Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1015 Not in a hurry

Chapter 1015 Don't be in a hurry

"The bath water is ready."

Aunt Su went upstairs carrying two buckets. She was getting old and working hard.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zisong thanked her and brought two buckets of water into the house. Aunt Su wanted to ask about Li Yanhong's health!He pushed the door shut and almost hit his nose.

Aunt Su was stunned at the door for a while, as if thinking of something?He shook his head with a smile, his eyes filled with relief.

In the room, Zhou Zisong carefully adjusted the water temperature for Li Yanhong.

Li Yanhong was a little nervous, would he go out in a while?
"Okay, the water temperature is just right."

After Zhou Zisong tested the temperature of the water, he turned around and called for his wife, but seeing her face flushed, she dared not look up at him.

"I scrubbed it for you in the hospital, there's nothing to be shy about, come here quickly."

Zhou Zisong started to roll up his sleeves as he spoke, his posture made it clear that he wanted to help her take a bath.

Li Yanhong looked at him embarrassingly: "I can wash it myself."

"No, you just happened to be in the observation stage, hurry up, this is an order."

Zhou Zisong regained his serious face, and Li Yanhong looked at him in embarrassment.

She was used to obeying his commands, but when the command was to order herself to pull off her clothes in front of him, she still couldn't do it.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Under the bright light, she was really embarrassed to take off her clothes.

Looking fixedly at her red cheeks that dared not look up, Zhou Zisong's heart beat for no reason. He had no choice but to turn around, but he did not leave the room.


Zhou Zisong didn't hear clearly, and as soon as he turned his head to look at her, Li Yanhong quickly covered his front body with both hands, Zhou Zisong hurriedly turned his head, without saying a word, went to pull out the light cord, and only a faint moonlight remained in the room.

Li Yanhong bit the red 1.chun, and then began to undress one by one.

With his back to Li Yanhong, Zhou Zisong couldn't see anything in the haze. When he heard the rustling sound, all his senses were focused on hearing.

In the bright and deep black eyes, an indistinct smile appeared involuntarily, and the sides of her tightly pursed lips raised slightly.

The moonlight is hazy, in this hazy light, I imagine my wife is like a lotus in water.

The blood all over her body rushed to her brain instantly, she must be a perfect work of art, beautiful and refined, immature and pure.

Soon, hearing the sound of splashing water behind her, Li Yanhong stood up from the basin, wiped it off in a hurry, and then ran to the bed, "Slow down, I fell."

Out of instinctive concern, Zhou Zisong turned his head and yelled at Li Yanhong who was running towards the bed, sounding a little unhappy.

Li Yanhong was startled, slipped on her feet, and fell to one side. Zhou Zisong took a step forward to grab her, and suddenly felt her body fly into the air. It turned out that Zhou Zisong hugged her. Even though Zhou Zisong was Liu Xiahui now, his eyes squinted, but The feeling in his hands still made him feel agitated, but Li Yanhong kept shy and didn't dare to open her eyes.
''I haven't finished washing yet, I want to get a change of clothes. ''

He opened his eyes and met his dark eyes.

"Oh, I'll find it for you."

He said in a hoarse voice, looking at her with a serious smile, which was different from him before.

Li Yanhong blushed a little.

Looking secretly at Zhou Zisong, he is a good husband who takes care of others seriously, gradually the tension in his heart eased, and he felt warm in his heart.

The corners of Zhou Zisong's mouth curled up in the darkness, and he carried his daughter-in-law back into the bathtub. It was a long night, and there was no rush.

(End of this chapter)

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