looked at the orange flesh piled up as high as a hill, and she gritted her teeth angrily. By this time, she was already sure that this monster recognized her, and she was trying to torture her in a different way!
She turned her head and glanced at him, and saw that he was half leaning on the big chair, his fox-like eyes were half-closed, looking at the dancer in the middle with interest, his slender fingers tapped in time with the beat, and his black hair was loose Behind the head, the light robe is worn slowly, showing a romantic attitude.

She knew that there was no benefit in confronting him head-on, so she said calmly, "It won't take a quarter of an hour, just a moment."

After she finished speaking, she calmly held the mountain-like orange and distributed it to the maid behind her: "His Royal Highness Xin Wang rewarded, let's share it with everyone!"

All the servants cheered and called His Highness benevolent and wise.

Mo Yan didn't even bother to look at them, but there was more interest in those fox eyes.

Rong Xueyi rubbed her weak legs and continued to stand three feet behind Mo Yan, as if what happened just now had never happened.

"Pour wine." Mo Yan ordered.

Rong Xueyi picked up the flagon and stepped forward to pour the wine indifferently, one foot stretched out from the slant, she didn't look at it, she raised her foot and stepped directly on the ankle of that foot, two screams came out, Rong Xueyi leaned forward, and poured a pot of hot wine directly on Mo Yan.

The accident happened quickly, and Mo Yan's reaction was even faster. With a flick of his sleeve, he immediately brushed away the jug in Rong Xueyi's hand. As soon as the direction changed, the whole person threw himself on Mo Yan's body, and the warm lips covered his lips impartially.

All this happened so suddenly, Mo Yan's fox eyes were full of shock, his nose smelled the woman's elegant fragrance like orchid, and the touch on his lips was as gentle as a freshly bloomed flower, his heart skipped a beat unconsciously.

With such a change, everyone was stunned, even the musicians forgot to play music, and the dancers didn't know how to dance, only Rong Wenxia, ​​whose ankle was broken by Rong Xueyi, screamed there.

There was only a moment of silence. With a wave of Mo Yan's hand, Rong Xueyi's body flew out. Seeing that her body was about to hit the thick wall, she saw her body turning over in the air, changing its shape, and swaying Standing on the ground in a daze, those who didn't know thought she was lucky.

Mo Yan's eyes were narrowed, and Rong Zhennan came back to his senses first, and angrily said: "Xue Yi, you are so brave! How dare you molested His Highness!"

Rong Xueyi scolded in her heart: "Indecent assault on your sister, if my aunt knew that stepping on Rong Wenxia's ankle would lead to the fall on the evildoer, I would rather fall to my own death!"

Her face was filled with sadness: "Second Uncle, please spare me, you said earlier that you asked me to seduce His Highness, I was too stupid, I didn't know how to handle it properly, I'm ashamed of you!"

Rong Zhennan froze there, and she continued: "Your Highness, I know that I am absolutely not worthy of you with my looks. I have self-knowledge and dare not have other thoughts, but I dare not disobey the order of my second uncle. Please, Your Highness, spare my life!"

Rong Zhennan's expression suddenly became extremely strange, he looked at Mo Yan and said, "Your Highness..."

Mo Yan interrupted him softly: "The girl you chose is too ugly, next time you want to send a woman to this king, remember to pick a girl with outstanding beauty."

Rong Zhennan didn't know how to answer, but fortunately, he has been in business for many years and is also a good person, so he responded quickly and said: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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