Chapter 697
During the following short holiday, Lu Yichen did not see Shen Xiaobei again.

When it was time to go back to school, Lu Yichen called the Shen family, only to find out that Shen Xiaobei had already returned to school.

Lu Yichen drove back to school, and when he arrived at his residence, it was already past nine in the evening when he stopped the car. He received a call from Chu Mobai. He put the phone to his ear to answer, "Is there something wrong?"

Chu Mobai's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Of course I called you because of something. I want to tell you that your sweetheart is here with me. We are at the bar, she is drunk now, really It's outrageously cute."

"Chu Mobai! Don't touch her!" Lu Yichen's eyebrows twitched, and his voice was suddenly sharp and full of chills.

Chu Mobai on the other end of the phone smiled happily, and deliberately slowed down his speech, "Look at you, what are you doing in such a hurry? I didn't do anything to her. I treat you as a friend and a brother. A friend's wife can't be bullied, and I I know. But I regard you as a friend, but I don't know if you regard me as a friend?"

"My uncle's project is stuck in the Environmental Protection Agency. If you want to treat me as a friend, you should help me. This matter has been delayed for so long and has caused a lot of losses. If it continues to delay, it will not work. Lu Yichen, you come here for at least half an hour, and I can do whatever I want during this half hour. Of course, I still regard you as a friend now."

The implication was that if Lu Yichen did not agree to this matter, Chu Mobai would be disadvantageous to Shen Xiaobei.

"You dare! Chu Mobai, I never like others to threaten me! Even if I agree to help you with this favor, you will not be able to afford the price in the future!" Lu Yichen's cold voice carried a warning as he drove the car Already stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

Of course, Chu Mobai on the other end of the phone knew the power of it, and could understand Lu Yichen's words. He asked Lu Yichen to help his uncle because he threatened Lu Yichen. In the future, Lu Yichen would settle the account with him. He really If you can't afford it, since ancient times, businessmen don't fight with officials.

But Lu Yichen didn't give him any face and made him lose face, so he couldn't just let it go.

After a pause, Chu Mobai said again, "I've said it all, I didn't do anything to your sweetheart. How could I dare to do anything to her? I did an investigation and found out that Shen Xiaobei is Shen Shaoqing's baby from the Shen family." Daughter. The Shen family is a wealthy family in the capital, and they have an intricate relationship with the officials in the capital. So... I plan to get in touch with Miss Shen Xiaobei, and I just want her to fall in love with me. "

"Don't talk anymore, I'm going to accompany Beibei." Chu Mobai hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The richest person in Chu Mobai's family is his uncle, and a lot of his expenses are given by his uncle.If Shen Xiaobei falls in love with him, and he becomes the son-in-law of the Shen family, he will rise to the top and become a new rich man in the capital.

Shen Xiaobei is not alone with Chu Mobai now, but with Tang Ningning and Yu Xi.

In the private room, the sound of howling wolves, and the three girls drinking like crazy, not everyone can bear it.

The three of them cried and quarreled and hugged each other, Chu Mobai just followed them and didn't go up to them.

Tang Ningning was the best drinker, but she was still sober. She saw that the time was almost up and it was time to go back to school, so she dragged Yu Xi out first, and came back later to bring Shen Xiaobei. She couldn't support two drunks by herself.Seeing that they were both gone, Shen Xiaobei staggered and tried to catch up.It's just that when the alcohol hit her, she staggered unsteadily and was hugged by Chu Mobai.

When Lu Yichen arrived, what he saw was Shen Xiaobei lying in Chu Mobai's arms.

Seeing Lu Yichen, Chu Mobai deliberately reached out to stroke Shen Xiaobei's cheek, making an ambiguous gesture.She also looked at Lu Yichen provocatively, "Beibei is really simple, she has only met me a few times, and she threw herself into her arms."

Jealousy and anger stirred in his heart like huge waves, Lu Yichen's brows were beating non-stop, he stepped forward and pulled Shen Xiaobei from Chu Mobai's arms, letting Shen Xiaobei fall into his arms.

Being pulled like this, Shen Xiaobei's arm was in great pain. Drunkenly seeing herself leaning against Lu Yichen's arms, she pushed him away forcefully, "Let me go..." She didn't push anyone, but her own body I couldn't stand still and almost fell.

"Don't move around, I'll take you back." Lu Yichen couldn't resist Shen Xiaobei's struggle and hugged Shen Xiaobei horizontally.

Shen Xiaobei waved her hands and feet wildly, and beat Lu Yichen with her fist, shouting loudly: "I...don't go back! Let me go! I don't want to...go back with you!"

Seeing Shen Xiaobei messing around, Lu Yichen couldn't even bear to lose his temper. Chu Mobai watched the scene with a smile, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Yichen, "Didn't you hear what Beibei said? She doesn't want to go back with you. Then Chu Mobai looked at Shen Xiaobei and coaxed, "Beibei, do you want to stay? I'll buy you a drink, okay?"

"Why do I ask you to buy me a drink? This is... your third uncle's bar, you can eat and drink his food alone, don't... slap your face swollen to make you fat, your third uncle will cry if you do this. "Shen Xiaobei returned.

In an instant, the smile on Chu Mobai's face cracked.

To say this kind of thing to poke his sore spot, saying that he slapped his swollen face to pretend to be fat!
Originally, Lu Yichen was so angry that he wanted to take Shen Xiaobei back, teach her a lesson, and tell her not to have any contact with Chu Mobai, but he didn't expect her to say this.Telling the truth after drinking, Beibei's attitude clearly shows that she doesn't like Chu Mobai very much.

Lu Yichen looked at Chu Mobai coldly, and said in a cold voice, "This time, let's use this bar as a lesson, don't let it happen again!"

After finishing his sentence, Lu Yichen walked away with Shen Xiaobei in his arms.

"Lu Yichen! You...!" Chu Mobai was trembling with anger, he didn't do anything, and he got involved in this bar.Lu Yichen didn't consider him a friend at all!It's fine if you don't help, but for such a trivial matter, this bar is going to be ruined!

Twenty minutes ago, he was still wishful thinking, dreaming of sweet dreams, thinking of making Shen Xiaobei fall in love with him, and becoming the son-in-law of the Shen family's son-in-law, an upstart in the capital, but he didn't expect it to be shattered so quickly.

For the time being, he doesn't have the weight to compete with Lu Yichen for women, so there is still hope for Shen Xiaobei if he likes him, but what Shen Xiaobei said just now is clearly looking down on him!
Of course Chu Mobai wouldn't know, if he hadn't hugged Shen Xiaobei and reached out to touch Shen Xiaobei's cheek, Lu Yichen wouldn't have bothered with him.

Shen Xiaobei was still struggling, and couldn't move, so she reached out to Lu Yichen's cheeks with both hands, and pinched his face hard, the kind that took ten pinches to get one, "Don't move...don't shake your head...don't move Already...let me down! I don't want to go back with you! Let me...down..."

(End of this chapter)

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