Chapter 61
Rong Xueyi couldn't hear the number of points that Zhu Yi was shaking, but he could see from the subtle expression on Zhu Yi's face how satisfied he was with the points that he had shaken, so he could judge what point he was shaking.

In the second round, Zhu Yiyao was four six six, and Rong Xueyi was still three six.

In the third round, Zhu Yi rolled three sixes, Rong Xueyi rolled out two sixes, and the other half tipped on the other dice, revealing the three dots next to it. According to the Hidden City Casino's algorithm, that was three sixes. Add another three points, and she still wins.

Zhu Yi scolded: "It's evil, you little brat is really evil."

After losing ten games in a row, Zhu Yi finally couldn't help saying: "Let's not bet big, we'll bet small instead!"

Rong Xueyi readily agreed, and she won another ten rounds in a row.

By this time, Zhu Yi was already sweating profusely. He didn't expect Rong Xueyi to be so well versed in this at such a young age. He had never lost so much before, he just felt that his old face couldn't be wiped off, and there were ridicules all around him. His exclaimed voice of Rong Xueyi made him even more irritable.

He said loudly: "Three dice are too simple, change six!"

Rong Xueyi readily agreed, and after a gamble, Zhu Yi lost ten games in a row, and Zhu Yi was completely restless: "Where the hell are you a monster, how can you have such a clever gambling skill?"

Rong Xueyi replied calmly, "I'm not a monster, I'm a genius."

Zhu Yi was dumbfounded, laughing all around.

When Mo Yan heard this sentence, the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, but Xia Yu was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth: "Master, why is she so powerful?"

Mo Yan didn't answer, only asked, "Where's the man next to her?"

"I don't know, maybe I found out that the prince is more handsome, cool and richer than him, so you should be scared away!" Xia Yu giggled.

Mo Yan was too lazy to pay attention to him, just at this moment, a gambler reached out and patted Rong Xueyi on the shoulder because he was too excited. When he saw her again, a woman surrounded by a group of men, he felt very unhappy, and he said coldly: "It's a shame for a woman to be crowded with men!"

Xia Yu echoed: "It's really outrageous! Wangye, do you want me to go down and clear the scene?"

Mo Yan said in a low voice, "We'll talk about it when she's done winning."

While the two of them were talking, Rong Xueyi won another ten games. At this time, Zhu Yi was no longer as handsome as before, and he didn't know if his face was flushed with excitement or anger, and he said loudly: "The next ten games. smaller!"

Rong Xueyi nodded in agreement. In the last round, Zhu Yi gritted his teeth, and when he opened the dice, everyone gasped: the six dice were stacked into a pillar, and the top one had only one point.

Zhu Yi looked at Rong Xueyi provocatively and said, "If you can beat me this time, I will kneel down and call you grandpa!"

"I'm not as old as your grandson." Rong Xueyi smiled and said, "You only need to pay me 10 taels of silver."

After she finished speaking, she opened the dice cup, and all the onlookers gasped, and some people said in surprise: "It's a pilgrimage of the dice, God! It's actually the legendary pilgrimage of the dice!"

The crowd suddenly boiled, and everyone's eyes were full of disbelief!

The six dice are spliced ​​to each other and close to each other. From the top, they are all corners, and there is not a single point!Don't say such points are shaken out, even if you stack them by hand, you may not be able to stack them.

Zhu Yi immediately wanted to go crazy. The six-dice pilgrimage is a legendary point. It is said that only the god of gamblers can shake it out. In the past few decades, no one can shake it, but he didn't expect it to be shaken out by this thin young man in front of him. !
(End of this chapter)

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