Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 579 1 Shot to Kill

Chapter 579 One Shot Kill
Mingji was originally an old fox. Although he hated Rong Xueyi to the bone, he had seen Rong Xueyi's methods several times in a row, and Ming Yuesheng had suffered from Rong Xueyi's losses several times. At this time, Ming Yuewan took the initiative Asked to deal with Rong Xueyi, he agreed to Ming Yuewan's request, but secretly asked Ming Yuesheng to guard a more peripheral place.

If Ming Yuewan really killed Rong Xueyi, then forget it, if Ming Yuewan doesn't have that ability, then there is Ming Yuesheng.

The most important thing is that there is no one outside the plum garden at this time, it is really a good place to kill Rong Xueyi.

As soon as Ming Yuewan saw Rong Xueyi, he wished he could chop Rong Xueyi with a knife, and he immediately shouted: "Rong Xueyi, you are dead today!"

Rong Xueyi glanced at Mingyuewan's empty ears, she wanted to laugh a little, it really was Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs, and today even a scumbag like Mingyuewan came to join her.

When she saw these men and horses, she knew that they were all from the Ming Dynasty, not from Mo Yan, and she immediately felt better.

As far as she is concerned, as long as she is not Mo Yan's person, she will not be entangled and uncomfortable.

She glanced at the dark soldiers behind Mingyue bent over, and she knew that Mingyue spent a lot of money in order to deal with her today.

Rong Xueyi smiled lightly and said, "That's not necessarily the case."

Ming Yuewan said to the archer behind him: "Shoot her into a horse's nest!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and as soon as he lowered his hand, those archers would shoot at her immediately.

Seeing his appearance, Rong Xueyi's eyes showed a murderous look. She originally thought that after Mr. Han made the gun, she would be able to use it in an emergency, but she didn't expect that it would be used one after another today. There are so many people lining up to test guns for her.

Rong Xueyi raised the gun in her hand. No one here knows the huge lethality of the gun. Seeing her standing there holding a black object, Ming Yuewan felt that she was very tenth today. Most of the time, I was scared and stupid.

Ming Yuewan said loudly: "Rong Xueyi, you asked for all of this! Just suffer!"

As soon as he finished his sentence, Rong Xueyi pulled the trigger, and with a "bang", it hit the center of Ming Yuewan's eyebrows. There were some smug laughter behind him, but at this moment, he could never laugh. Out.

Those archers were all ready, but they were startled by the gunshot, and they didn't know whether to shoot the arrows in their hands.

Ye Wuyu was the closest to Mingyuewan, and clearly saw Rong Xueyi kill Mingyuewan directly with the black thing in his hand.

There was fear in Ye Wuyu's eyes, he really couldn't figure out what that thing in Rong Xueyi's hand was, it was so powerful!

At this time, he saw that Rong Xueyi had pointed that strange thing at him, and without thinking about it, he jumped off the horse and said loudly: "Let the arrow, let the arrow!"

The archers finally came to their senses at this moment, picked up the arrows in their hands and shot at Rong Xueyi.

Xie Yuhua turned the long sword in her hand into a barrier, protecting Rong Xueyi behind her.

Rong Xueyi knew that there was no better way than rushing out at this time. Although she felt sorry for the bullets, she didn't care about them at this time, and directly picked up the gun in her hand and started shooting.

There are so many people in front, she can sweep a lot of them with just a sweep.

There was only a series of "bang bang bang" sounds, and the corpses fell on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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