The royal princess is too cold

Chapter 53 Trading Conditions

Chapter 53 Trading Conditions
After eating, Ziyu went back to the room, Liu Yue didn't say anything, but Yu, who was sent to investigate, came back.

"How about it?"

"Found it. He is the young master of the Beiming family, a hidden power family. He has a good background, but during this time, the family members let him study in England alone, and only the housekeeper Beiming is here to accompany him." Yu learned. The information is eloquent.

Liu Yue squinted her eyes, the Beiming family?It's hidden really deep, if not for meeting Beiming Ziyu, Liu Yue would not know that there is such a huge hidden family as Beiming among the aristocratic families.

It seems that Beiming Ziyu's life experience is similar to his own. He was sent to this unfamiliar country when he was six years old.

Liu Yue shook her head helplessly and sighed.

Back in his room, took a shower, sat on the edge of the bed and chatted with Nangong Yunchen and the others on WeChat.

Nangong Yunchen: After you left, two exchange students really came to the college.

Lu Shaoming: Hmm, it doesn't look like an easy mess.

Xiao Shuoxi: What are their names?
Nangong Yunchen: One is Chey and the other is Tianyu.

Liu Nuoyang: Never heard of it.

Xu Haokai: Maybe it is to hide the power of the family again.

Chey?Why does this name sound familiar?

Mu Liuyue: Did they have any suspicious movements in the academy?
Nangong Yunchen: Not really.

Gu Xu: Are you still asleep?
Lu Shaoming: You just woke up?
Liu Nuoyang: He just came out of the shower.

Mu Liuyue: It's slow enough, okay, let's not talk about it, there is class tomorrow, bye!

"Koukou—" There was a knock on Liuyue's room door.

"Come in." Liu Yue put away her phone, and saw Ziyu came in wearing the pajamas Liu Yue Rang Yu bought for him, holding a pillow.

"What's wrong?" Liu Yue walked to Ziyu's side and asked.

Ziyu's eyes dodged a little, "I...I dare not sleep alone..."

"...Oh, then come and sleep with me." Anyway, it's a child again, so it's no big deal.

"Can you?" Ziyu was surprised.


Liu Yue was wearing men's pajamas, long clothes and trousers, making Liu Yue's figure slimmer.

Tzuyu carefully curled into Liuyue's arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Looking at the little person in her arms, Liu Yue turned off the light and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Liu Yue woke up Ziyu after washing and dressing.

"Are you going to school?" Liu Yue asked.

Ziyu groaned for a while, then raised his head, "Can you send someone to pick me up this afternoon?"

Lucy nodded.

"Then I'll go with you!" Ziyu jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to wash up after finishing speaking.

"Where's your school uniform?" Liu Yue just remembered, she didn't see him wearing a school uniform yesterday, right?

Tzuyu poked his head out, blinked and said, "It doesn't matter if I don't wear a school uniform, or it will make it easier for them to find me!"

Oh too!Is that why he doesn't want to go back?Are you really staying here? !
The corner of Liuyue's mouth twitched, she turned around and went downstairs to have breakfast, waiting to send Ziyu to Lundy Elementary School together.

"Dengdengdeng——" Ziyu hurried down the stairs, trotted to the dining table, ate a few mouthfuls of toast, drank another glass of milk, and then asked Liu Yue: "Have you investigated everything about me yesterday? "

"Yeah." I didn't expect it to be pretty good.

"Can you hide it for me, it's best that I can have your last name now!"

Liu Yue was startled: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want them to know, can I fabricate a fake certificate to prove that we are brothers!" Ziyu's brain is too big, do you know how troublesome it is to fake a certificate?
"Yes, but... I have a condition." Liu Yue gracefully picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth, slowly looking at the child in front of her, feeling more and more interesting about him.

When Ziyu heard that Liuyue wanted to agree, she became excited, "What conditions?"

"You... don't make trouble for me, you can only listen to me outside." Liu Yue's conditions are actually for his own good, isn't it too much?
"En!" Ziyu nodded in agreement, not to mention how happy he was, he took Liuyue's hand and walked out of the gate, saying, "Hurry up, we're going to be late!"

Looking at the smile that rose from the corner of a certain little one's mouth, why did Liu Yue feel like she was being fooled?

However, it seemed nice to have someone to talk to with her.

Lundy Primary School is not far from the British Academy, seeing the little guy get out of the car and walk into the school safely, Liu Yue turned her gaze away and asked Yu to stop the car at the entrance of the college.

"Liuyue, wait for me." He Zhuyu walked towards Liuyue not far away, behind him was a black SUV, it seemed that He Zhuyu's cousin was not an ordinary person.

Liu Yue stood waiting for He Zhuyu to come, and entered the academy side by side.

"Say what you want to say." Seeing He Zhuyu's hesitant expression, Liu Yue spoke first.

He Zhuyu scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Is that kid just now a relative of yours?"

"Otherwise? Do you think he is my illegitimate child?" Liu Yue chuckled lightly, causing screams from the surrounding nympho.

"No... no, I just didn't expect that you have relatives here." He Zhuyu actually thought that Ziyu was Liu Yue's child, but seeing Liu Yue's age, he dismissed this thought.

Talking and laughing all the way into the classroom, automatically ignoring the nympho's eyes.

He Zhuyu sat down beside Liuyue when a familiar voice came.

 Cough cough cough, the author is going to cough up internal injuries.ticket
(End of this chapter)

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