Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1002 Witnessing Miracles Again

Chapter 1002 Witnessing Miracles Again
He reached out to push the door and found that it was locked.

"Sihui, Sihui?"

You are all your own people at home, so why lock the door if you have nothing to do?
Zhou Zixu began to knock on the door vigorously, he was afraid that Sihui would faint in the kitchen.

"Stop knocking and go into the house."

Lu Sihui's angry voice came from the kitchen, Zhou Zixu frowned, always feeling that his wife was a bit weird.

It's as if he deliberately sent himself away.

Just about to knock on the door again, but saw the door opened by itself, Lu Sihui glared at him angrily.

"What are you doing? Demolish the house! Can you please stop making trouble."

"I do not have"


Just as Zhou Zixu was about to explain that he hadn't caused trouble, the door closed again, almost hitting his nose.

"Sihui, hurry up! Sister-in-law can't afford to wait."

He called out to the kitchen, but there was silence.

He scooped up a basin of cold water to wash in the corridor, keeping his eyes on the kitchen door.

"Let's go!"

The door opened, and Lu Sihui came out with a medicine basin.

Zhou Zixu snatched over and poured the medicine into a jar, put the lid on, packed it in a bag, and left with it.

"I will go with you."

Lu Sihui hurriedly followed.

"Stay at home! There are all kinds of patients in the hospital. I saw someone with tuberculosis. Don't infect you again."

Zhou Zixu didn't even turn his head, he took big strides and walked quickly.

After all, he didn't screw Lu Sihui, she followed behind him in a muffled voice, opened the door and sat in the co-pilot's seat.


Zhou Zixu had no choice but to take her to the hospital.

After delays, Zhou Zisong and NO.12 were pushed out of the emergency room two hours after they arrived at the hospital, and they were observed in the intensive care unit.

The doctor said that the snake venom was serious, and it was delivered a little late. Whether they can survive depends on the ability of these two people to absorb the snake venom.

"Father, I brought medicine. Last time, Jin Chen drank this medicine and got better."

Zhou Zixu came to the door of the ward and saw his father sitting on the bench in the corridor with a tired face, looking as if he had aged a few years in an instant.

With sad eyes, he only saw it when his mother died in his memory.

He is usually majestic and cold, thinking that he has no human feelings!

"Try it! The doctor said that tonight is a dangerous period, and there is nothing they can do about it."

At that time, medicine was not so advanced, and the snake venom invaded the blood, and there were very few antidote drugs for them.

"I'm going to feed my elder brother medicine."

Zhou Zixu couldn't bear to see his father sad, his Adam's apple rolled and counted, but he didn't say anything to comfort him.


Zhou Baichuan didn't believe at all that this medicinal soup could save his eldest son, but Zixu was full of confidence, and he also had a glimmer of hope.


Lu Sihui yelled in a low voice, Zhou Baichuan raised his eyelids to look at her, just nodded without saying a word.

On the contrary, Lu Sihui thinks such a father-in-law is very good, at least he has a human touch.

She followed Zixu into the intensive care unit. There were two beds in the room, and Zhou Zisong and his wife were lying there.

These two couples usually don't seem to be very affectionate, but at the critical moment, the eldest brother was able to suck snake venom for Li Yanhong, which still gave Lu Sihui a new view on Zhou Zisong.

He's not as heartless as he appears.

Zhou Zixu gave medicine to his eldest brother, and Lu Sihui naturally went to give medicine to NO.12.

Seeing Zhanyou lying here without knowing anything, Lu Sihui felt uncomfortable.

She fed the medicine spoon by spoon, and when there was a little left, she untied the gauze on NO.12's wrist, and spread the medicine soup on the wound.

Zhou Zixu saw it and didn't stop her, hoping that the medicine could witness miracles again.

One day later, when the golden morning sun shone into the ward, Zhou Zisong's eyelids moved.
(End of this chapter)

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