Concubine's elegance is peerless

Chapter 641 Waiting For You For A Long Time

Chapter 641 Waiting For You For A Long Time
Ordinary people would have to have eight big men pull the gate at the same time to open it, and it was precisely because of this that the guards were not worried about someone pulling the gate, because it was impossible to do it with one person's ability.

And Rong Xueyi had already studied the Qianjin Gate of the Guancheng Gate before. As a secret agent leader in her previous life, she has dabbled in all kinds of knowledge, including some knowledge of physics and mechanics.

At that dead corner, she quickly made a small carrying pole, and then made a hinge device, and then pulled hard, and the heavy gate weighing more than a thousand catties was lifted directly.

There was movement when the jack gate was raised, and the other guards came over to check as soon as they heard the movement here.

When they came to check, Rong Xueyi directly pulled it with a rope, then jumped to the side of the city gate, stretched out her hand, and the heavy city gate opened easily.

"Someone is opening the city gate!" A guard shouted.

"Have your eyesight!" Another guard said: "If the Qianjin gate is not opened, even if there is a Daluo god, it is impossible to open the city gate!"

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, the city gate was indeed opened a crack, and a small figure rushed out.

The guards immediately became a mess and hurriedly chased them out. At this time, Rong Xueyi let go of the rope holding the Qianjin Gate, the city gate closed again, and the Qianjin Gate returned to its place heavily. A guard couldn't react in time, and his leg was broken by the heavy brake.

Rong Xueyi felt something strange immediately after leaving the city gate, almost at the next moment, hundreds of torches were lit outside the city gate, immediately lighting up the city gate brightly.

Ming Yuesheng rode on a big horse, looked at Rong Xueyi and said, "I've been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Rong Xueyi immediately understood that Ming Yuesheng withdrew his defense today, just to lure her out.

And he also did an extremely in-depth study of her mind. Although he didn't know where she was hiding, if such a carpet search couldn't find her, then it could only prove that her hiding place was extremely secret.

No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it, so he might as well show a loophole and let her come out directly.

Ming Yuesheng presumably made this slight flaw on the south gate side on purpose.

Rong Xueyi smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid it won't work if you wait for a long time."

As soon as she finished speaking, she jumped up like a civet cat, and her body flew directly towards Ming Yuesheng like lightning.

Ming Yuesheng actually didn't see Rong Xueyi's skills when he was in Duantouling last time, but he saw Rong Xueyi three years ago. He knew that Rong Xueyi's skills were good three years ago, but they were only good. After three years of training, her skills will definitely improve greatly, but no matter how much improvement she has, she is still just a woman, how can she be so good?
It's just that at this moment he realized that he was wrong, her skill was much stronger than he imagined!
If Rong Xueyi might not have been his opponent three years ago, then today, three years later, he is no longer her opponent!

He was startled, and before he could take any action, a cold blade was already on his neck, and all the followers around him fell to the ground.

Before the archers around him had time to release their arrows, Rong Xueyi rode on Ming Yuesheng's horse, and everyone was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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