The royal princess is too cold

Chapter 201 Extra Story 3: Yu's Past

Chapter 201 Extra Story 3: Yu's Past
"Yuchen, come and see your birthday present. My parents carefully selected it for you! Do you like it?" Dongfang Yuchen's mother held a delicately packaged toy in her hand, teasing the three-year-old Dongfang Yuchen.

"It's Transformers! The one I want most! Thank you, Mom and Dad!" Dongfang Yuchen danced happily when he saw his favorite toy.

He ran to the pink cradle with the Transformers, and happily said to his sister in the cradle: "Sister, look, I have Transformers! When you grow up, let's play together, shall we?"

The baby girl in the cradle seemed to understand what he said, and smiled with narrowed eyes.

Yuchen's father came out with a cake at this time, and everyone in the family was singing happy birthday.

The light from the candles on the cake made Dongfang Yuchen's face flushed red, and the eyes were sparkling with joyful fire.

At this time, Dongfang Yuchen felt extremely happy!I am very satisfied.

But suddenly one day, a group of people surrounded his home, speaking words he couldn't understand, with ferocious faces, like wild dogs, as if they were going to pounce on him in the next second.

Yuchen's mother hid him in the bedroom, and softly comforted him: "Yuchen, good boy, Yuchen, don't be afraid, Mom and Dad are here, it's okay, you stay here, be good, no matter what happens outside, you don't care what you hear." Don't come out, okay?"

Dongfang Yuchen had an ominous premonition, he felt that his parents would leave him, tears rolled in his eyes, he said: "Did my parents not want me anymore?"

"No, Yuchen, Mom and Dad are playing hide-and-seek with you. When Dad comes to us later, you hide here and don't make a sound!"

Maybe it was because his mother's voice was too gentle, soothing Yu Chen's uneasy heart, he nodded obediently, and hid in the corner.

Yu Chen watched his mother leave his room step by step, turning his head three times. The moment the door of the room was locked, it seemed that the world was quiet.

The sound insulation effect of the room is very good, Yu Chen doesn't know what happened downstairs.

When his legs were numb, he stood up and muttered, "Why hasn't Dad found me yet? Forget it, I'll go find him."

He turned the doorknob and found that the door was locked.

Yuchen leaned over to the window, his window was facing the back garden, and he was about to shout "Dad" when he saw a servant shot dead by another man with a gun.

"...This is... what happened?" Yu Chen watched helplessly as the servant fell into a pool of blood, followed by many strangers rushing into the garden, looking fierce like a demon in hell.

Those people seemed to be looking for something, Yu Chen quickly squatted down and retracted his head.

He wanted to find his father and mother, and a group of evil spirits came to the house!
But his mother told him to hide here and keep quiet, and the door was locked, so he couldn't get out.

He was so scared, he was afraid that his parents would be killed by those people, and he was afraid that his sister would be killed by them too.

The fear from the depths of his soul made him sweat coldly, and he squatted in the corner trembling with his Transformers in his arms.

The tears couldn't stop flowing, but he didn't cry out. He suppressed his voice, and there was an instinct in his heart that told him that if he spoke out, those people would kill him too.

I don't know how long it has passed, it was dark, Yuchen fell asleep at some point, he opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a fire around him, the fire in the garden was the biggest, he looked down from the window, and in the firelight he seemed to see To a familiar face.

His room was on the third floor, and he tried hard to identify the face of the person he saw lying in the firelight. It was a bit difficult to distinguish, but he saw the swaddling baby in the person's arms, it was his sister!There is a string of pearl bracelets on the hand holding the baby, is it mother? !

The swaddling baby and mother were covered in blood, they were lying there motionless, Yu Chen really wanted to wake them up, were they asleep?How can one sleep in a fire?Will be burned to death?
Where's dad?Yu Chen saw many familiar people among the large pile of corpses, but he couldn't find his father.

Seeing the fire spitting out letters like a giant python, devouring those people, Yu Chen felt so sad, he couldn't do anything, he could only watch his mother and sister being swallowed by the fire bit by bit.

"Don't! Don't burn my mother, don't burn my sister, don't burn them with fire! Don't..." Yu Chen seemed to realize something at this time, his mother and sister died, and left him forever, just like being killed by justice in a storybook. Like the dragon that the prince killed, the dragon died, and there was no more.

Yu Chen burst into tears, he was so sad, so sad, more sad than losing his beloved toy.

He cried until his eyes were swollen from crying, and the tears could not flow out, so he passed out.

In a daze, he heard the sound of knocking on the door, and then seemed to see a man walking towards him with a gun in his hand.

"...Dad..." Yu Chen whispered, and then passed out.

"There's a kid here," a man said to his partner.

"Could it be Dongfang Yuchen, Dongfang Qing's son?" the partner guessed.

"Then this child is quite pitiful. It seems that he has seen his parents die. Will there be shadows?"

" you want to kill him?" The partner looked at the huddled child, feeling a little unbearable.

The two of them were called to clean up the battlefield because they didn't kill anyone, and they didn't want a child here.

"Now the Dongfang family is gone, and he has become an orphan. It's already miserable enough. Otherwise, send him to the orphanage. Live the rest of his life in an ordinary way, and don't get involved in family disputes anymore." The man said , to pick up Yuchen.

"He's very hot, he seems to have a fever, let's go quickly, don't be discovered by the owner."

Two men hugged a child and quietly slipped out of the unguarded place.

"You go first, I have to go back to report, we both ran away, it will arouse suspicion." The partner chose to cover them.

"it is good."


When Yu Chen woke up, his fever had subsided and he was lying on a small bed.

He looked around and found that there were many children around him.

Seeing that he was awake, a little girl ran to call the mother nun.

The nun reached out to touch his forehead and smiled, "It's all right, no more fever."

" this place? You...who are you?" Yu Chen asked suspiciously, shouldn't he be in his room?

The nun smiled softly, "Don't be afraid, children. This is an orphanage, where children play together. I am the nun here, and they are all your little friends."

"What's your name?" asked a little girl.

"I..." Before Yu Chen could finish speaking, the nun replied for him: "His name is Yu, Yu Yu, you guys have to take good care of him, don't let Yu get a fever again."

"Okay~" A group of children agreed.

Although Yuchen is young, he understands many things. He has not yet recovered from the pain of losing a loved one.

He doesn't play with other children, and he doesn't like to talk to them. He always sits alone in a daze.

The mother nun would come to give them lessons every day, teaching them to read and write, and telling them stories.

After four years passed like this, a person came.

He said he was here to adopt a child, but when he saw the silent Yu Chen, he decided to take him away.

The nun's mother was doing ideological construction for Yu Chen: "This uncle likes Yu very much, and Yu will have a good life with him. By the way, this is for you, keep it well, and don't be seen by others." The nun took out a black Cloth bag, opened inside are two very beautiful golden bullets.

Yu Chen didn't know what this was for, so the nun insisted on giving it to him, and said that if she had any difficulties in the future, she could take this to the He family and ask the He family for help.

Yu Chen ignorantly put the bullets into his pocket, followed the man into the car, and drove to a place he was unfamiliar with.

Liu Yue's father didn't explain too many things to him, just told him to let him accompany a girl who was younger than him, and just take good care of her.

In this way, he was sent abroad, to Liu Yue's side.

Dongfang Yuchen was disdainful when he saw this eldest lady. He used to be a young master who had no worries about food and clothing, but now he became someone else's nanny.

Liu Yue and Yu's first meeting was very ordinary.

"What's your name?" Liu Yue asked.

"Yu." Yu replied.



Then there is no more.

Lin and Liuyue played better, probably both girls, and Lin came earlier than Yu, and was more familiar with Liuyue.

The two of them played, Yu didn't know what to do, he was a little bored, feeling ignored.

"Yu seems to be older than us, should we call him brother?" Lin glanced at the expressionless, serious-looking little boy and asked Liu Yue.

Liu Yue looked at the three of them, and then said, "Brother Yu? Huh... goosebumps."

"Brother Yu?" Lin frowned, "You don't sound like a good person."

"Forget it, forget it, it's not too big, just call it by name." With a wave of Liu Yue's little hand, she decided on the addressing issue.

In fact, taking care of Liuyue is very simple, just watch her and don't let her sneak out, even though Liuyue really wants to sneak out, they can't stop them.

After getting along for a long time, Yu always unconsciously regards Liu Yue as his younger sister.

At the age of 15, Yu understood more things, and the scene of the family being wiped out is still vivid in his mind, which is his nightmare every night.

He knew who had wiped out the family, and he also knew that he was beside the daughter of one of the enemies, so he did it.

He took advantage of Liuyue's playing by the pool and pushed her into the pool. Seeing the delicate girl with a ferocious and painful expression, he didn't have the slightest joy of revenge. In the end, he saved Liuyue, but let Liuyue Since then, Yue has left a psychological shadow and is no longer close to the pool.

He has always wanted to take revenge, but every time he attacked Liu Yue, he couldn't bear it.

Without realizing it, his consciousness split.

Sometimes he wants revenge crazily, and sometimes he just wants to live a mediocre life.

The extreme of the two thoughts was that he couldn't control his own subjective consciousness. He failed to assassinate Liu Yue's father for the first time, but it aroused suspicion among the family.Then he finds Iro, who recommends Disa to him.

While he was planning step by step how to destroy the Muyan family, he was also planning to destroy all the families, but his strength was still weak and he could only rely on Yi Luo's support.

They teamed up, and just when he thought he'd be able to do it every step of the way, Illo broke the deal.

Fire prevention and anti-theft, it is difficult to prevent people's hearts.

The moment he set fire to the castle, he bet everything, and he has nothing left, and this is the only life he has.

He found out the truth back then, just to return justice to himself and the Dongfang family, revenge, what can he solve?

When everything is over and the Dongfang family has been wronged, then what?There is no more.

From beginning to end, he was the only one suffering.

His body was in pain as if being torn apart by two souls, and he forced himself into a split personality.

When he was desperate, everyone forgave him for everything he had done.

Can't hate, can't feel pain, let go of everything and think that he is like a lonely ghost, but there is still someone with him, his salvation - Lin.

 Flowers are over!Then I thought of the new book published on the platform of Hongxiu Reading, which is a novel by two male protagonists. Yes, I am rotten.Cough, cough, and then I’ll tell you, um, that’s it, goodbye~

(End of this chapter)

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