Chapter 633
In the private room, Hao Shi's family and Cheng Miaomiao were there.

Father Hao looked at the dishes on the table and said displeasedly, "I ordered so many dishes, isn't this a waste of money!"

"Dad, this is a meal to celebrate your discharge from the hospital. You will go back tomorrow, so you should have a good meal when you come this time." Hao Shi helped Father Hao with food.

Father Hao still smiled, and then took Cheng Miaomiao's hand again, "Miaomiao, it's really thanks to you this time. I heard that you helped Hao Shi to borrow enough for the operation, so you came here again Look at me and take me back. You are so filial, I already regard you as my daughter-in-law. When I get home, I will arrange your marriage with Shitou."

When He Bai searched all over the private room out of breath, he found this one and heard the last words of Hao's father.

The body froze instantly.

The sound of footsteps coming from outside the door, as well as the sound of heavy panting, made the people in the private room look out of the door at the same time. When Cheng Miaomiao looked over and saw He Bai, they were all stunned.

He Bai stepped forward and took Cheng Miaomiao's hand, "Follow me!"

Being grabbed by He Bai's wrist, Cheng Miaomiao didn't push it away, but stood up and looked at Hao Shi's parents, "Uncle Hao and Aunt Hao, let me go out first."

"Miao Miao..." Hao Shi called out, but saw that Cheng Miao Miao had already been taken out by He Bai.

After walking out of the private room to the elevator at the end of the corridor, Cheng Miaomiao pushed He Bai's wrist away, "Mr. He, just tell me if you have anything to do, I will go back to eat later."

"Miao Miao..." He Bai didn't know what he wanted to tell her.Seeing her estrangement, it seems that they have always been like this, she is estranged and polite, and has never had any other feelings.He was a little nervous and anxious, "Miao Miao, do you know that I have been looking for you recently? I found your hometown, and I have been calling you..."

Cheng Miaomiao interrupted him, "I'm going to leave and I won't answer your call. Of course I don't want to see you again. I've made it clear to you on the phone before. There are still people waiting in the private room. Me, I'm going back first."

He Bai also saw the person waiting for her in the private room just now, it was Hao's father and Hao's mother, she was sitting in the private room just now, He Bai heard those words, and asked dryly after a long while: "Would you like Are you married to Hao Shi?"

Behind He Bai, in front of Cheng Miaomiao's line of sight, she saw Shi Yu out of the corner of her eye, and responded, "Yes. Brother Shitou's father said that after we go back, I will have a wedding with Brother Shitou first."

What Father Hao said just now, He Bai also heard, so she said so.

He Bai pressed Cheng Miaomiao's shoulders with both hands, and forced her to look directly at him, "Why?"

She knew what he meant and why Hao Shi was chosen instead of him. In comparison, He Bai could give her a better life than Hao Shi.And why she chose to be with Hao Shi just after she left him.But she said that on purpose, she just didn't want to get entangled with He Bai and be seen by Shi Yu, and worried that Shi Yu would be unhappy and angry with He Bai.

"I told you that I think I should marry Brother Stone and Brother Stone."

"But you don't love him."

Suddenly, Cheng Miaomiao looked at He Bai with a smile in his eyes, as if he thought his words were funny, "Then who do I love?" When he met his gaze, he saw the burning pain in He Bai's eyes.

He Bai stared at her for a moment, as if he wanted to see her through, "Don't you feel any reluctance for me, have you ever moved your heart to me, even a little bit?"

He is like a person who is accepting Ling Chi, even if it hurts, he still wants to hear her say it with his own ears.

"No." She replied decisively, paused, and then said, "Mr. He, I have always been with you to repay your kindness. During this time with Brother Shitou, I realized that I have always loved you in my heart. He wants to marry him and live together for the rest of his life."

She doesn't have a little bit of him in her heart!

Always thank you!
He Bai pressed the hands on Cheng Miaomiao's shoulders, tightening them even more tightly, veins popped out on his arms.

Cheng Miaomiao was also in pain, pushed He Bai's hand away, and took a step back.

Shi Yu walked quickly to He Bai's side, took an oath of ownership, held He Bai's wrist, and looked at Cheng Miaomiao with a bright smile, "Cheng Miaomiao, what a coincidence that we could meet here. Didn't you go back to your hometown? Why did you appear here again?"

"I'll come with Brother Shitou to take Uncle Hao home from the hospital." Cheng Miaomiao's eyes flickered slightly, and she just glanced at Shi Yu.

"Oh, by the way, Cheng Miaomiao, I just heard you say that you are with someone else, so congratulations. However, He Bai and I will get married before you. The wedding between He Bai and I will come next." It will be held on Monday.”

"That's good, I wish you all the best. Sorry, I have to go back to eat first, and there are still people waiting for me." Cheng Miaomiao replied with difficulty, turned and left.

He Bai shook off Shi Yu's hand, calling anxiously, "Miao Miao..."

It's just that He Bai chased after two steps before being entangled tightly by Shi Yu again. She hugged his waist, lay on his back and said in a crying voice, "Senior, she is going to marry someone else, and she has already married someone else." You have made it so clear! Give up! I love you, if you are like this, I will be very sad and distressed..."

Today, it can be regarded as being clear in person, and Cheng Miaomiao answered all He Bai wanted to ask.

She can be so free and easy, without any nostalgia or reluctance for him, she really has no feelings at all.But she was obviously worried that he was hungry, so she got up and cooked noodles for him; she obviously agreed to take etiquette classes to make him happy; she obviously took the initiative to kiss him and spend the night with him...

He forgot that she told him that that night was also a repayment, and it was settled.

In the private room, Cheng Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to her seat. She also felt a tingle in her heart when she saw He Bai's eyes just now.It doesn't matter, she doesn't matter, as long as she slows down for a while, as long as she leaves He Bai, there will be no less who belong to He Bai, and He's mother won't get into an argument with He Bai because of her.

Hao Shi looked at Cheng Miaomiao, picked up a piece of food and put it in her bowl, "Miao Miao, let's eat."

Then he took another piece of food and put it in Mother Hao's bowl, "Mom, you eat too."

"How can I still have the appetite to eat?! I absolutely cannot agree to the marriage with Cheng Miaomiao! Shitou, have you forgotten Xiaomeng? Xiaomeng, you are so kind to you. If it weren't for wanting to help your father, I wouldn't have been sent away." Go abroad. Can your conscience be at ease when you treat Xiaomeng like this?"

"What's so disturbing?! Can eggs and watermelon be put in the same basket? That Xiaomeng is very good. I went to the hospital to see me several times when I was hospitalized. But she and our family are not the same, our family is eggs , Their family is watermelon, it’s not suitable, if they want to bump into each other, the eggs will be broken! Don’t even think about climbing high branches! Be pragmatic and don’t do anything!”

"You! Old stubborn, what egg and watermelon! Xiaomeng and Shishi are obviously a good match! Miao Miao is not good for our Shishi!"

Seeing their arguing blushing, Hao Shi lowered his head and did not speak, because Zhao Meng's departure was indeed his pain point.

These words seem to be said to Cheng Miaomiao, she is also the egg, He Bai is the watermelon, the two cannot be put in the same bamboo basket, otherwise she will be the broken one .She didn't expect to be with He Bai, all she wanted was to see him happy, even if he thought she was a bad woman who took advantage of him and then turned to another man's arms.

Maybe she is important to He Bai, but it is definitely not as important as three meals a day. Eat more food and sleep more. After a long time, you will always forget it.Because she couldn't see that she would give up three meals a day for He Bai.Only when you love someone can you have the heart to love when you are full. If you can't even deal with tenderness, how can you have the thought?

Cheng Miaomiao looked at Hao's father and mother, "Uncle Hao, Aunt Hao, don't argue. Aunt Hao, Uncle Hao has just been discharged from the hospital. The doctor told him to try not to make Uncle Hao too emotional. It is important to take care of your health."

"Shut up!" Mother Hao scolded her coldly.

Father Hao brought food for Cheng Miaomiao, looked at her kindly, "Miao Miao, leave her alone, let's eat."

"Shitou's father! Miao Miao is not worthy of our Shitou! You think she has no relatives and no reason here, how can I borrow your surgery fee for Shitou..."

Hao Shi, who was silent all the time, said in a cold voice, "Mom! You are still in the restaurant, can you let us have a good meal first? My dad just finished the operation, can you be more concerned about his body, don't Arguing with him?"

Immediately, Hao's mother was dumb, and ate quietly with a bowl.

All parents hope that their children will become dragons and phoenixes. Hao's mother felt that it was so embarrassing to raise her son to such a level. It would be too embarrassing if she married a village girl.

After eating, when Cheng Miaomiao came out again, he didn't see He Bai, thinking that He Bai might have left with Shi Yu.Shi Yu saw her today, and wondered if he would tell Mother He...

Hao's father looked at Cheng Miaomiao, and suddenly said, "Miaomiao, how much money did you borrow for Shitou's operation? Is there a time limit for repaying it? Tell me, Shitou didn't tell me. Me, I know I'm afraid I'm worried, but if you don't tell me, I feel more uneasy and worried."

"What do you want to pay back! Cheng Miaomiao was dumped, so the money should be considered a breakup fee, and the other party's family also has money, so it's not bad!" Without waiting for Cheng Miaomiao to reply, Hao's mother interrupted.

Hao's father sighed, "Look, Xiaomeng is like this, and so is the one Miao Miao talked about. This rich family is not something we can provoke. Shitou, you will live well with Miao Miao from now on. Miao Miao Miao grew up with you, and you both know each other well, so living a life of mutual respect and support is better than living a life of being blindsided."

Neither Cheng Miaomiao nor Hao Shi said anything, as if they had acquiesced and listened to Father Hao's decision.

(End of this chapter)

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