Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1021 Is the child in danger?

Chapter 1021 Is the Child in Danger?
"Who is Lu Sihui's family?"

The nurse glanced at the few people outside the door, and finally her eyes naturally fell on Zhou Zixu.

What a handsome and powerful man, why is he so handsome?

"I am her husband, has my wife given birth?"

Zhou Zixu didn't have time to talk to the delicate pregnant woman, so he ran to ask the nurse.

"Not yet, the mother's amniotic fluid broke first, and it was her first child. She gave birth very slowly. Fortunately, she is in good physical condition and can persist until now. There is one thing to say. The doctor found that the baby's umbilical cord was entangled in the neck. Dangerous, need to sign, if necessary, adults and children can only choose one, you can discuss it and see who to choose?"

What the nurse said frightened Zhou Zixu into chills. He pushed her away and rushed into the delivery room without picking up the pen and paper.

"Hey, you can't go in."

The nurse yelled at him from behind, Zhou Zixu didn't care about anything, he only had his wife in his heart.

"Have you heard, how dangerous is it to have a baby? I won't have one, don't choose."

The noisy pregnant woman outside cried even more when she heard what the nurse said, trembling with fright.

Over there, old man Zhou got a headache from her noise, and after hearing what the nurse said, the old man had high blood pressure, and sat on the bench with a flushed face.

"Old man? Nurse, is there any medicine? Our old man has a bad heart."

Aunt Su realized something was wrong and yelled at the nurse, and someone over there naturally pushed the old man into the emergency room.

There was a lot of noise outside, but it was very quiet in the delivery room.

Lu Sihui lay pale in the delivery room, annoyed in her heart, she should insist on pushing Aunt Su out and take the medicine first in the space capsule.

Well now, it hurts so much.

The intestines seemed to be ripped off, and the child still refused to come out.

"Sihui, Sihui."

Zhou Zixu shouted Sihui's name loudly, and he rushed into the room.

"Comrade, you can't come in."

The doctors and nurses got up to chase away people, but they were forced back by his fierce eyes. This man carried an inviolable force.

"Zixu, listen to the doctor and go out first."

When Zixu came, Lu Sihui's face turned red, her current posture was a bit unsightly, and she didn't want him to see it.

"No, Sihui, I want to accompany you."

Seeing his daughter-in-law sweating profusely and looking weak, Zhou Zixu felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

He went to hold her hand, took out the handkerchief, and wiped her sweat lovingly.

"Comrade, there will be another pregnant woman coming in soon, it is inconvenient for you to be here."

The doctor had to drive people away again.

"Zixu, be obedient and go out."

When Lu Sihui spoke again, she still hoped that he could stay by her side to accompany her.

"Doctor, I choose my wife."

Zhou Zixu looked at the doctor, snatched the family signature from the nurse, and signed his name directly.

After signing, his Adam's apple rolled back and forth, and his eye circles were red.

That was his and Sihui's child. He had heard his heartbeat and looked forward to his coming to the world.

But now, he wants to sign and renounce him.

My heart hurts like a knife.

When Lu Sihui heard his words, she was startled. What do you mean?Is her child in danger?
"Doctor, I'm going to the bathroom, the baby will come back and give birth."

Lu Sihui sat up suddenly and ran to the ground by herself.

"Nonsense, Gong Kai has four fingers, and he's still going to the bathroom."

The doctor scolded Lu Sihui angrily, but after meeting her eyes as cold as the abyss, he was too scared to say anything more.

Such a strong aura, these two are really alike, one look can freeze you to death.

"Zixu, hold me up."

Lu Sihui doesn't count on others, she only trusts her husband at this time.

"Doctor, can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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