The royal princess is too cold

Chapter 98 Zhi Lanqing Knows the Truth

Chapter 98 Zhi Lanqing Knows the Truth

Today, Liu Yue has a very important matter, and this matter is related to her actions.

That's right!

My aunt came to visit again on time!
Liu Yue complained secretly, if only she wasn't a girl!

I don't know if it's the aftereffects of falling into the pool when I was a child. Whenever my aunt came, I would have dysmenorrhea and my whole body would be cold.

It was already winter, and the temperature was not high. If Liuyue's body temperature dropped, it meant that Liuyue would get sick.

To get sick, she has to take medicine and injections. For Liu Yue, this is a kind of torture.

Unfortunately, there just happened to be a physical education class today, and a physical education test was required.

If Liu Yue didn't go to class, points would be deducted from her sports performance, and if she attended class, the consequences... I can't even imagine.

After struggling for a long time, Liu Yue finally thought of a surefire solution!
In the morning, she found that Liu Yue's complexion was a bit unwell, and her lips were also a little pale.

Lu Shaoming thought that Liuyue was sick, and asked with concern: "Liuyue, are you feeling unwell? You look very weak."

Attracted by Lu Shaoming's words, Nangong Yunchen and Yi Che also looked at Liuyue one after another. Liuyue's expression was indeed not very good.

Liu Yue smiled covertly, "It's okay, I just feel a little cold."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yunchen immediately put a thick coat on Liuyue's body.

"Wear more when it's cold." Nangong Yunchen suddenly remembered that Liu Yue seemed to have a cold stomach.

Thinking of this, Nangong Yunchen called Shang Lu Shaoming, and the two of them went to the kitchen to boil brown sugar water.

Yi Che stretched out his hand to touch Tan Liuyue's forehead, but he didn't have a fever.

"If you don't feel well, go to the school doctor. Don't hold on. I remember there will be a physical examination today."

Liu Yue nodded, although her situation was not the same as what he said, but other people's wishes still had to be accepted.

Because time was too late, Nangong Yunchen put the boiled brown sugar water into Liuyue's thermos.

For the entire four classes in the morning, Liu Yue was always the first to rush out of the classroom after the bell rang.

She didn't go to the bathroom because there were too many people and she didn't know whether to go to the women's room or the men's room.

So she took advantage of get out of class time to run back to the dormitory clutching her stomach.

Lu Shaoming felt that something was wrong, Liuyue's stomachache didn't mean that every class was like this, right?
Isn't that serious? !

Nangong Yunchen also felt it, and when Liu Yue returned to the classroom, he pulled Liu Yue to the stairs.

"Is your stomach really okay?" Nangong Yunchen frowned, his eyes full of worry.

Lu Yue was embarrassed at this moment.

Her stomach is indeed fine, but she clutches her stomach every time after class to make sure they see it.

But she really didn't have a stomachache, but how to explain it?

After thinking for a while, Liu Yue blinked and said, "I...that..."

For the first time, Liu Yue felt really... very embarrassed to explain this matter to a boy who cared about her.

Seeing Liu Yue wanting to explain, but speaking incoherently, Nangong Yunchen's clever brain immediately thought of what Liu Yue wanted to say.

Immediately, Jun blushed and coughed lightly, "I will help you ask for leave for the physical examination this afternoon."

When Liu Yue realized it, Nangong Yunchen brought her into the classroom and sat down.

Thinking of Nangong Yunchen knowing that he was on her period, the roots of her ears were still dyed a little pink.

At noon, canteen ing——

This time, Yiche still didn't get the chance to order food for Liuyue, so he had to sit obediently beside Liuyue.

Nangong Yunchen asked Lu Shaoming to go to the classroom to help Liuyue bring the thermos, while he ordered some dishes that Liuyue liked but without chili.

Seeing what they did for her, Liu Yue felt warm in her heart.

After the meal, Nangong Yunchen asked Liuyue to drink all the brown sugar water in the thermos, and then took advantage of the lunch break to go back to the dormitory with Lu Shaoming to have another drink.

Seeing that the two people in the way were not there, Yi Che took the initiative to hold Liu Yue's hand.

But Liuyue's palms are not warm, but cold, just like her.

Some worriedly reached out to cover Liu Yue's forehead, some had a low fever.

Before Liuyue had time to say anything, Yiche helped her put Nangong Yunchen on Liuyue's coat and let Liuyue put it on, and then patiently buttoned the thirteen buttons on the outside of the coat.

Liuyue, who was dressed thickly, didn't look ugly, and looking at Liuyue with only one head exposed, she was actually a little cute!
Nangong Yunchen's coat is so long that it can be worn as a skirt when it reaches the thigh.

Zhi Lanqing looked at Liu Yue who was being cared by everyone, and felt a little envious in her heart.

Everyone can see Yiche's meticulous care for Liuyue, as if they care about their younger brother, and they are as considerate as they are about their girlfriend.

girlfriend? !

Zhi Lanqing was taken aback by her own thought.

Liu Yue is taller than their ordinary girls, and she looks so delicate, how could she be a girl?
Although he doesn't have an Adam's apple, it may be that his development is not very good, otherwise how could he be shorter than Chen and the others?

Having figured out these factors, Zhi Lanqing broke the idea that Liu Yue is a girl.

Liu Yue, who was being protected by everyone, didn't know that she had already been suspected.

Yi Che held Liu Yue's cold and slender hand tightly, and transmitted the warmth of his palm to Liu Yue.

Liu Yue knew Yi Che's intention of doing this, so she didn't pull her hand back, but she didn't tell him that doing so would be useless.

Body cold is not something that can be covered casually.

For example, Liu Yue, her heart can't be melted casually.

Back in the classroom, Nangong Yunchen and Lu Shaoming arrived first.

"Does it still hurt?" As soon as Nangong Yunchen mentioned this question, the roots of his ears turned red involuntarily.

Liu Yue gave him a reassuring smile, "It doesn't hurt much, I guess it will be fine after today."

If it hurts after drinking a cup of hot brown sugar water, it's not normal, right?
Liuyue slept on the table during the two classes, there was no way, she was really lethargic during the menstruation holiday.

In the last physical education class, many students showed a flustered look, because they don't usually exercise, they can't improve their physical fitness, let alone the physical examination.

However, if they fail the physical examination, they will be admitted to study abroad. They will be able to go to the third grade after studying for more than a month.

Before class, Nangong Yunchen was not in the classroom, Liu Yue knew that he was going to ask for leave for her.

When Nangong Yunchen came back, he changed into his sportswear by the way. The white sportswear made Nangong Yunchen look very sunny and energetic.

Liu Yue also wanted to go to the sports field to show off her skills, but... her aunt dragged her down, she couldn't leave her aunt alone!

So, women are really troublesome.

"What did you tell the teacher?" Liu Yue asked out of curiosity.

"I told the teacher that you are not feeling well, so next week you will be alone in the physical education class and make up the exam." Nangong Yunchen said with a smile.

"Oh." Liu Yue nodded, it turned out that it was so simple to ask the physical education teacher for leave.

After the class bell rang, the whole class gathered in the playground, only Liuyue was sitting in the auditorium holding a thermos bottle, and several seats beside her were filled with mineral water and towels.

There are three parts in the test, 500-meter sprint, 1000-meter long-distance race and shot put.

Following the name called by the teacher, the students in the auditorium went down one by one, and then came back sweating profusely.

Liu Yue looked at it, and suddenly felt that she wanted to go to the bathroom, so she put down the water bottle, got up and walked towards the bathroom.

No one came to the bathroom now, so Liu Yue walked into the women's bathroom unprepared.

However, this scene was later seen by Zhi Lanqing...

 This chapter adds more!It is also equivalent to making up for what I owed before~ Well, the plot has entered a white-hot stage!Zhi Lanqing knows, what will happen?The point is, Zhi Lanqing's sweetheart - Nangong Yunchen is still so kind to Liu Yue, SO, what choice will Zhi Lanqing make?Should I pretend not to know or tell Nangong Yunchen?Or...announce it?Well, about the male protagonist, can everyone go to the comment area to read "The male protagonist's final decision" posted by Xiaoyue?
(End of this chapter)

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