The royal princess is too cold

Chapter 79 Autumn Games

Chapter 79 Autumn Games (3)


Liu Yue came back from running outside, Yu took the towel and handed Liu Yue's cell phone, "Your Highness, someone called just now."

Liu Yue raised her eyebrows, who would call at this time?
He took the phone and clicked on the address book. It was a number from country H, which he didn't recognize.

"A strange call? Is it the wrong number?" Liu Yue didn't take it seriously, glanced at him and ignored him.

Because of time constraints, it was difficult to make a phone call with Nangong Yunchen and the others.

The last chat was in the middle of the night, and it would disturb their rest, and they didn't want to disturb her unless something happened.

Going upstairs after breakfast, Liu Yue went into the study room, turned on the computer and connected to the meeting, and there were many influential figures in the business world on the screen, including businessmen from all over the world.

Liu Yue finished listening to the report of the performance of the president of a fragrance company in F country with a blank face. She seemed not very satisfied. Liu Yue's thin lips parted slightly, and she spoke a sentence of fluent F language.

After listening to Liu Yue's words, the president's expression changed and he nodded repeatedly.

Without expressing too much, Liuyue turned off the call with him after explaining what she had done, and turned to the domestic meeting.

The various high-level personnel reported the work assembly one by one, observing Liuyue's face from time to time, but Liuyue's face remained expressionless, which made them feel drums in their hearts, not knowing whether to continue talking or stop.

They didn't know Liu Yue's real identity, not even Liu Yue's name, but what they knew was that this young man who looked like a boy was definitely not to be messed with!Just looking at his swift and resolute manner and his calm demeanor, he doesn't look so immature.

"The wind sleeves add fragrance to dye the ancient temple, the color of the piano and the beauty of the lead, whoever comes down to paint, who writes poems to answer with love..."

Just as Liu Yue was about to say something, the mobile phone rang cheerfully, and the executives on the other side of the computer screen looked at each other in blank dismay. What kind of situation is this?
Liu Yue stared at the caller ID with cold eyes, it was that strange call again, shit!I forgot to turn off the mute just now, which is embarrassing.

Liu Yue calmly reached out and pressed the off button, then shifted her gaze to the computer screen, the executives immediately concentrated their minds and were not affected by the phone call at all.

The executives who were expecting Liuyue to say something and express their attitude towards their reported performance only waited for Liuyue's perfunctory sentence, "The performance level is still not improving, so don't report such performance to me next time. I, well, this is the end of the meeting." this the end?
After turning off the video, Liu Yue turned on the phone, raised her eyebrows and looked at the number that jumped on the screen of the phone, if she thought he had made a mistake before, calling her one after another like this would not seem like a mistake!

Taking the phone, and pressing the answer button, a playful voice came, "Finally willing to answer my call? I thought you were looking forward to my call!"

Liu Yue frowned, "Who are you?"

The person on the other end of the phone almost choked to death on his own saliva!Liu Yue doesn't know who he is?

Clearing his throat, he said in standard Mandarin, "I am the person you are looking for!"

"You'd better not call again, be careful with your hands!" Liu Yue said sinisterly, without giving him a chance to speak, she hung up the phone directly.

After thinking about it, how did he know that she was looking for someone?who is he?

Liu Yue opened the study door irritably, walked out, and told Yu who was standing at the door: "Check this number."

"Yes." Yu took the phone, turned and went into the study.


"Your Highness, we found it." Yu came to the studio to report the search results.

"Well," Liu Yue said in a calm voice, her gaze still fixed on the drawing paper, "how is it?"

Yu looked at the flowers on the drawing paper, and said, "That mobile phone number is new, and the identity of the registered user has been encrypted with a security code, which cannot be broken."

Liu Yue's right hand holding the paintbrush paused, a password that even Yu couldn't break?

The thin lips evoked a cold smile, and painted the last touch of bright red on the brush in his hand on the last petal of the bewitchingly blooming Bana flower on the drawing paper.

The blood-red Bana flowers bloom on the white drawing paper, which is beautiful, but not so harmonious, and always feels a little weird.

Yu calmly lit a candle for someone in her heart, just looking at this painting, she knew that Liu Yue's anger was being ignited bit by bit by someone who didn't know her life or death.

 Hehehe, who made that call?The author finally couldn't bear it anymore, let me give you a clue, but this time it's very straightforward, the caller is the male lead!

(End of this chapter)

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