Chapter 658 Proof
At this time, a voice came from behind, "Are you going out for a walk too?"

Lu Yichen and Shen Xiaobei turned around at the same time and looked over, it was Wen Lan.

Seeing Wen Lan approaching, Shen Xiaobei got up and looked at Lu Yichen who was sitting on the ground, "Brother Chenchen, I want to go to the bathroom, so I'll go back first."

She wanted to go to the toilet a little bit now, so she ran away in a hurry after she finished speaking.She gave Sister Wen Lan and Brother Chen Chen a chance to be alone, which was confessed by Sister Zhenzhen, and she also suspected that Brother Chen Chen liked Sister Wen Lan, confiscated those confession letters, and was very angry, which is the best proof.

Seeing Shen Xiaobei running back, Lu Yichen didn't become suspicious either.But now he also wanted to go back, so he got up and brushed the dust off his clothes.

It is rare for Wen Lan to have such an opportunity to be alone with Lu Yichen. Today she waited for Lu Yichen in Shen Xiaobei's room. When Lu Yichen saw that Shen Xiaobei was not there, he turned around and left without even saying a word to her politely.

"Lu Yichen..." Wen Lan called his name softly, still a little nervous.

Lu Yichen looked at her, "What's the matter?"

"Lu Yichen, can you take a walk with me? I just... just want to ask you to give me some ideas so that I can choose which university I want to go to in the future..." Wen Lan plucked up the courage to say this, she asked After saying this, I was also thinking in my heart, if Lu Yichen is willing to give her advice, and it happens that Lu Yichen is also planning to go to that university, then it can show that Lu Yichen also has a good impression of her...

Lu Yichen didn't dislike Wen Lan, because Wen Lan was his sister's friend.

However, his sister wanted to match him and Wen Lan...

Thinking of this, Lu Yichen frowned, "Sorry, I won't give advice to others."

"Are you afraid of giving me wrong ideas? It's okay, I will refer to it seriously. Although my studies are not as good as yours, they are not bad. Lu Yichen, what university do you go to, there must be many people who give you advice. Like you You are a powerful person, the teachers and elders have high hopes for you."

The last sentence Wen Lan said made Lu Yichen think of Shen Xiaobei inexplicably. Shen Xiaobei always had the face of a little girl who admired him and thought he was very powerful.

Lu Yichen's eyes fell on Wen Lan, "You can make an option, what kind of school do you like, what city do you want to live in, and what are your plans for the future? List them down like this. Among the schools you can choose, those who meet these conditions, you You can go to that school."

"It's a good way." Wen Lan was very happy that Lu Yichen had said so much to her.

Wen Lan smiled at Lu Yichen, "I hope that by fate, our university can be an alumni."

"Well. It's getting late, I'll go back first."

After finally being alone, Wen Lan couldn't bear to keep Lu Yichen talking for a while, but didn't know what to say, so she trotted to catch up, "Lu Yichen... ah!"

A scream rang in his ears, Lu Yichen turned around and saw Wen Lan fell to the ground.

It was already night, and the place they were in was also the place with the darkest light. Wen Lan ran to chase Lu Yichen and accidentally fell.

In the room, Lu Nianzhen, Shen Xiaobei, Qiuqiu Xiaobao, the four of them, led by Lu Nianzhen, were playing poker, and the losers had stickers on their faces.Shen Xiaobei has the most stickers on his face, Xiaobao is the second, Lu Nianzhen has one on his face, and Qiuqiu has none on his face.

After finishing typing again, Lu Nianzhen looked at the time and praised Shen Xiaobei with a smile, "Xiaobei, you did a good job today."

"What did sister do?" Xiaobao looked at Lu Nianzhen curiously.

"You little brat go to the side, there is no need to know." Lu Nianzhen reached out and nodded Xiaobao's head, and then saw the confusion in the eyes of the provincial beaker, she answered, "When you came back, it was seven forty, now It's already 08:30, and my brother hasn't come back after such a long time, which means that the matter between my brother and Wen Lan is almost perfect!"

done? !
Shen Xiaobei still didn't quite understand, so she asked with certainty, "Sister Wen Lan will be Brother Chenchen's girlfriend from now on?"

"Almost." Lu Nianzhen was still not fully sure.

Thinking about why Lu Yichen didn't come back now, Lu Nian was really curious to go and have a look first, so he got up, put on his slippers, and went out of the room.

Shen Xiaobei caught up, "Sister Zhenzhen, where are you going?"

"Go to my brother's room first to see if he hasn't come back yet. Then go to Wen Lan's room to check. If it's in Wen Lan's room, then I'll ask Wen Lan tomorrow how far she and my brother have developed. It's the first time I've drawn a red line for someone, and I'm really a little excited when I think about it."

Shen Xiaobei looked at Lu Nianzhen puzzled, "Sister Zhenzhen, why do you feel excited?"

"Of course, if you think about it, your brother Chenchen will not be alone in the future. He has a girlfriend he likes, and his girlfriend takes care of him to accompany him. You don't understand the feeling of marrying a brother."

"I understand, I understand, I am also happy for brother Chenchen." Actually Shen Xiaobei doesn't understand, if she says she doesn't understand, then she is different from sister Zhenzhen, brother Chenchen is also her brother, she is not married to her brother a feeling of.

But like Sister Zhenzhen, she hopes that Brother Chenchen will be happy.

Lu Nianzhen led Shen Xiaobei to Lu Yichen's room first, but didn't see Lu Yichen in the room, so he went to Wen Lan's room.

There was no one in Wen Lan's room either, Lu Nianzhen felt strange, originally wanted to take Shen Xiaobei to Wen's father to ask, but saw Lin An'an and Shen Shaoqing.

Lin Anan looked at the two of them, "It's getting late, why don't you two go back to your room to sleep?"

"Mom, sister Zhenzhen and I are looking for brother Chenchen, brother Chenchen and sister He Wenlan have gone out and haven't come back yet."

"Your elder brother Chenchen is an adult. He knows where to go and what time to go back to sleep. You come back with me quickly."

Shen Xiaobei walked towards Lin Anan, turned around and waved to Lu Nianzhen.She couldn't let her mother worry, so she went back to sleep obediently. On the way back, Shen Xiaobei looked at Shen Shaoqing, "Father, you said that puppy love is not good, why can Aunt Jia allow brother Chenchen and sister Zhenzhen to fall in love early?"

"What's the matter? Beibei, don't tell me, you have a boy you like now!" Shen Shaoqing held Shen Xiaobei's arm and leaned over to meet her gaze.

Seeing the nervousness on her father's face, Shen Xiaobei was also taken aback for a moment, "No... no, I'm just curious. Even the seniors and seniors in high school seem to want to fall in love. I want to ask, is it right? Is it premature love?"

"That's puppy love. You can't fall in love until you're 25. If I find out before you're 25, I'll have his leg broken and throw him to Africa!"

(End of this chapter)

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