Chapter 669 Cohabitation
In the afternoon, in the last class, Shen Xiaobei had no class, Tang Ningning in the dormitory suggested going out to play together, Shen Xiaobei followed her downstairs with her bag.

As soon as she went downstairs, Shen Xiaobei's cell phone called. She saw that it was an unfamiliar number, "Who called me."

"Don't answer unfamiliar numbers." Tang Ningning pulled her.

"But it's a cornet number, so I should know him." Shen Xiaobei suspiciously put the phone to his ear to answer.

The voice from the other end of the phone was soft, "Have you packed your things? I'll help you carry your luggage now."

Shen Xiaobei couldn't be more familiar with this voice. It belonged to Lu Yichen. She said quickly, "Ah? Wait, wait..." It took three seconds before she remembered what she wanted to say, and said, " Well, brother Chenchen, you don’t have to come over and help me carry my luggage, I won’t move, the dormitory is fine.”

"The environment in the dormitory is not good, and the humidity is heavy. I called the godmother, and the godmother asked me to take care of you." Before Shen Xiaobei could speak again, Lu Yichen added, "I've come over."

Shen Xiaobei also understood what Lu Yichen meant. This was either discussing with her, or he made a unilateral decision, so there was no need to ask for her opinion.

He said on the phone that he has already come, so it may take less than 3 minutes for brother Chenchen to appear in front of him!

Tang Ningning looked at Shen Xiaobei, "Shen Xiaobei, why are you in a daze?!"

"No." Don't let them see Brother Chenchen come to pick her up, absolutely don't let them know that she knows Brother Chenchen, Shen Xiaobei's eyes flickered, and she looked at Tang Ningning, "Go and play, I have other things , I won’t go with you.”

"Is it handsome Pan who called you?" Seeing that Shen Xiaobei's eyes were a little nervous, Tang Ningning blinked at her intentionally and asked in a tone of voice.

Shen Xiaobei didn't explain much, fearing to waste time, she waved at them, "I'm going back to the dormitory first."

Although both Tang Ningning and Yu Xi felt that the reaction to giving birth to Beckham was strange, they didn't think too much about it.

Shen Xiaobei returned to the dormitory, grabbed the bag, stuffed the clothes in the closet into the bag, and packed it quickly.As soon as she stuffed two pieces of clothes, Shen Xiaobei felt something was wrong. She was worried that if brother Chenchen walked into the girls' dormitory later, someone would see her. She didn't want to move, so she made it clear to brother Chenchen face to face.

So, Shen Xiaobei grabbed her bag and ran down, she had to worry about whether it would have a bad influence on brother Chenchen.

When she went downstairs again, she saw a silver Bentley parked in front of her. The door opened, and the long legs stepped out first. Brother Chenchen walked in front of her and took the bag in her hand with natural familiarity.

Shen Xiaobei looked at Lu Yichen, subconsciously feeling a little nervous.

Why can brother Chenchen treat her so naturally, but she can't be as natural as she was when she was a child?
Is there a three-year estrangement, and her feelings for brother Chenchen have faded?No more dependence?

Lu Yichen put away his bag, looked away, saw Shen Xiaobei staring at him, did not stop, walked to the car door, opened the door, "Get in the car."

"Oh, good." Shen Xiaobei walked over.

In the car, Shen Xiaobei looked out of the car window, and said after leaving the school gate, "Brother Chenchen, I don't want to move out, I live very well in the dormitory. I will call her at my mother's place. Tell her clearly. I can take care of myself, so I don't need to bother you, brother Chenchen."

"My place is more comfortable than your dormitory, and I have already prepared your room for you." Lu Yichen replied lightly.

"But I don't plan to live with you, I haven't packed my things, and my luggage is still in the dormitory."

Lu Yichen stared straight ahead, his face was calm, and his voice was calm and unwavering, "Do you want me to go back and get it for you, or should I buy it after seeing what's missing?"

Hearing Lu Yichen say this, Shen Xiaobei scratched her head, which meant that she said so much for nothing, her mother confessed, Lu Yichen decided, since she was a child, she only had the right to listen to him and had no right to discuss.

No, it's because she didn't know to discuss it when she was a child, but she will definitely obey whatever brother Chenchen decides.

If she moved to live with brother Chenchen, she wouldn't be able to live on campus. She might go back at night and be bored with no one to play or chat with.

"Buy some necessities first, and wait until I go back to school tomorrow to get them."

In the bag behind Shen Xiaobei's back was a mobile phone wallet, some odds and ends of the dormitory door keys, I knew it earlier, so I stuffed something into it.She thought about how she was in a hurry just now, as if she were a thief.

She heard Lu Yichen's voice next to her ear, "I don't have class tomorrow morning, so I can accompany you."

Shen Xiaobei turned her face, looked at Lu Yichen's profile and said quickly, "No, no. I can take it myself." After a pause, Shen Xiaobei lowered his voice, "Brother Chenchen, can you try to follow Lu Yichen as much as you can at school? I keep my distance and don't let others know that we know each other?"

"Why?" Lu Yichen raised his eyebrows displeased.

"Brother Chenchen, you are a teacher now. I made a mistake in your class. If others know that we know each other, it will not affect you well."

Lu Yichen closed his eyes, and said in agreement, "It will indeed affect badly."

Before he came back, Shen Xiaobei wanted to pretend not to know him at school, and he also expected it.Shen Xiaobei will stay here for another four years. Before he has a substantial development with her, he has to pretend not to know her in school, otherwise his coming here will be in vain.

In ten minutes, I arrived home.

After Lu Yichen opened the door and went in, he took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and handed it to Shen Xiaobei, "I'll cook, there's a DVD there, you can watch it."

"Oh, good."

Lu Yichen's eyes fell on the disc, he took a second look, then looked away, and went into the kitchen.After entering the kitchen, he was also looking at Shen Xiaobei who was in the living room. She was cutting potatoes, and when she heard a 'pop' and then a 'crash', he looked up, and as he expected, saw Shen Xiaobei's face was as red as an overcooked shrimp.

Also, there is a piece of garbage on the ground, water, discs.

Immediately, Lu Yichen closed his eyes, his expression calm and composed, "What's wrong?"

"'s nothing." Shen Xiaobei still hasn't come back to her senses, the disc she watched just now, as soon as she opened it, there are two naked men and women.She picked up the discs on the ground, like picking up a hot potato, "These discs..."

"If it's broken, it's broken. My friend gave it to me. I haven't had time to read it yet." Lu Yichen said lightly.

Shen Xiaobei took a deep breath of relief.Fortunately, brother Chenchen didn't know that these discs were...

Seeing Shen Xiaobei's appearance, Lu Yichen felt his heart itch.Beibei was a bit late in terms of emotions, so he had to find a way to guide her, let her understand the relationship between men and women, and she couldn't avoid him like three years ago.

Without luring her to say that she likes him, he can't show his love, and he doesn't want to taste the feeling of being hidden.

For half an hour, Lu Yichen cooked some dishes casually, brought them to the table, and looked at Shen Xiaobei, "Beibei, the food is ready, come and eat."

"Okay." Shen Xiaobei was amazed when she saw the dishes on the table, then picked up chopsticks to taste a dish, and said in a hurry, "Brother Chenchen, when will you be able to cook? These dishes are delicious , so delicious. And these are my favorite dishes.”

"If you like it, eat more." With a smile on the corner of Lu Yichen's mouth, he put the vegetables in her bowl.

In the past three years, Lu Yichen has made a strategy. Beibei loves to eat, so he learned how to cook.

Of course, Shen Xiaobei was very happy with this meal. Since she came here, the region is different, and the dishes cooked are almost not suitable for her appetite. Today, this meal is suitable for her appetite. She ate an extra bowl of rice than usual .

After eating, Shen Xiaobei volunteered to clean the dishes.

It was because of this meal that Shen Xiaobei felt very happy, and she didn't worry about not having roommates to play with her and chat with her at night, after all, food was more important to her.What's more, she and brother Chenchen haven't seen each other for three years. She feels that she is a little strange to brother Chenchen. It's good for them to get along more and bond with each other.

Shen Xiaobei also likes the decorated room, because it is almost exactly the same as her room at home.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Shen Xiaobei received a call from Tang Ningning.

"Shen Xiaobei, it's so late, you still haven't come back, are you planning to spend the night with Handsome Pan and open a room?"

The question is so straightforward, it is really not something anyone can bear, Shen Xiaobei sat on her bed, crossed her legs before returning slowly, "Tang Ningning, I have nothing to do with Pan Pan, we are just elementary school classmates, not you The kind of relationship you want."

"I don't believe it. Didn't you go out with classmate Pan, so where are you now? Come back quickly, our school will check the dormitory at 09:30 in the evening, do you need me to remind you?"

"I am now at……"

Before Shen Xiaobei finished speaking, a voice came from beside her ear, "Beibei, the bath water is ready for you, go take a bath."

Tang Ningning on the other end of the phone seemed to smell adultery, and she was very excited, "Shen Xiaobei, which man is this talking to? He called you Beibei, and even gave you bath water... You haven't come back so late, and you are alone with a man together..."

"Shen Xiaobei, did you really go out to have a room with classmate Pan?"

Shen Xiaobei raised her voice and said to Lu Yichen, "Oh, yes." Then she said to Tang Ningning on the other end of the phone, "I didn't check out the room."

"Shen Xiaobei, I now believe that you have not gone to open a room. But who are you with now?"

Shen Xiaobei was evasive, "It's my brother. I'll hang up first, I'm going to take a shower."

Although it's not good to lie to her friends, she can't tell because of Brother Chenchen's reputation as a teacher.If she hadn't made a mistake, and brother Chenchen hadn't shielded her, she would dare to confess to her friends.

(End of this chapter)

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