Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 608 Another Chapter Tokyo

Chapter 608 Returning to Tokyo
Mo Yan opened the letter, and the words on the letter were the most regular block letters nowadays, anyone who wrote letters on behalf of others at the writing booth could write them.

But I saw it said: "Ming Dynasty is weak, why don't the princes take advantage of the victory and kill?"

A simple sentence could not be more simple, Mo Yan frowned slightly, Xia Zhi asked: "My lord, is there a problem with these things?"

Mo Yan said softly: "The person who wrote the letter didn't want me to know their identities, so they didn't leave any clues. It's just that the method of doing things reminded me of Xue Yi."

When he said this, Xia Zhi and Xia Yu looked at each other, both of them looked helpless.

Xia Yu has a straight temper and couldn't help but said: "My lord, the girl has been away for three years, there is no way that these things were sent by the girl."

Xia Zhi also said: "There are too many people who have enmity with the Ming Dynasty. Over the years, the whole Xia and Tang Dynasties know that the prince and the Ming Dynasty are at odds. I'm afraid that someone wants to use the prince's hand to deal with the Ming Dynasty."

Mo Yan's eyes flickered several times, and he stood still for a while.

Xia Yu persuaded: "I know that the prince has been regretting the actions of those years, but the matter has come to this point, the dead cannot be resurrected, the prince should take care of his body first."

Mo Yan glanced at him, and said softly: "Regardless of whether our people robbed the offerings this time, the Ming Dynasty lost the offerings after all, and acted according to the original plan."

Xia Yu responded and went to prepare for something.

After the two left, Mo Yan sat quietly on the small couch, and said softly, "Xue Yi, how I hoped that you would be the one who took action against the Ming clan this time."

The robbing of Ming Clan's offerings caused an uproar in the court. Emperor Xia Tang was furious, and immediately called Ming Ji into the palace and scolded him severely. Ming Ji was also very annoyed. The matter of sending offerings to Song and Qin, asked Ming Yuesheng to establish a good relationship with Song and Qin. Unexpectedly, the offerings had not been sent to Song and Qin, but the offerings had already been lost. Most importantly, Ming Yuesheng had not yet return.

After Emperor Xiatang scolded Mingji, he ordered him to retrieve the offerings within one month.

In the past few years, Xia Tang first fought against Xiliang, and then fought against Song and Qin, and now his national power has been reduced by a few points.

It's not that Xia Tang couldn't send anything to Song Qin anymore, but that Xia Tang had ordered people to send the list of offerings to Song Qin before, and now he has collected so many things and sent them to Song Qin in such a short period of time. Song Qin.

For this reason, Emperor Xia Tang was extremely distressed.

After Rong Xueyi returned to Tokyo, she first put on a human skin mask to change her appearance, and then walked in directly through the city gate.

Three years later, Tokyo is still the same as before, but in her opinion, this imperial city already smells of corruption.

The seemingly bustling street no longer had the vitality it had three years ago.

She is both familiar and unfamiliar with this Tokyo city. Before she escaped last time, she actually didn't stay here for a long time, so she doesn't have a deep relationship with this Tokyo city. The only person in Tokyo who has feelings is a certain person.

For what happened three years ago, she didn't blame Mo Yan, because she knew from the beginning that he couldn't be sincere to her. Being able to stay with him, so he deserved the injury at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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