The royal princess is too cold

Chapter 71 Yuan Zhe has a long way to chase his wife

Chapter 71 Yuan Zhe has a long way to chase his wife

In order not to miss the good show, Liu Yue pulled He Zhuyu to sit diagonally opposite Yuan Zhe.

Both Liu Yue and He Zhuyu ordered the original milk tea, and while drinking the milk tea, they accompanied Yuan Zhe who was fidgeting.

Liu Nuoge came on time, just in time.

I saw Liu Nuoge wearing a chiffon dress with a pink shawl over it, her long chestnut hair scattered around her waist, and light makeup on her face. She didn't wear high heels, but a pair of pink ones. With flat boots and a pink bag in his hand, he has a girlish and ladylike temperament.

After looking around in the store, he fixed his eyes on Yuan Zhe and walked towards him.

Liu Yue and He Zhuyu here are also full of expectations.

Liu Nuoge sat down in front of Yuan Zhe, and asked uncertainly, "Are you the 'Pink Rose' who gave me flowers?"

"Yeah." Yuan Zhe didn't even know when Liuyue and the others sent the flowers, so he only listened to Liuyue's words and agreed in a muddleheaded manner.

"You sent that cake too?"

"Yeah." Although he didn't put it on her desk with his own hands, he must have sacrificed his sleep time to go all the way to buy it, "I don't know if you like it or not."

Seeing Yuan Zhe's honest appearance, the corners of Liu Nuoge's mouth curled up slightly, "What grade are you in?"

"Grade one." Yuan Zhe answered honestly.

"Well, how old are you this year?"


"? Younger than me!" Liu Nuoge frowned.

Seeing Liu Nuoge's reaction, He Zhuyu and Liu Yuexin both mentioned it. Could it be that she is dissatisfied?Are you about to be rejected?

Yuan Zhe raised his head and said sincerely: "As long as senior sister doesn't dislike me, age is not a distance!"

Enough man!Finally he was willing to raise his head and speak, this kid!Liu Yue is really worried for Yuan Zhe.

Liu Nuoge was taken aback when he heard Yuan Zhe say that, and then said with a smile, "I don't even know your name."

"My name is Yuan Zhe."

"Well... let's leave a phone number first." As he spoke, Liu Nuoge took out a pen and paper from his bag and handed it to Yuan Zhe.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yue was not calm anymore, "Not good!"

He Zhuyu didn't know why, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Liu Nuoge is trying to test Yuan Zhe, as long as Yuan Zhe writes, won't he be seen?" Liu Yue secretly yelled, but Yuan Zhe, who hadn't noticed it, had already written down her phone number.

Liu Nuoge has been observing Yuan Zhe's way of holding the pen and the handwriting she writes, and her intuition told her that the person in front of her is definitely not the same person as the person who sent the flowers, because everyone's handwriting is different, and Yuan Zhe wrote very casually. Sex, but the words on the card left by the flower sender are very delicate.

"You're not the person I'm looking for, sorry for wasting your time!" After receiving Yuan Zhe's call, Liu Nuoge got up and said to Yuan Zhe.

Yuan Zhe was at a loss as to why they had such a good chat just now.

Seeing Liu Nuoge turned to leave, Liu Yue couldn't sit still, so she got up to stop her.

"Senior sister, that...we came here with Yuan Zhe. I heard what you said just now. In fact, it is like this. Yuan Zhe has liked senior sister for a long time, and he has never dared to say it, so we helped him out. , the flowers and cake were indeed prepared by Yuan Zhe, but the card was written by Liuyue for him, so the senior sister may have misunderstood." For the first time, He Zhuyu felt that explaining to a woman was really troublesome. .

After hearing He Zhuyu's explanation, Liu Nuoge looked at them and said, "Is that true?"


It was the first time Liu Nuoge encountered such a thing, and it was quite interesting to look at the three young men in front of him.

Turning to look at Yuan Zhe, he said with a slight smile, "It's not easy to become my boyfriend. I also have to test you before I can date you."

"So, I still have a chance?" Yuan Zhe asked cautiously.

" depends on whether you can pass my test." After Liu Nuoge finished speaking, he turned around and left with a faint smile.

"I will definitely prove to you that I am sincere to you!" Yuan Zhe shouted behind Liu Nuoge.

A smile crossed the corner of Liu Nuoge's mouth, got into the car that came to pick her up, and disappeared into the night.

After this beautiful event was completed, Yuan Zhe was so happy that he could hardly sleep.


Today is Friday, time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, Liu Yue has 42 days left in Country Y.

When he arrived at the school early in the morning, Yuan Zhe was in good spirits. He not only listened attentively in class, but also took the initiative to ask Liu Yue for advice. If Liu Yue was not awake, he must have thought he was still dreaming!
After class, He Zhuyu touched Yuan Zhe's forehead worriedly, and said, "I don't have a fever, why is it so abnormal?"

"What's abnormal? Starting today, I will study hard, make progress every day, and walk side by side with Nuoge soon!" Yuan Zhe vowed.

Liu Yue turned around and glanced at him, and said, "Did you take the wrong medicine or was stimulated by something? People don't care about your grades at all, okay?"

"You don't understand. In front of girls with better grades than you, you always feel like you are a failure."

"Well, come on!" Liu Yue remembered that during the last test, Yuan Zhe said that he wanted to get into the top ten and showed Liu Yue, but he didn't even get into the top [-], and the last time, Yuan Zhe said To learn how to cook from Liu Yue, it was imperative to promise Liu Yue, but in the end, he almost set the kitchen on fire, and last time... In short, since Liu Yue knew Yuan Zhe for so long, it seems like I haven't seen the success of what Yuan Zhe promised.

"Liu Yue, you are so perfunctory, do you not believe me?" Yuan Zhe complained.

The corner of Liuyue's mouth twitched, she patted Yuan Zhe's shoulder, and said earnestly, "As long as you have perseverance and perseverance, I believe you can do it."


"Wow! Isn't this Senior Sister Nuo Ge? Why did you come to our class?" The nympho boy A said suspiciously.

"Did you come to look for me?" The nympho boy B asked with a nympho look on his face.

"You're so poor!" The nympho boy C said dissatisfiedly.


As soon as Yuan Zhe heard the word 'Nuoge', he raised his head reflexively, and when he raised his head, he met Liu Nuoge's gentle and smiling eyes.

Liu Nuoge stopped in front of Yuan Zhe and said, "He Jiajun doesn't want to stay in the student union, but our student union is short of manpower. Since you want to prove it to me, join the student union and help me!"

After thinking for a while, as long as he joins the student union, he will be able to meet Liu Nuoge often, "Okay! I am willing to join the student union."

Liu Yue seemed to see little stars glowing in Yuan Zhe's eyes!

"Then come with me now. I'll arrange a job for you. By the way, you don't need to attend classes if you join the student union. There will be someone who will tutor you. Later..." Liu Nuoge stopped and looked in the classroom After a while, he said to Liu Yue: "Tell the teacher in class later, man, I will take it away."

Liu Yue nodded and watched Yuan Zhe leave, buddy, take care!
Liu Nuoge was in front of Yuan Zhe, with his back to Yuan Zhe, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, the test had only just begun.

 Hehehe, what will be the fate of Yuan Zhe who was taken away?Please see the breakdown next time... O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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