Chapter 688 Reaction
The next morning, Shen Xiaobei got up late.

The reason was that she thought too seriously last night, wondering what she would do if she really liked Lu Yichen.

In the end, it turned into thinking of the rules her father gave her, and then thinking of those stories. In short, she was going astray. If she didn't get to the point, she just didn't think about it.

In the morning, Shen Xiaobei ate in a hurry, and didn't even bother to tidy her hair. She ran back and forth in the living room, her bedroom, and the bathroom.For breakfast, I casually ate two mouthfuls of pan-fried buns, eating two-thirds less than usual.

Lu Yichen looked at Shen Xiaobei, "Beibei, you don't have class in the first period of the morning, so there's still time."

"There is no class, but there will be a party tonight. I will go to school after picking out my clothes, and I have to go to the chairman of the student union to report. Maybe I have to talk about the repertoire to be played at night."

When Shen Xiaobei finished replying, she had already changed her clothes in the bedroom, and walked up to Lu Yichen, "Brother Chenchen, how about I wear this?"

"Why is it a skirt?" Lu Yichen frowned subconsciously.

Seeing Lu Yichen frown, Shen Xiaobei looked down at the skirt on her body suspiciously, "Isn't it good-looking? I don't bring many skirts. I haven't bought any clothes recently, and the ones you bought for me, Brother Chenchen, are all pants. "

For the party, Shen Xiaobei wanted to dress more formally, so she thought about wearing a skirt. Now she was troubled because she didn't have a suitable skirt.

It's not that it's not good-looking, it's because it's short that Lu Yichen frowned.Shen Xiaobei is wearing a powder blue skirt that is as long as her knees, and the top is better.It's windy outside today, this long and short skirt is very unsafe.

"I'll change another one." After a while, Shen Xiaobei thought about it, and then ran back to the bedroom.

Someone rang the doorbell outside the door. When Lu Yichen heard the doorbell, he was very confused. No one who knew him knew that he lived here and would come to look for him at this time.

Lu Yichen walked over to open the door, and what he saw was a strange person.

Pan Pan didn't wait for Lu Yichen to ask him, so he introduced himself first, "My name is Pan Pan. I was in the same class as Shen Xiaobei in elementary school. We've met each other many times. I don't know if you still remember me."

"Remember, it was you who bullied Beibei and put chewing gum on Beibei's hair." Lu Yichen's voice was slightly cold.

Pan Pan stood awkwardly.

After changing another dress, Shen Xiaobei came out and saw Pan Pan, "Pan Pan is here."

It seems that Tang Ningning sent her a text message last night, saying that she would help her and asked Pan Pan to pick her up today.

Originally, Shen Xiaobei didn't think that Pan Pan would really come to pick her up, so she was a little surprised. She wondered how Tang Ningning told Pan Pan that Pan Pan agreed to come to pick her up.

"Shen Xiaobei, are you ready? I'll pick you up to go to school." Pan Pan stood outside the door, separated from Lu Yichen with a calm face, and was too far away from Shen Xiaobei, so he could only speak louder.

Shen Xiaobei replied, "Pan Pan, wait a moment, I'll be fine soon."

"Well, okay." Pan Pan smiled and looked at Shen Xiaobei.

Tang Ningning called him and asked him to pick up Shen Xiaobei to go to school this morning, and he immediately agreed.Pan Pan thought that Tang Ningning was matching him and Shen Xiaobei, and today was an opportunity specially created for him, Shen Xiaobei agreed to let him pick him up, and he was even more excited.

Shen Xiaobei hurried back to the bedroom again.

Now that everyone is here, let's take Pan Pan's ride.Shen Xiaobei also thought that Lu Yichen didn't have class in the morning, so she wouldn't bother him to send her to school right now.

Time was running out, and she couldn't let Pan Pan wait for her here, so Shen Xiaobei just made do with the clothes on her body, and didn't ask Lu Yichen to help her see if she looked good.

But in Lu Yichen's eyes, Shen Xiaobei was in a hurry to leave when he saw Pan Pan.Wearing a skirt specially is waiting for Pan Pan to pick her up?

Lu Yichen's eyebrows twitched.

At this time, Pan Pan, who was still standing opposite Lu Yichen, could see that Lu Yichen's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water, and the air pressure became very low due to the cold air around him.Face to face, staring at each other, Pan Pan didn't have the courage to meet Lu Yichen's eyes.

Because he could clearly feel Lu Yichen's hostility towards him.

Pan Pan didn't know if it was because Lu Yichen didn't want to see him, so he intentionally apologized to Lu Yichen, "I'm sorry, I was ignorant when I was young and bullied Beibei. I like Beibei very much. I liked Beibei when I was in elementary school. Beibei Bei was like a doll when she was young, she had many good friends around her. I bullied her at that time, just to get her attention."

"I really like Beibei, I hope you will not object to my pursuit of Beibei."

These words came from Pan Pan's sincerity. Pan Pan knew that Lu Yichen was Shen Xiaobei's elder brother and had protected Shen Xiaobei since he was a child, but he didn't know whether Shen Xiaobei and Lu Yichen were related by blood.

On the other hand, Lu Yichen's eyes became colder by several degrees. After taking care of Shen Xiaobei until he grew up, he was actually missed by others!
Originally, Pan Pan wanted to show it again and say some words of assurance to reassure Lu Yichen that he treated Lu Yichen as Shen Xiaobei's parent, but seeing Lu Yichen's face, he swallowed those words again.

Lu Yichen had just moved his lips, but the words hadn't come out yet.

Shen Xiaobei, who was in the bedroom, ran out in a hurry, clutching the bag strap in her hand, while pulling and tidying up her clothes, she looked at Pan Pan and said loudly, "Pan Pan, I'm ready."

Walking to the door, Shen Xiaobei walked out from Lu Yichen's side, and waved to Lu Yichen, "Brother Chenchen, I'm leaving first."

"Professor Lu, then Beibei and I are going to school." Pan Pan also said politely.

Because Shen Xiaobei was anxious, she didn't raise her head to look at Lu Yichen, but she didn't see his current expression at all.

After Shen Xiaobei went downstairs and got in the car, Tang Ningning sent her a WeChat message: What's Professor Lu's reaction when he saw Classmate Pan pick you up?
Shen Xiaobei: There seems to be no reaction, Brother Chenchen didn't say a word.By the way, brother Chenchen thinks I don't look good in a skirt today.But my favorite is that dress.

If Tang Ningning had been watching, she would have reprimanded Shen Xiaobei again, so Lu Yichen didn't respond?It was obvious that Shen Xiaobei was in a hurry to go out, and he went out without even looking at Lu Yichen.

Tang Ningning came back after a while: "A woman looks like someone who pleases herself. Professor Lu said it's not good-looking, so you should take it to heart."

Shen Xiaobei was indeed relieved.

She really likes brother Chenchen?Not the kind of fondness for family?

Never liked boys, she has no experience.

(End of this chapter)

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