Chapter 635 Story
In a pink princess room, Beibei opened the diary to write a diary.

Today is cloudy and sunny, and the mood is not bad.

Bei Bei, who is in the second grade, has been keeping a diary for some time.Occasionally there will be more, and occasionally I will write two or three sentences.If Beibei wanted to write more content in the diary that day, it must be about what happened between her father and her.

Since Beibei was in kindergarten, many classmates shared candy with her because of her cute appearance, but her father refused to let her eat it every time.Until she was in the first grade, a great event happened in her family, that is, after she came home from school, her father would often install the door and tell her stories.

Just to talk about, the little girl who greedily believed in strangers was kidnapped and sold to a remote area, to Bei Bei's ears, there was something horrifying about it.

And the stories she started to hear now are that the puppy love ran away with others, had an abortion, and couldn't get married.All in all, a very dark, very bad story.She still likes her mother telling her stories, the story of the three little pigs.

As long as her father tells a story, and she doesn't listen carefully, she will be punished, lose dessert for a week, and be reprimanded fiercely by her father.

But she really didn't want to hear her father tell stories!

The worst thing is that there are many more things in her room now. The biggest line of writing is a warning that she is not allowed to fall in love before the age of 20.She didn't even know all the words, and her father forced her to recite them every day. She didn't recite them all after two months.

Really pissed off!
If she hadn't pretended to cry just now, her father would not have been dragged away by her mother, and she would not have returned to the room so easily.

Why!It's hard for a child, and it's even harder to meet her father. I really want to grow up quickly!

At this point in time, Lin Anan was doing ideological work for Shen Shaoqing in the bedroom, "Shen Shaoqing, Beibei is still young, some of the things you tell her now, she doesn't understand. She doesn't even know what falling in love is right now. You Look at telling her cases all day long, and asking her to recite things. She still has classes, and she has piano lessons on Sunday. Such a small child, the pressure is so great. Beibei is not in good health, and you made me cry today You used to love Beibei the most, what's wrong now?"

"It's because I love Beibei that I let her know that there are many bad people in this world, lest she be deceived."

"Other families also have daughters, and I have never seen one educated like you."

"Can Beibei be the same as others? It doesn't matter to me how other people teach their daughters. I have to teach Beibei well, so that Beibei will not be deceived by others. When she gets older, I will write a talk for her." The rules of love. I only have this one daughter, so I hope she will always be by my side."

Well, Lin Anan said a lot, she felt that she was going to be persuaded by Shen Shaoqing, and she didn't want Beibei to be cheated.Just some time ago, she and Shen Shaoqing saw a few news items, and also saw the number of missing children in the country every year.

But after thinking about it again, Lin Anan still couldn't bear to say, "We just need to protect Beibei at all times. We'll pick you up from school. If you really don't worry, you can arrange someone. It's not very useful for you to tell Beibei these things. , but it will scare her and make her childhood memories not good."

"You're right, it's best to play with children you know, so that Qiuqiu Chenchen can really bring a little baby." Shen Shaoqing made a new decision after thinking deeply. "I wrote the regulations to Beibei and asked her to memorize them, and those cases of being cheated will not be told to Beibei."

"Shen Shaoqing, you can't finish! Didn't you see that Beibei is crying today?" Lin Anan frowned displeasedly, left the words, and went out of the bedroom to Beibei's room.

Lin Anan would completely stop anything that made Beibei cry.Beibei has been well protected since she grew up, and she looks cute and cute. Because she inherited Lin Anan's lazy temperament, Beibei hardly moves, so I give her a few strawberries, and she can sit quietly and eat. Strawberries all afternoon.It's the appearance of eating strawberries, which is so cute that it makes people's hearts melt.

Lin Anan looked at Beibei writing in her diary, "Beibei, come mommy will take you to take a bath."

"Oh." Beibei got off the small bench and walked towards Lin Anan.

Lin Anan couldn't hold Beibei anymore, so she led Beibei to the bathroom.

Shen Shaoqing, who was in the bedroom, watched him set the regulations before, thinking about waiting for Beibei to grow up, and did not recite them for two months.Let Beibei be memorized so quickly by a poem, why can't he memorize what he wrote?

Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Shen Shaoqing knew this, and Lin Anan would take Beibei to take a bath, and then tell Beibei a bedtime story, and only came back after watching Beibei fall asleep.
Shen Shaoqing felt that Lin Anan doted on Beibei too much, and she still takes Beibei to take a bath every day.So much so that it is impossible for him to take a mandarin duck bath with her.He washed it up and waited for Lin Anan to come back.

After coaxing Beibei back, Lin Anan felt a little tired. She lay on the bed and was about to go to sleep, but Shen Shaoqing insisted on disturbing her sleep, making her wet and sticky.In order to make him calm down quickly, she still cooperated with half-push and half-heartedly.

The next morning, when Shen Shaoqing woke up at the right time, she saw that Lin Anan was still sleeping.He thought about taking her to work in the company with him these days, whether he was tired of her.Lin An'an is definitely the one who does the least amount of work in the company, but Shen Shaoqing will take her with him wherever he wants to go.

"Honey, it's time to get up and go to work."

"Wife, wake up."


Shen Shaoqing yelled several times, seeing that Lin An'an didn't look like she was going to wake up, so he had no choice but to lean over and hold her lips, trying to wake her up with a kiss.

Lin An'an groaned in his sleep, just this voice scratched Shen Shaoqing's heart so badly, he looked at his wife, she had grown flesh, especially the one on the chest was obviously much bigger than before...

Lin Anan opened her sleepy eyes, and her nasal voice was heavy when she just woke up, "Shen Shaoqing, I'm sleepy, I don't want to go to work today."

"You don't have to go to work if you don't want to, it depends on your performance." Shen Shaoqing narrowed her beautiful peach eyes and smiled like a fox coveting meat.

Lin Anan, who hadn't had enough sleep yet, heard the first half of the sentence, it's okay not to go to work, so she fell asleep again with peace of mind.He didn't see Shen Shaoqing waiting for her to feed him at all.

So, in the final result, she didn't show up and was pulled up by Shen Shaoqing and taken to work.

When Lin Anan arrived at the company, she regained her energy after finishing her sleep in the rest room of Shen Shaoqing's office.She looked at the time and calculated that even if she went to bed at ten o'clock last night, it has been thirteen hours now.She had slept for such a long time.

Is it because of the lack of spring and autumn, or is she getting lazy recently?

Lin An'an went to the office and saw Shen Shaoqing working seriously. She stared at his profile, as if fascinated.Shen Shaoqing, who is serious about his work, is very good-looking. After so many years of marriage, he seems to have nothing at all. He still has a monstrous appearance, but he has a mature flavor.

When going to work or discussing business, Shen Shaoqing always brought her with her. They would meet many people every day. At the banquet, they would still glance at Shen Shaoqing, even ignoring her presence, and give Shen Shaoqing a glance.Every time Shen Shaoqing would ask her: Are you jealous?
She wasn't jealous, but she felt that such Shen Shaoqing cared so much about whether she was jealous or not, wishing she would look jealous, her heart beat a little faster.

After processing a document, Shen Shaoqing realized that Lin Anan was standing not far away looking at him. A smile appeared in his peachy eyes, "Honey, what are you doing looking at me from so far away? Come and take a closer look."

After getting along for a long time, with just one look, Lin Anan knew what Shen Shaoqing wanted to do now, but she pretended not to know.Being stared at by him with such eyes, she felt a little unnatural. She walked to the opposite side of his desk and hugged the documents, "Where do you want to send these documents?"

"Administration Department, Finance Department. Pass it to Secretary Xu and ask him to send it out." Shen Shaoqing's eyes were slightly serious, and he was still smiling. After so many years of marriage, his wife was still shy.


Lin Anan went out with the documents, and felt a little strange when she walked out the door. She thought that Shen Shaoqing would make fun of her and tease her when he looked at her with that kind of eyes.They are old couples, and now she understands Shen Shaoqing's body better than she understands herself, and she knows where there is a mole, but as long as Shen Shaoqing teases her, she immediately blushes and her heart beats.

Shen Shaoqing, who was looking at the documents in the office, heard someone shouting from a long distance after Lin Anan had just left: "President, it's not good! The president is not good..."

Shen Shaoqing saw that it was Secretary Xu who came in, and he frowned displeasedly, "What's the matter, you're in a panic, what's wrong?"

"Madame passed out."

'Boom'!As soon as the chair was pushed away, Secretary Xu saw Shen Shaoqing walking over like the wind, and he hurriedly led the way, "I just went with my wife to the finance department, and I took the elevator, and my wife passed out in the elevator. If you see someone, look at your wife first, climb five floors, and run all the way to call the president to inform you."

Secretary Xu was out of breath, and ran to lead the way while talking.

"Did you hit 120?" Shen Shaoqing's face was gloomy, because of anxiety and worry that the lines of his face were tense, his strides were meteors, and the steps under his feet were accompanied by gusts of wind.

"It's already hit."

(End of this chapter)

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